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Red Faction: Armageddon

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:32 am
by Stalagmite
Lovin' this game so far def worth a Steam purchase if you got some funds kickin' around. Fun as hell destructable environments n shit with a much better story and much more straightforward game than the Guerrilla.

If you're lookin' for a new game where you just wanna cause mayhem and destroy shit not just organic beings but structures to you know here it is plenty of opportunities for that.

There's aliens underground in Mars your jobs to fuck 'em up before some evil dude gets hold of them for his armies it's lookin' like that's how it's goin' so far you know.

Def recommend at this point

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 4:49 am
by SenisterDenister
Waiting till Red Orchestra 2 comes out before I get another game.

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:01 am
by Stalagmite
Mad Max RW wrote:How is it compared to the first Red Faction because it's the only one I played and moderately enjoyed.
Well let's just say that I "moderately enjoyed" the first one as well but thought the other ones sucked bat shit. Somehow, though, this one is fun. Bioshock-like upgrades and shit with a Deadspacey atmosphere, but you can fuck up all the structures and shit and make them fall on enemies and you find hidden salvage for upgrades in the shit you destroy altogether making it encouraging to go on destructable rampages you know overall combat is satisfying.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:49 am
Guerilla was pretty cool, this one I haven't been watching but I guess I'll have to get it.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:55 am
by Stalagmite
POOPERSCOOPER wrote:Guerilla was pretty cool, this one I haven't been watching but I guess I'll have to get it.
yeah man most def, there's definitely some fun to be had there, and I hate to see a decent game get stepped over. it's pretty long, and gets hard pretty quick (lol dick jokes!). If you liked Deadspace and Red Faction: Guerrilla you should definitely dig this.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:01 am
by rad resistance
This game's the madnote way better then the previous Red Faction.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:55 pm
by Mismatch
I had a look at some screenies, looked third person to me. Is it? 3rd person action games feel wonky... and the main char looked like a cockrubber.... like some Russian all male cabaret. Not for me I dare say.
Fucking poles.