Death animation
Posted: Fri May 03, 2002 9:29 pm
I've been trying to figure this out for a couple
of days, but can't find the answer.
Since the original Fallout I've been playing the games
with a character that has the Bloody mess trait (I know, its useless, but it rocks).
In FoT I've noticed a change in de way characters die with
some weapons.
For example the laser rifle, in FO & FO2 this weapon
caused the victim to be cut in halve , in FoT the victim
melts(like the effect of a plasma riffle shot).
The "cut in halve" animation seems to be used now only
with the super soaker.(this makes me believe that the
death animation has been flipped somehow, because its much
more logical to melt after being soaked in acid then cut in
to two pieces.
The same goes for the EMP riffle, in FO2 you would be
turned into a pile of black ashes(seen in FoT with the EMP
grenade and EMP 12 gauge), but now you meltdown.
I,ve been trying to look in the entity editor for the value's that affect the death animation but nothing seems
to work.
So now for my question:
How do i change the "death animation" of the laser riffle
back to the original(cut in halve), bare in mind that I
always have "Bloody mess" on.
Thanx in advance.
of days, but can't find the answer.
Since the original Fallout I've been playing the games
with a character that has the Bloody mess trait (I know, its useless, but it rocks).
In FoT I've noticed a change in de way characters die with
some weapons.
For example the laser rifle, in FO & FO2 this weapon
caused the victim to be cut in halve , in FoT the victim
melts(like the effect of a plasma riffle shot).
The "cut in halve" animation seems to be used now only
with the super soaker.(this makes me believe that the
death animation has been flipped somehow, because its much
more logical to melt after being soaked in acid then cut in
to two pieces.
The same goes for the EMP riffle, in FO2 you would be
turned into a pile of black ashes(seen in FoT with the EMP
grenade and EMP 12 gauge), but now you meltdown.
I,ve been trying to look in the entity editor for the value's that affect the death animation but nothing seems
to work.
So now for my question:
How do i change the "death animation" of the laser riffle
back to the original(cut in halve), bare in mind that I
always have "Bloody mess" on.
Thanx in advance.