How Special Encounters Could Be Remade in The New Fallouts
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:50 am
In the Classic Fallouts, there was no "wandering the wasteland" you traveled using a world map with a grid, so while on the world map and traveling between one area to another you'd occasionally get interrupted by enemies randomly (a random encounter).
Special encounters were different though.
As Quoted From The Vault "Special encounters are random encounters, often non-canonical, and are unique compared to more common encounters which may consist of hostile NPCs. They usually serve as entertaining points of humor, though some are very dangerous (Mad Brahmins), while some grant access to unique, sometimes powerful loot (Bridge Keeper). Most of these encounters consist of humorous pop culture references or other games or even earlier Fallout games (The Cafe of Broken Dreams). "
I've started this thread with the hope that we can hash out a way to making the Classic Fallout encounters (Bridge of Death, Godzilla Footprint, Tardis, Vorpal Bunny, etc.) possible, and perhaps open the possiblites of new ones in the future.
All encounters should of course be tied to the Wild Wasteland perk, so that way players can play the game with or without encounters (Which are all silly since that is what they are all supposed to be)
I came up with two possible ways (Saying this now, I'm not a modder I'm the idea guy)
Method 1
Using New worldspaces (theres a mod with a blank one) and a script that activates on new exterior cells.
The details are this, the script has a chance of activating everytime you enter a new cell while your outside (so you can't walk into a building and encounter the bridge of death)
The script would up your chances of encounters by your luck skill, level should also probably be a factor so you don't get weapons and armors too early.
The script once activated, would give you a choice by using a standard message box, The box would say something like
"You have encountered a group of men banging halves of coconuts together (Monty Python), Do You wish to proceed? Yes or No."
Choose yes and your character is teleported to the worldspace of that encounter, does the encounter and leaves using an activator and message box.
Choose no and continue on your journey until the script promts you again.
This method would ensure no space is used that could conflict with other mods. And makes the encounters truely random, as there would be no specific cell to go to, to force the encounter.
Of course their would need to be certain cells that activate the script so you don't encounter things in towns or while fighting outside.
Method 2.
The encounters would be done similar to upgrading houses, by having the objects always present but disabled, and a script that activates either randomly or upon something like the 4th time the courier loads that cell.
Then by disabling normal area objects and enabling the encounters objects the encounter would appear. However this would make the encounter use possible conflicting space, and also would make them in one set location rather than truely random.
A second script would need to activate to disable all the objects again after the courier is done with the encounter, so as to minimize conflicts possibly.
So those are hopefully how special encounters may be done, as I said before, I can't even mod a bit, not even port mods, but this is what I could come up with. I look forward to any critisim since it'd make the community one step closer to Classic Fallout type encounters.
Special encounters were different though.
As Quoted From The Vault "Special encounters are random encounters, often non-canonical, and are unique compared to more common encounters which may consist of hostile NPCs. They usually serve as entertaining points of humor, though some are very dangerous (Mad Brahmins), while some grant access to unique, sometimes powerful loot (Bridge Keeper). Most of these encounters consist of humorous pop culture references or other games or even earlier Fallout games (The Cafe of Broken Dreams). "
I've started this thread with the hope that we can hash out a way to making the Classic Fallout encounters (Bridge of Death, Godzilla Footprint, Tardis, Vorpal Bunny, etc.) possible, and perhaps open the possiblites of new ones in the future.
All encounters should of course be tied to the Wild Wasteland perk, so that way players can play the game with or without encounters (Which are all silly since that is what they are all supposed to be)
I came up with two possible ways (Saying this now, I'm not a modder I'm the idea guy)
Method 1
Using New worldspaces (theres a mod with a blank one) and a script that activates on new exterior cells.
The details are this, the script has a chance of activating everytime you enter a new cell while your outside (so you can't walk into a building and encounter the bridge of death)
The script would up your chances of encounters by your luck skill, level should also probably be a factor so you don't get weapons and armors too early.
The script once activated, would give you a choice by using a standard message box, The box would say something like
"You have encountered a group of men banging halves of coconuts together (Monty Python), Do You wish to proceed? Yes or No."
Choose yes and your character is teleported to the worldspace of that encounter, does the encounter and leaves using an activator and message box.
Choose no and continue on your journey until the script promts you again.
This method would ensure no space is used that could conflict with other mods. And makes the encounters truely random, as there would be no specific cell to go to, to force the encounter.
Of course their would need to be certain cells that activate the script so you don't encounter things in towns or while fighting outside.
Method 2.
The encounters would be done similar to upgrading houses, by having the objects always present but disabled, and a script that activates either randomly or upon something like the 4th time the courier loads that cell.
Then by disabling normal area objects and enabling the encounters objects the encounter would appear. However this would make the encounter use possible conflicting space, and also would make them in one set location rather than truely random.
A second script would need to activate to disable all the objects again after the courier is done with the encounter, so as to minimize conflicts possibly.
So those are hopefully how special encounters may be done, as I said before, I can't even mod a bit, not even port mods, but this is what I could come up with. I look forward to any critisim since it'd make the community one step closer to Classic Fallout type encounters.