Interview with POOPERSCOOPER

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Interview with POOPERSCOOPER

Post by Jeff »

This is a big one for me because none of these recent interviews would ever have come into existence if not for this gentleman's hard work some 11 years ago. I was also pretty saddened to read Pooper's answers because it's apparent he has very much moved on and I've been holding onto some sort of a false sense of hope of him making a return, but now I'll just have go through the 12 step program of grief: sadness, grief, anger and finally denial. But if you love something let it go, so I hope you find true happiness outside of DAC brother. I'm just bumming myself out writing this so here's the interview:


Gimp Mask: First of all it's an honor to get to interview my all-time favourite journalist. It's literally like when Luke Skywalker interviewed Yoda. What do you think about me carrying on the legacy of Sir Pooperscooper and am I doing a decent enough of a job?

POOPERSCOOPER: I think you are doing great and I would pick no one else to carry on the series, I was very surprised you got Saint Proverbius as I remember him being a guy I looked up to 2003-2004 when I first join the Codex and Fallout community but went away kind of soon after.

GM: Master Pooper. Is Megatron my father? I must know.

P: It would make sense if he was, you both have a similar style that I thought was fun and interesting. I've always been a very by the rules and disciplined person in real life and I always looked up to members of the community like you and Megatron who seemed to take life like a chill ride into the sunset while the world burned.

GM: The reason I started doing these was because after my latest comeback I went through a bunch of old shit and realized the cultural value of your interviews. It was also fun to read them 10 years after they were conducted and reflect on how people thought things would go down vs what actually happened. How do you personally feel about those interviews?

P: I started doing them mostly because I was genuinely interested in members of the community who I considered friends and never got to ask them questions that I would if we were face to face in real time and not around some thread about a specific subject. It was also one of my ways of trying to revive the site, seems like it's a common theme that everyone claims DAC is dead but then it keeps lingering on. I was trying my hardest to keep the site alive with news postings about Fallout New Vegas and community interviews, etc. I don't remember if many people enjoyed them but everyone seemed receptive to doing them and I did my best.

GM: Are you still into the whole feeding fetish thing or have you developed new interests?

P: Hahaha. Yes, I am. I don't get a lot of videos made for the fetish but the ones I did about 10 years ago are really popular. Felt like I had to get the content I wanted made or no one would do it as I was always disappointed with most of what was put out lol. It's actually been quite difficult with the fetish as I tried many years trying to get rid of it and there isn't a lot of good understanding of fetishes in psychology. They think maybe it's from some child hood experience that was imprinted onto me. I've always been ashamed of it and turned on by it at the same time but it's made my dating life somewhat difficult. Lately I've kind of just accepted to let my freak flag out and accept it for what it is as I don't think there is a lot that can be done about it.

GM: We chatted a bit before the interview, you told me you thought the site was dead until I messaged you (I was just as surprised when I rediscovered DAC a few months back). How did it make you feel to find out that DAC is still around? Like are you happy that the place at least exists or do you find it depressing how things have quieted down? Everyone's answer has been "I don't really care whatevers lol" but I'm going to keep asking anyway.

P: It was a rush of mixed feelings, that of pleasurable nostalgia and depression. I spent a very long time in the community and talked to a lot of people and some turned into very close friends but it's also kind of a life I moved on from through age and it seems like a lot of other people did to. I find that depressing that the people I cared about moved on but that is a part of life. DAC held a place in my heart and I will always remember that.

GM: Do you think there's any chance of some sort of a DAC renaissance? The forums will be updated very soon by Taluntain and I'm naively confident that there's enough interest to keep at least the forums running smoothly in the future, I don't know about the website side. Obviously DAC will never reach the level of activity it once enjoyed, but it would be nice if it would stay online and old timers stopped by to post every now and then. Strange as it may seem, DACers and everyone in Mamma's Gang in particular are actually pretty darn dear to me (I just suck at keeping in touch with pretty much anyone, even in real life); I'm pretty sure I spent more time online with you guys than I did with my real life friends at some point.

