Content Director of Art
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:14 am
Ok so not sure if y'all know but I asked Dutch to be made a mod and he agreed so yeah, I'm one now. Don't cross me.
More importantly, though, I was made Content Director of Art... Now I realize that I've prolly just been given the title because I've married into his family, but I'm gonna do something, dammit!
My first order of business is to fix the gallery. There is a whole ton of other stuffs I wanna do, but getting a user friendly, interactive gallery is tops. Don't get me wrong, the one we have now is aiight, but it just doesn't have much of a draw to visit it, and it can be somewhat confusing.
My unkowledgeable solution: find a new gallery system that incorporates right into the phpBB system. Now the phpBB system part is Dutch's words. I didn't know until about 5 minutes ago, what phpBB was.
I don't know squat about coding language, site construction, etc..
So I'm asking the DAC crew to help a brotha out. Where do we start to fix the gallery? Suggestions? Forceful commands?
If we can get ourselves a nice gallery going, we can really start attracting some artists, modders, etc.. or whatever we're interested in attracting. Right now the site is pretty dead as far as community goes. My main interest is attracting more like-minded dudes/dudettes to the site for some of the discussions that I come here for.
When I think of the people on this site, I think most have the common bond of creativity. We also enjoy sci-fi for the most part. So I think the gallery can be a way, if we reach out to artists at first, to attract some likeable folks who atleast are not just useless FO3 fanboys.
I would like to eventually hold contests and shit (by shit i mean more contests).
Thoughts!? How does one go about switching galleries? Does anyone know?
More importantly, though, I was made Content Director of Art... Now I realize that I've prolly just been given the title because I've married into his family, but I'm gonna do something, dammit!
My first order of business is to fix the gallery. There is a whole ton of other stuffs I wanna do, but getting a user friendly, interactive gallery is tops. Don't get me wrong, the one we have now is aiight, but it just doesn't have much of a draw to visit it, and it can be somewhat confusing.
My unkowledgeable solution: find a new gallery system that incorporates right into the phpBB system. Now the phpBB system part is Dutch's words. I didn't know until about 5 minutes ago, what phpBB was.
I don't know squat about coding language, site construction, etc..
So I'm asking the DAC crew to help a brotha out. Where do we start to fix the gallery? Suggestions? Forceful commands?
If we can get ourselves a nice gallery going, we can really start attracting some artists, modders, etc.. or whatever we're interested in attracting. Right now the site is pretty dead as far as community goes. My main interest is attracting more like-minded dudes/dudettes to the site for some of the discussions that I come here for.
When I think of the people on this site, I think most have the common bond of creativity. We also enjoy sci-fi for the most part. So I think the gallery can be a way, if we reach out to artists at first, to attract some likeable folks who atleast are not just useless FO3 fanboys.
I would like to eventually hold contests and shit (by shit i mean more contests).
Thoughts!? How does one go about switching galleries? Does anyone know?