target_object procedure
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2002 7:42 pm
Anyone know what procedure "target_object" is doing in fallout script files ?
The second oldest Fallout gaming community, online since 1998, keeping warm in the nuclear glow.
Code: Select all
function use_obj_on_p_proc;
write ('The item is used on '+GetName(target_object));
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{ Sequencing Critter1 to make some actions: }
RegAnimFunc (2, <critter1_addr>); { Exact purpose is unknown, }
RegAnimFunc (1, 1); { but this is how the animation is made in FO scripts. }
RegAnimAnimate (<critter1_addr>, <action1_id>, -1); { Critter1 does Action1 }
RegAnimAnimate (<critter1_addr>, <action2_id>, -1); { Critter1 does Action2 }
... and so on ...
RegAnimAnimate (<critter1_addr>, <actionN_id>, -1); { Critter1 does ActionN }
RegAnimFunc (3, 0); { This is also a standard call. }
{ Sequencing Critter2: }
RegAnimFunc (2, <critter2_addr>);
RegAnimFunc (1, 1);
RegAnimAnimate (<critter2_addr>, <actionI_id>, -1);
RegAnimAnimate (<critter2_addr>, <actionJ_id>, -1);
RegAnimAnimate (<critter2_addr>, <actionK_id>, -1);
RegAnimFunc (3, 0);
{ Sequencing Critter3: }
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AA 0 AK 10 BA 20 BK 30
AB 1 AL 11 BB 21 BL 31
AC 2 AM 12 BC 22 BM 32
AD 3 AN 13 BD 23 BN 33
AE 4 AO 14 BE 24 BO 34
AF 5 AP 15 BF 25 BP 35
AG 6 AQ 16 BG 26 CH 36
AH 7 AR 17 BH 27 CJ 37
AI 8 AS 18 BI 28 GC 38
AJ 9 AT 19 BJ 29
Code: Select all
RegAnimFunc (2, Player);
RegAnimFunc (1, 1);
RegAnimAnimate (Player, 16, -1); { *** from table: 16 = AQ *** }
RegAnimFunc (3, 0);
Code: Select all
RegAnimObjMoveToTile (<critter_addr>, <tile_number>, -1); - walking to specified tile
RegAnimObjRunToTile (<critter_addr>, <tile_number>, -1); - running to a tile
RegAnimAnimateReverse (<critter_addr>, <action_id>, -1); - reverse animation for an action