FAQ you, mark 2
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 11:57 am
here we go again... post your questions or comments about OTB's sexyupcoming MOD
The second oldest Fallout gaming community, online since 1998, keeping warm in the nuclear glow.
One that I can think of, and it was something that I just coudn't resist.Slider wrote:How many pop culture references are there?
As long as it doesn't get too Pythonesque with Biggus Dickus, Sillius Soddus and Naughtius Maximus showing up !!!OnTheBounce wrote:One that I can think of, and it was something that I just coudn't resist.Slider wrote:How many pop culture references are there?
For the most part the references/allusions I make aren't to what you could call "pop culture". For instance, one of the squad members in the demo is named "Miles" and his description mentions that he's always patting himself on the back. That would be a reference to "Miles Gloriosus", the braggart soldier, one of the characters in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, which was a Broadway musical made into a film in 1966.
Viktor wrote:
As long as it doesn't get too Pythonesque with Biggus Dickus, Sillius Soddus and Naughtius Maximus showing up !!!
Viktor wrote: Would the scribes hoard just technical and scientific knowledge or would they have an interest in fiction/history/biographies/philosophy???
I can imagine that philosophical and religeous texts might be proscribed just in case the BoS rank and file started thinking outside of established BoS doctrine...
I would also add Destorted History, since you have all these B-movies(which people if not having a history buff background would tend to believe), mixing Hercules and the lost Atlantis and so on. I wouldn't be surprised if in such a community you found books with titles as "Hercules vs Atlantis-A historical Analysis of the known Documentary".Viktor wrote: If Fallout universe history parted company from our Earth history in the 1950's, I can Greek mythology (Homer and the story of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae) being popular along with the history of the Crusades for the more learned and pulp westerns/American Civil War/WWI/WWII stories being favourites for the troops....
Don't worry, I'm taking care to avoid that. While I'm a fan of MP, I have to say that they really went overboard on the MP references, especially in FO2.Viktor wrote: As long as it doesn't get too Pythonesque with Biggus Dickus, Sillius Soddus and Naughtius Maximus showing up !!!
I'm actually putting thing into my campaign that deal with this sort of thing. I'm basically giving the Scribes a bit more to do than simply wandering around the halls of bunkers jabbering on about how they just got back from a long march, or how they kept a bandit ear for good luck.Viktor wrote: On a serious note; what cultural influences do you guys think the BoS would have???
One thing I'd add is that since Mariposa survived the war unscathed and the BoS had its beginnings in the US Army, Field Manuals and regulations would probably have some cultural significance to them. This would hold most true for those manuals dealing with things like "AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of the Uniform" and those ARs dealing with customs and courtesy. While I think that these would undoutedly have been rewritten over the course of roughly 120 years to deal with the BoS' particular circumstances and structures I think that some of these would probably be elevated to near religious levels. Basically, what Bertrand Russell termed "secular religion".Viktor wrote: As TV and radio are long gone, I guess it would come from whatever books/records/CDs/videos/holodisks survived the war and the airship fleet disaster...
People don't do well w/o recreation, and hence I think that the Scribes would latch onto "highbrow" entertainment and/or "geek culture" through their exposure to Antedeluvian technical literature.Viktor wrote: Would the scribes hoard just technical and scientific knowledge or would they have an interest in fiction/history/biographies/philosophy???
I'm not sure about this. It really could go either way. On one hand, you have an organization that sends single squads in to clear out entire encampments of Super Mutants and it would seem that an organization that operated like this would rely heavily on personal initiative and creative thought. On the other hand, we have an organization that - at least as portrayed in FoT - can and will brutally put down any sign of rebellion.Viktor wrote: I can imagine that philosophical and religeous texts might be proscribed just in case the BoS rank and file started thinking outside of established BoS doctrine...
Viktor wrote: If Fallout universe history parted company from our Earth history in the 1950's, I can Greek mythology (Homer and the story of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae) being popular along with the history of the Crusades for the more learned and pulp westerns/American Civil War/WWI/WWII stories being favourites for the troops....