<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>
The boys at the official <a href="http://www.soldiers-of-anarchy.com/" target="_blank">Soldiers of Anarchy site</a> are holding a little contest... and the prizes are actually decent! Here are the details:<blockquote><em>Silverstyle is hosting a contest for those gamers who like to create their own player levels. Using the level editor which is provided in SOLDIERS OF ANARCHY, gamers can compete for prizes and ultimately have their level available for download from the Soldiers of Anarchy web site at www.soldiers-of-anarchy.com
The player-created level will be judged by Silverstyle, and our decisions are final. Entering the contest indicates that you agree to allow us to post your level without compensation, other than a prize, should a prize be awarded.
Gamers are invited to submit their user-created levels from now until November 15, 2002. Enter as often as you wish but each entry must contain correct name, mailing address, and email address. Levels should be send to the games lead designer <a href="mailto:carsten.strehse@silver-style.com">carsten.strehse@silver-style.com</a>.
<b>Grand prize</b>: Remote controlled helicopter Schweizer 300 Micro RC Helicopter (estimated value: $400).
<b>First place</b>: JBL Creature Speakers (estimated value:$129).
<b>Second through eighth place</b> - Copy of "Outlaw Golf" video game for either Xbox or Nintendo GameCube. (Estimated value: $49.95).</em></blockquote>Super. Check out <a href="http://www.soldiers-of-anarchy.com/e/So ... ntest.html" target="_blank">the contest link</a> to see a picture of that helicopter.