SoA preview on HomeLAN Fed

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SoA preview on HomeLAN Fed

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

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<a href="">HomeLAN Fed</a> has posted a <A href="">preview</a> of <A href="">Soldiers of Anarchy</a> based upon a beta build of the game they've recieved. Here's a bit of it about the modelling and vehicles:<blockquote>One of the cool things about Soldiers of Anarchy is the vehicles that your soldiers can operate. From jeeps to tanks to helicopters and even jets, the game will allow your team to take control of these real-world style vehicles to take out enemies and object in the game. Silver Style is promising that nearly everything in the game will be destructible. The environments are in full 3D and take place in a number of locations, from ruined cities to military complexes and more.During our time with the game we were very impressed with Soldiers of Anarchy’s graphics engine and also the animation of the characters and units. Soldiers can crouch on the ground, crawl to avoid being seen by enemies, and even climb over walls. Soldiers can also exchange weapons and items with each other through a very simple drag and drop interface through the game’s HUD. The unit animations for things like vehicles are very detailed, right down to working lights on the jeeps. Vehicles can also be upgraded and repaired as well. If you need ammo for the Hummer that your team just commandeered you can supplied.</blockquote>BTW, a demo of this game is supposed to be out soon for those were are interested in a little more modern post apocalyptic warfare.
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