For some reason (still haven't pinned it down...), the speech file for JB2 (and apparently JB3) don't work automatically for some people. All you need to do is to assign 'em yourself, and you're good-to-go. If you don't know how:
) Open up the .mis file in the level editor
2) Near the top of the screen, you'll see things like Select, Tile, Entity, Entity Edit, etc. Click on Level
3) Near the bottom-left of the screen, you'll see some buttons. One of which is 'Speech File...'. Click on it.
4) Find the speech file (JB2_speech.txt or JB3_speech.txt, whichever map you're playin') and double-click on it. DO NOT SELECT IT AND CLICK 'OPEN'. It won't work. Don't ask me why
5) Save the map (File -> Save).
6) Load up yer savegame and yer set! Since you'll be starting from JB3, you might have to load up a savegame from JB2 (or, better yet, JB1 so you can play JB2 like it was meant to). If you still have problems after assigning the speech file to both maps yourself, just start over from JB1.
7) Post in the Map Reviews forum after you're done :mrgreen:
Also, if you play my Rebellion campaign, you might need to assign the speech files yourself for Rebellion1 - dunno 'bout Reb2 or Reb3 (since I've gotten next to zero feedback on the maps so far...
BTW, it's spelled "Violence"
But at least you got the hyphen right!