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Descriptions in speech.txt instead of items.txt...

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:21 pm
by vorien
I haven't been able to get the descriptions in the speech.txt file to show up. It only seems to work in the items.txt file.
MaxViolence (my hero!) said he'd learned to do it somewhere, but I can't seem to get it to work, even on his missions.

Any ideas?

I've tried reloading the speech file, but that's about it.


Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 11:52 pm
by Jimmyjay86
It should all be able to work from the speech.txt file. Make sure you have the right format for the descriptions in the text file. Then check the entity names for spelling errors or other name problems.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:32 am
by vorien
I tried all that, using the format from the items.txt file.
Is it a different format?


Re: Descriptions in speech.txt instead of items.txt...

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:42 am
by Max-Violence
vorien wrote:MaxViolence (my hero!)
Aw, shucks... :oops: :lol:

The only end-all and be-all solution is to put the entries into the items.txt and/or characters.txt. Everything USUALLY works when placed in the speech file, but, as you've discovered, it doesn't always work :wink:

BTW, if you're playing one of my maps, the speech file is always (MapName)_speech.txt (i.e. ddch5_speech.txt, rebellion3_speech.txt), not just speech.txt. Having the filename different from what it should be might be your problem :wink:

Just so you know, the correct format for the name and description is as follows:

name_(Display Name of the entity) = {Blah blah blah}
desc_(Display Name of the entity) = {Blah blah blah}

Make sure you use the { and } -- DO NOT use ( ) or [ ] -- if you do, I guarantee it won't work.

Like JJ86 said, the filename and display name of the entity HAVE to be the EXACT SAME. Therefore, if your entity file is MyCharacter.ent, the Display Name of the entity has to be MyCharacter and the entries in the file would be:

name_MyCharacter = {Blah blah blah}
desc_MyCharacter = {Blah blah blah}

Just remember that it is all case sensitive -- i.e. if you type mycharacter instead of MyCharacter, it won't work.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 1:51 am
by Jimmyjay86
Also make sure in the entity editor that you haven't entered anything in the "display name" field.

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 2:21 am
by vorien
I'll try that last one. I think I usually put something in the Display Name field.

I'm sure I had the right *_speech.txt file, since I was able to see the briefings.
I didn't look at the character descriptions closely, to see if they worked, though.


Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 9:28 am
by Max-Violence
Jimmyjay86 wrote:Also make sure in the entity editor that you haven't entered anything in the "display name" field.

JJ86, dude, buddy, you're thinking of the Custom Name field. THAT has to be empty. In a nutshell:

Display Name = required
Custom Name = bad
Tag Name = optional

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 11:24 am
by Jimmyjay86

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2002 4:39 pm
by vorien
Okay, I've done some testing, and here's how I think it all works...

The proper structure in the speech.txt file is:

name_TagName = {Whatever you want the Name information to be.}
desc__TagName = {Whatever you want the Desc information to be.}

So, the Tag Name field -must- be filled out in order to link back to the speech.txt.

For Character Entities:
Display Name is needed to show an Actor in the mission editor. It also will be used as the entity name in the mouseover on the map during the game.
Custom Name is filled in when you build the character with the builder. IT overrides Display Name during the game, unless you have a name_ for that tagged actor, which seems to override everything.
Tag is needed to link to the Speech.txt

For Item Entities:
Custom Name must be filled in, but it's overridden by the name_ information in the speech.txt
Tag is needed to link to the speech.txt.
Display Name does not seem to be used.

I haven't done weapons, but I'm pretty sure that they follow the "Items" method.


And yes, it -is- 3:30am...