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Damned thieving kids took my radio!

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 1:04 am
by Haethurn
I've spent a couple of hours doing jobs in the Den, and I finally got around to getting Vic out of the Slaver's Guild. However, those little brats seem to have taken my radio! Is there any place where I can recover my stolen items, or are they lost forever? I know that they have nothing for me to steal from them, as I've already tried that method of 'reclaiming' a little while ago. Is there some sort of editor that I can use to insert a radio into my character's inventory, much as Falche can be used to add skill points and such?

Or do I have to start over again from before I entered the Den?

I swear, when I play an evil character, and believe me, I will soon, those kids will regret stealing from me! Oh, yes, they will regret it!

ANYBODY KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND SOME DYNAMITE, AND LOTS OF IT? I need about, well, let me see, two...three, four,, nine....yes, nine sticks of dynamite ought to do the trick. Those little bastards will pay...

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 1:33 am
by This is Gonna Hurt
Shoot the shopkeepers and loot their inventories, the radio will probably be in it (that's where the kids are pawning their stuff at). Once they're all dead the kids will never snag more than one item from you, which you can then steal back.

Another solution is simply to keep items important to various quests on your NPCs, as they won't be robbed.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 1:42 am
by Haethurn
Do they instantly pawn their items to the shopkeepers? You see, I would like to take all of my inventory items off my character except for a couple of sticks of dynamite, you see...and I'd like to set the timer on all of them and just...casually walk by some of those little kids. Muwahaha...yes...

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 2:13 am
by This is Gonna Hurt
If you kill the kids in any way shape or form you WILL be branded a child killer and attacked by the remainder of the town. While the three gangs and slavers are pretty much worth blasting, but you'll miss about 2 levels worth of questing. Killing the shopkeepers nets you about 6000-10000 caps depending on your barter skill, with no discernable loss save having to go to new reno/modoc/vc to trade afterwards.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 2:31 am
by Red
- You can kill them with dynamite (planted or let them steal it)
- They won't steall stuff you don't have. So you can stash them in the car for later pickup and/or give them to your fellow NPCs.
- You can often steal back your stuff from them back right away. If you get caught you won't get attacked.
- If they run to their "provider" then you need to either buy it off of them, or kill them (the provider, not the kid :D) to get it back.
- Killing both merchants still leave the ones near the Hole which DO steal stuff.
- Killing the merchants (and the Hole owner...) and returning to the map will cause the kids to dissapear. If you got stolen BEFORE you killed the merchants and they didn't have time to pawn the item off, the item is lost in never-never land.
- Yes you could use a savegame editor to create the item back given it's crititcal.
- As a rule of thumb, there's plenty of money avaiable throughout the game. If I were you I wouldn't waste the merchants as they are the source of money (ie: real cash, not items) and sometimes limited/interesting items (like cat's paw magazines).

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 3:10 am
by Haethurn
Alright, well, I guess I'll just reload to an earlier save game, then.

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 12:23 pm
by Tank
Or buy it back from the merchants...

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 2:49 pm
by Kashluk
Or kill the merchants, that's what I always do :) It gives bonus positive karma, anyways.

But I guess he meant, that he doesn't want to try any of these options we've given him. So he'll just reload :P

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 4:05 pm
by Snake
Can't you do the "action mode" when you walk past them and they can't touch you?
You can see when the little turds take stuff from you cuz they do the hands in the air movement you do when you hack PC's, use first aid, etc
You can steal your stuff back rightaway no problems, maybe you can steal from them, get caught and they run from you in future?

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2003 7:29 pm
by Red
Yeah, I forgot to mention that trick...

Go into combat mode, run past them, return to normal mode.

Personally I just stash the whole stuff into the car trunk...

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 12:04 am
by Haethurn
Tank wrote:Or buy it back from the merchants...
I have opened the barter screen with all of the merchants, and the owners of all of the buildings that the kids stand outside. None of them have my radio. And even if they did, my character is too poor to buy it.

You guys have to remember that my character is only like lvl 3 or 4. He doesn't have the car yet. I'm playing things in order here. No heading off to San Francisco or Navarro at lvl 1 for me.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 12:06 am
by Haethurn
Does anybody know how long it takes before they pawn the items to the merchants? I was kind of hoping that I could set the timer to go off in five minutes, then have the kids deliver the dynamite to the merchant, just in time for the kid to either explode in the merchant's face or have the merchant take the dynamite and subsequently explode in the kid's face. Either way, I'll be very happy.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 2:42 am
by Red
Are you sure you even took the thing to the Den?

Also remember that the kids beside the Hole steal too... People often forget about them.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 2:58 am
by axelgreese
From what I remember the kids would start running back to the merchant as soon as they lifted something from you.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 6:47 am
by Evil Guru
And lo, the Evil Guru comes to impart wisdom. Seriously though, I have the perfect solution to this problem. As soon as you enter Den, before you do anything, save your game, then walk right up to one of those kids and punch him, don't kill him, just punch him once. From that point on all the pickpocketing little bastards will run away when they see you coming, and you'll never have to worry about having stuff disappear from your inventory (in Den at any rate).

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 9:07 am
by Tank
Yeah, but ig you have NPC's, they'll kill the kid.

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2003 9:15 am
by Evil Guru
No brainer. Leave 'em at the entrance to Den, if you already haven't sold them into slavery.

Ah, that's what this game is missing. You can sell people into slavery, capture people for slavery, but you can't buy slaves. They'd be great for fodder.

Um, edit: with the exception of Vic, that's a slave you can buy.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 6:55 am
by Roman
Kill the kids with Jet, they would've been drug dealers anyway when they grew up in the waste of humanity.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 7:42 am
by Evil Guru
Oops, my bad. You pretty much have to punch everyone of those kids at least once each, maybe twice if they don't get the picture right away.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:35 am
by danferry
The kids run off to sell the stolen stuff after you enter the building. I always stop right by the kids, and steal the stuff back. While you are standing there, they don't run off, but is you enter the building, you can watch them run off.

What really gets me pissed, is that they can steal your equiped weapons, while we can't!