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Mass Effect 2 - I hate buying legit copies of games

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:35 am
by Kashluk
I bought Mass Effect 2. And it fucking sucks how much trouble I need to go through to get this shit installed. First of all, it has two different sets of serial keys (wtf?), but the worst trouble began before I could even hit the [install]-button. Both of the discs show up empty: there's only a file called desktop.ini on both. I guess it's some sort of anti-piracy bullshit motherfucking crap, but all it does is make my product unusable.

The workaround I found on the internet was to download and install Daemon Tools(!) and turn the discs into .iso-files so I could mount them.

How fucking lovely. We'll see how this goes.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:50 am
by SenisterDenister
I had none of those problems, but then again I bought it off Steam. Good luck.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:56 am
by Manoil
Aparently the game for ethreesixttttttttty was twaodisc so its pr obaly the same dieal

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:13 am
by Wolfman Walt
DRM is ruining gaming. I bought Splinter Cell conviction for my computer, but I'm almost afraid to install it as it might provide Ubisoft a gateway to owning my soul like the fridge from Ghostbusters. There is no Walt, there's only Zuul, motherfucker, Zuul.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:43 am
by Kashluk
Yeah, apparently the DRM does not compute with my Samsung Super Writemaster DVD-RW drive. If my girlfriend didn't own a laptop (on which the discs actually work!), I would've been screwed.

So now I'm copying those files on to her HDD, after which I will transfer the files to my computer through LAN and then... I guess I'll just have to turn those files into fucking ISO disc images, the ones I could've downloaded from PirateBay in the first place.

Jesus fucking Christ. I really hate being honest and paying for my games.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:57 am
by Wolfman Walt
I knew a guy who owned the Gold edition of FEAR and the only way he could get it to work is by pirating it. If he ever tried to use his legitimate copy it would tell him to insert the legitimate copy.

Really - DRM is just the game industry trying to kill off PC gaming so they can control the market better with console gaming.

Re: Mass Effect 2 - I hate buying legit copies of games

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 11:41 am
by VasikkA
Kashluk wrote:How fucking lovely. We'll see how this goes.
Steel be with you, paladin :salute:

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:22 pm
by Blargh
By most accounts the pirates aren't having much fun with it either. Though for entirely different reasons. Ehue. :drunk:

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:02 pm
by entertainer
people who buy shit games itt

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:20 pm
by inomel
entertainer wrote:people who buy shit games dotdotdot
When the publisher and or/devs smear their feces on the game before you buy it, it's unavoidable. Some things don't wash off. All that DRM anger on Amazon and youtube is still relevant today.

Now when I buy a game, it involves how much patience I have to wait for an 'enhancement' (crack/workaround/mod) while the game sits on the shelf til I can play it. Or I have to go through the tech chasing hoop jumping that Gimp Mask described...

I feel for gamers. Never had to crack or pirate before a year ago.

Moronics is the new greed bastard.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:07 pm
by CloudNineGT
On the upside the game itself has some memorable moments, mostly two likable characters. Right when it threatened to be too repetitive a reprieve from the "go here, fight, good job!" missions is had. This is not to say that these do not make up a majority of the game.
It may not be saying much thanks to the competition, but this is the richest setting in a new scifi game that I've encountered.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:44 pm
by inomel
Moments are nice, but is a worthy game experience too much to ask in this world of bean-counting-bury-the-bar milk-jobbing?

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:18 am
by Kashluk
Eventually I got the wanker to work.

Aaaand... It's actually better than I expected. Pretty nice sci-fi role-playing action. Repetitive at certain points, sure, but well written dialogue and nicely moving story keep the shit flowing.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:51 am
by VasikkA
I'm still on the moon in Mass Effect part one. D:

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:52 pm
by Yonmanc
VasikkA wrote:I'm still on the moon in Mass Effect part one. D:
I got rid of it. Then stupidly bought it again thinking "I didn't give it enough of a try and everyone seems to like it"

4 months ago I was at one of the bits were those snake things burst from the ground and destroy your vehicle instantly.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:04 am
I've never had a problem with DRM before but I would be pretty mad about it not working if there was no alternatives. You can probably buy the game and then just pirate it to keep a clean conscience.

Either way I liked Mass Effect 2 for all the same reasons you like it Kashluk and also it had a very action movie type of feel to me in which you have to recruit some hardcore people to fight some bad guys and that's pretty much it. Something so simple about the story but cool made it pretty memorable.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:38 am
by Kashluk
The continuity is also nice. You know, some (rather small, but still) decisions carrying all the way from part one to the yet-to-come part three. With all the variations in between with part two.

But god damn it, I do hate how they try to cater to the teenage audience with alien cleavage.
It's just ridicilous. That specific character is supposed to be some bad-ass fuck-you-attitude warrior. And she jumps around in war zones and uncharted space territories with her tits showing around. It's just plain stupid.

And, Pooper, about the whole action movie part... Watch this: ... re=related

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:50 pm
by sydneyroo
Maybe they'll just be saying to download cracked version right in the manual provided legit one doesn't work.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:09 pm
by PiP
lol at having to use daemon tools :chuckel:

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 7:43 pm
by CloudNineGT
On the other hand that boobed alien has one of my favorite missions associated with her.