P: It would be a difficult task, NMA is kind of the official fan fallout website (I think) and with the explosion of reddit it seems like all the new comers go to that. I honestly think it would need some driver and I don't know exactly what that is. Most of the community is old now and usually communities need an influx of new and I don't what the driver for new people would be. I spent way more time with online friends than I did with real friends that was pretty much my highschool and college experience. I didn't go to college parties I went on IRC #fallout and talked shit with people all around the world. I wouldn't change it either lol.

GM: A follow-up question: to me DAC represents the golden era of the Internet, which I'm sure is a big reason why I've really enjoyed being back (besides the sheer nostalgia value of the site). It's also kind of a counterreaction I guess: I'm getting pretty sick of all of the Reddit, Facebook, what have you modern fancy bullshit. Do you have any thoughts on this?

P: DAC and website likes RPGcodex and Somethingawful all had a basic community of thought and style which I liked, even though it was usually negative haha. When I go to places like reddit it feels like there is no barrier of entry, every type of person just blasts their opinions and then I never see them again. Feels like there is no community on reddit, you just see a million different people saying vastly different things about a subreddit topic. Maybe there is something to it? Like you have to have a basic style and knowledge about a topic. I feel like the forums kind of have that. Twitter drives me insane as it's people just saying stuff to get a reaction and I feel like with reddit I'm reading something written by a 12 year old (I guess that was me many years ago)

GM: Back when Megatron interviewed you, you mentioned that you're more of a IRC guy. Are you still active on IRC? #fallout at least is pretty much dead. This is a bit of a plug, but Amis started a DAC Discord channel very recently, do you think something like this has any potential?

P: I was definitely more of an IRC guy, I liked the real time conversations with people. Kind of felt like the community interviews I did to be honest, I can ask anything I have interest in right now (and not being confined to a thread topic) and get an instant response. I was very active for like 13 years and then I felt like it was time to call it quits (I think 2015-2016) as I felt I needed a change in my life, I think it collapsed after that. I had a hard time with some of the people on IRC in the later years being just a pain in the ass and abusing the purposeful lack of moderation. I remember Dreadnought being one of them, I must have banned him 100 times. I hear tons of people talk about Discord but I've never used it and I don't understand what it is to be honest. Sounds like reddit and discord are evolutions of forums and IRC.

GM: If you received Spacecat in mint condition, what would you do with it?

P: I would cherish it like a god. I remember when Megatron did that, felt like if he did that in any other forum people would ban him and call the police.

GM: I've always thought that you're a real stand-up guy; polite, empathetic, kind. I just wanted to say I love you mang and wish there were more people like you in this world.

P: Thanks Gimpmask! I've always considered you a close online friend and I was excited to talk to you every time you came back from your life to spend some time with us on DAC or #fallout.

GM: Have you actively stayed in touch with any DACers outside of DAC?

P: I haven't really. I was friends on facebook with a few (kashluk was one) but I think I removed them for various reasons like wanted to move on in life. I'm still friends with a 1 or 2 guys who were #fallout regulars but they never really visited DAC much.

GM: How's your health?

P: Health is good, around the time I left DAC I started hitting the gym hard and never stopped until the pandemic. I started doing homework outs most of last year but I got tired of them towards the end and got a bunch of workout equipment at our office that I use at least 5 days a week. I'm 34 years old so still pretty young in the big scheme of things I guess.

GM: Besides the world-famous interviews, you also used to write lots of reviews for games and movies and stuff. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that you're the best in the business. Have you done any sort of reviewing or interviewing outside of DAC?

P: I haven't really, maybe I do a steam review of a game once awhile but I feel like I need a community I know who will actually listen and I'm not just shooting my opinion out into the void. I believe maybe my last interview was with Chris Avellone and I wanted to shoot like real questions to him unlike game journalist who always want to suck a developer's dick. I asked him questions I wanted to know the answers to and told him how I thought of his games. Apparently the PR team at Obsidian didn't like his answers and I was never able to see them. I believe that was the last "real" interview/ review I did.

GM: Do you like to party?

P: For a while I did, trying to pick up girls at bars. Strips clubs with friends. I've moved on from that now though. I'm a simple man now.

GM: The other day you posted "I want to just buy the website and then have a crew of some hard ass gangsters run it." In all honesty I think it's an excellent plan, I hope this is the new direction of DAC, and I can't think of harder gangsters than Mamma's gangsters.

