Say what? Another Red!Viewer?
Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:46 pm as usual
Code: Select all
- Fixed Icon; dunno why I lost the association in the project
- Fixed Anti-Aliasing which was not anti-aliasing the first line of the picture
(and also wasting some processing on empty pixels).
- Fixed another anti-aliasing bug which caused crashes (only once the first bug
was fixed) and wasted a lot of time rendering useless pixels.
- CAM Added basic Campaign support: you can now view the individual squares on
the map and export them to TGAs (individually for now...) Note that this has
only been tested on the normal CAM file and custom ones might still fail
- SPR Added a missing underscore ("_") which was missing when exporting TGAs
- Changed EXE description because it looked too weird when selecting it with the
"Open With..." dialog