Cyberpunk 2077 sequel.
Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 10:14 am
Now that the Cyberbunk game is about to be released within the next few years I have been thinking all morning of a pitch to break into the gaming industry, what do you think. A prequel. Set in 2005. It would be like the Sims but with all the modern conveniences. Roombas, Hue lamps, Bluetooth all the cyber noir you could envisage back in 2002. The house will be mostly stainless steel, and it will have computer terminals, garbage and absolutely no cable trunking, just cables everywhere. But how will the Roomba be able to navigate? Thus begins our first quest. The protagonist is a young hacker called Neo, played by the 3D wire frame model of Hollywood film star Mark Wahlberg's brother Paul, world famous cook. He will be responsible for the catering during the development. It is a prequel, so the graphics should be worse, using the Sims engine license. The game will switch between Neo's home and his office, I think we will have a driving simulator between the locations. Imagine LA traffic, slow speed, smog as far as the eye can see, it will require very little processing power. In the workplace you will receive mysterious phone calls, your task is to redirect them to the correct office. NPCs will include such characters as Martha the office Bitch, who will be 3D modelled after my fucking bitch ex-wife. I have lots of photos of her so we will be able to construct a very realistic model, this will take up the bulk of the processing power. I think you should be able to do horrible things to her, I have a list but I will attach it as a separate spread sheet. Also your best friend Homer. He could be like Homer from the Simpsons just a character to lighten the mood in the moments between torturing your ex-wife, saying funny things such as "oh yeah? make me!" or "that's what she said". I think my 4-tier gameplay system of cable management puzzles, slow speed driving, call redirect puzzles and torturing my ex-wife would make for a groundbreaking RPG gaming experience allowing for many different playing styles, even playing it Bogart if you are a classical RPG aficionado. That's mostly it I'm willing to listen to your ideas but I'm not willing to compromise because this is my dream.