P: We had some fun times in Mamma's Gang, no one messed with us.

GM: While I appreciate Blagh's contributions to the community, I always read like 5 words of his posts and skipped the rest because I just didn't get any of it. Did you put any serious effort into trying to decipher his posts?

P: I honestly don't remember Blagh much but sometimes if they went too wild I would skip it and move onto the members I really enjoyed.

GM: Do you have any old DAC relics / pictures / good stuff still on your computer? Me and Hyacinth have been digging up the olden goldies but a lot of it is probably gone for good unfortunately.

P: Unfortunately I don't, though I had a lot of good stuff at one point. I think I deleted pretty much all of it in my attempts to move from the online sphere into real world. I'm glad I did give a group of people all the IRC chat logs because apparently they are haunting Rex Exitium with them which makes me smile.

GM: There are so many things I would like to ask you but I don't want to take up any more of your valuable time because I know you're a busy bee. Any parting thoughts?

P: I think you did a good interview and to be honest I've had weird feelings this week after reading your private messages because of all the flood of memories. In regards to Fallout, I was more of a Fallout 1 guy and liked Fallout 2. I thought Fallout 3 was garbage but was really excited for Fallout: New Vegas but when I played it I felt like the magic was gone which broke my heart because I was waiting very anxiously for that game. Last year or so I've tried getting back into gaming which has been hard because I don't have the same passion. I played Divinity Original Sin 2 which was fantastic but took myself about a year to push myself through. I'm playing through Wasteland 3 now which give me some original Fallout vibes.
Last edited by Jeff on Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Jeff »

I was very surprised you got Saint Proverbius
I'm happy to say that everyone has agreed to an interview thus far!
Lately I’ve kind of just accepted to let my freak flag out and accept it for what it is as I don’t think there is a lot that can be done about it.
The only way to lead a happy life.
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Post by Jeff »

here is the non-interview with Chris Avellone: ... p?p=453151
Ron Pearlman once said he wanted to kill you, can you explain why? Do you think he will remember you when or if you see him again?
Come on mang. I see you have other little interviews and shit on the internet recently, why aren't you putting mine to the top of the queue? DAC is important and not one that you want to make enemies with.
Who are you getting approval from anyways? Do you need approval for any interview you do from Uncle Furgus? Why not just get rid of the questions like about Alpha protocal if that is the one holding it up. Don't be a swell guy.
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Thanks for the interview Gimp. Mammas Gang will always be in my heart.

I also apologized to Chris Avellone many years later and he was receptive and said not to worry about it. I looked up to Chris and didn't mean to hurt him, just wanted to have fun.
Join us on IRC at #fallout on the network.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

That stuff with MCA will always crack me up. It's good to see you're doing well, too, Poops.
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Post by Hyacinth »


Hey whats your fetish?

Everyone moves on in their life, having DAC as audience or in the back pocket is pretty cool though. 34 is young in the grand scheme and our years here were short, but maybe the big chapter will be the next due to the many years ahead.

Time capsule with the folks of past, always there. Smart phones makes it easy to reply nowadays, not having to sit indoors at a stationary PC.

New people? Drive? Maybe, if the goal was to reignite the forum with new members but I dont think they would adapt well to the culture, If they did and overtook it would be too surreal.

Hey probably some old members have cant post since registration is shut down until the big update.
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Post by Jeff »

New people? Drive? Maybe, if the goal was to reignite the forum with new members but I dont think they would adapt well to the culture, If they did and overtook it would be too surreal.
I think if anyone was interested enough in this forum to join at this point they might be a pretty cool cat you never know. It would be pretty weird but talking to 3 people on a forum for a computer game that came out in 1997 is pretty weird as well. I feel like we are this one big family but families have babies sometimes, and sometimes those babies get banned for bad behavior, that's real life for you. Kinda depends on if you want to keep the site as a kind of a relic where nothing happens and people stop by to say hello a few times a year, or take a risk and try to get some new people on board somehow, I don't think there's middle ground unfortunately as I don't see some sort of a big reunion happening. Just my musings as I slouch in a chair sippin Pepsi all red-eyed from reading DAC all day.
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