Fallout: Lanius update

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King of Creation
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Fallout: Lanius update

Post by King of Creation »

<strong>[ Film & TV -> Interview ]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://www.falloutwiki.com/Wade Savage">Person: Wade Savage</a> | More info on <a href="http://www.falloutwiki.com/Fallout: Lanius">Film & TV: Fallout: Lanius</a>

<p><strong>Wade Savage</strong>, the man behind <em><strong>Fallout: Lanius</strong></em>, let me know about a new interview he's done for Wethegamerz. Here are some highlights:</p>
<p><em><strong>What inspired you to create a short film about Lanius?</strong>

I&rsquo;ve been a Fallout fan since the first two games, of which I&rsquo;ve played over and over. I enjoyed Fallout 3, but Fallout: New Vegas was something altogether different. I really loved the atmosphere and writing. I loved the characters and voice acting, how the world was put together and fleshed out.

I&rsquo;ve been wanting to do a Video Game Fan film for years, but I just needed to do something no one had done before. I thought the Lanius origin story was really fun, and that the tribal/Caesar&rsquo;s Legion dynamic is rarely looked at. I wasn&rsquo;t really interested in doing the usual Fallout stuff, as I think that &lsquo;Nuka Break&rsquo; covered it.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Have other Fallout fan films, like Fallout: Nuka Break, inspired your creative direction at all?</strong></em></p>
<p><em>&lsquo;Nuka Break&rsquo; played a big role in my wanting to do a &lsquo;serious&rsquo; toned </em><em>Fallout film. They&rsquo;ve done an amazing job at creating a parody/comedy/meta </em><em>Fallout world. I&rsquo;m more interested in drama, conflict and the exploration of people in a harsh world. I&rsquo;ve also seen &lsquo;Desert Story&rsquo;, &lsquo;Deprivation&rsquo; and I&rsquo;ve been contacted by the &lsquo;Fallout: Houston&rsquo; folks, who are fantastic. My primary inspiration however is the tone and atmosphere of </em><em>Fallout: New Vegas. Nothing can beat that.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>As for questions about the title character himself: Lanius is such an enigmatic character, with several origin stories. How will you work to build that aura of mystery around him?</strong></em></p>
<p><em>Before I even touched the script, I made sure to contact both Chris Avellone (Creative Director at Obsidian) and John Gonzalez (Lead writer on </em><em>Fallout: New Vegas). I wanted to make sure I had a good understanding of what Lanius was as a character, rather than just a video game antagonist. The way that I&rsquo;ve written him, he&rsquo;s this warrior who only lives for victory. However, he&rsquo;s not an animal. He has a very particular set of values. Mind you, his people are still pretty freaked out by him because he&rsquo;s kind of emotionless. He&rsquo;s a very tricky character to write, but I believe we&rsquo;ve got the right elements together to make him work.</em></p>
<p><em><strong><strong>Will there be any light shed on the Hidebarks, the tribe Lanius belonged to before joining the Legion?</strong></strong></em></p>
<p><em>Yes, this will be the first time that Lanius&rsquo; tribe, the Hidebarks, will be seen. The idea that our designer Simon Boxer has, was to make them this clash of tribal elements of the White Legs and tribal ideas from </em><em>Fallout 2. The way I see them, the Hidebark were nastier and smarter than the White Legs (from &lsquo;Honest Hearts&rsquo;) , but were too small to really continue their campaign against the Legion.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Will Joshua Graham, The Burned Man, play a part in Fallout: Lanius?</strong></em></p>
<p><em>Sadly, not in this film. Aside from Lanius, Joshua Graham and The Survivalist (Randall Clark) are my favourite </em><em>Fallout characters. Depending on how this film goes, I&rsquo;d love to do a film about either of them next&hellip;</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Lanius has led numerous successful conquests for the Legion. Will we see what made him such an efficient leader?</strong></em></p>
<p><em>In Fallout: Lanius, we primarily explore the origin story of Legate Lanius and how he became the man he is. However, that&rsquo;s not saying we don&rsquo;t see him in action. We do also get to see his unrelenting expectations of others. He&rsquo;s a kind of death before dishonour kind of man, and we get to see that. I&rsquo;ve also seen him as a fantastic tactician, but in terms of this film we see firsthand why he&rsquo;s so bloodthirsty.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Lanius appears to be generally disliked by the Legion, with Caesar refusing to call him a &ldquo;great man&rdquo;. Will we see what made the Legion dislike Lanius?</strong></em></p>
<p><em>Oh yeah. In fact, we see in the opening scene of the film why they hate him- but I won&rsquo;t spoil it. Let&rsquo;s just say, when he wants to, Lanius can really make a mess.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Will we get to see Lanius in his iconic armor?</strong></em></p>
<p><em>Absolutely. I&rsquo;ve got one of the hottest Special FX designers in Australia already working on it. It&rsquo;s going to look pretty damn cool.</em></p>
<p><em><strong>Okay, last question&ndash;I think I already know the answer, but what faction do you normally side with, and why?
<p><em>Actually, on my first run through I did the &lsquo;Yes Man&rsquo; independent New Vegas ending. I didn&rsquo;t do a Legion ending until on my second play through! My personal preference, is to play a pragmatic character. Cruel, but kind too. Again, another reason I loved </em><em>Fallout: New Vegas so much. Very few games give you the feeling that your choices have real consequences.</em></p>
<p>You can check out the<a href="http://www.wethegamerz.com/2012/04/28/i ... -k-savage/"> whole interview here</a>.</p>
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