Newbie Question

Discuss the creation and scripting of new fan-made games and mods for the Fallout series of games.
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Vault Scion
Vault Scion
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Newbie Question

Post by jerman999 »

Do the different weapons mods interfere with each other (IE: HKTC 1.2 + Longbaugh's FO2 Mod)?
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

2 mods which modify the same weapon(s) will interfere with each other, however if they don't modify the same weapon(s) then they won't.
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Hero of the Wastes
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

Use the mod manager, FaME, if you want to play with more than one mod. It'll warn you if there are any conflicts between different mods.
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