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Car-related questions and stuff

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 2:40 am
by Ice

I am enjoying FO2 right now, and the car seems like a really cool feature since you can access it from the town/city/whatever unlike in FOT wherein you can only access your vehicles in certain areas of the game and NOT when in missions. Sucks when you forgot to get an item from the trunk or when you are getting overloaded and there's still tons of stuff lying around. Anyway, on to the questions:

1. What are the possible upgrades to the car, besides the one that will actually get it to run (the one from Gecko) and the mileage booster from Klamath? I haven't finished the game yet, still at NCR, so no spoilers please. Just mention the upgrade that is available, but not how or where to get it please. Thank you!
2. Is the trunk capacity limited by WEIGHT or by the NUMBER OF ITEMS?
3. Is it possible to damage the car and lose it like in FOT?

Non car-related questions:
4. Is the levelling up of NPCs dependent on something? Or is it totally random? I'm tired of saving and reloading and reloading just to try to get certain NPCs to level up too.
5. I've got tons of guns and armor and ammo in the game and nowhere to sell them. My barter is like 159% or so, the guy with the most money I've come across is the guy behind the bars in Redding, with 2000chips or so. I just give him one lousy gun, and I can rake in his chips, sometimes, I am even selling my stuff for 5-10 chips less than I should get because there is nothing to trade. Is there any other "buyer" out there, or do I just have to keep going around to the different cities, selling as I go? BTW, my guys are usually loaded up and the car is also full, that's why I'm asking. Again, no spoilers please! Just tell me if this is how stuff is disposed or if there is a better way. I'm basically just looking for reassurance here. Thank you!
6. I got the GECK (YAY!!!), but I return to Arroyo too late. I assume this is part of the plot, or am I really too late? Funny, I just got one dream about the healer-guy, then another one just as I got the GECK... then I rush to Arroyo as fast as the car can go, but am too late. Weird.
7. I'm currently at level 17, still have not spent my skill points (about 50+ by now since I get 18pts per level), not picked my perk yet. I got Small Guns, Doc, and Barter tagged. I don't want to add to Barter any more because I'm having a hard time selling stuff as it is. Doc is good for me at around 90%. Small Guns gets the job done at 119%. I'm playing a good guy, sniper and critical hit style. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of TAG, but I'm so good at my Scoped Hunting Rifle and there are no good energy guns yet. Another option is MAGNETIC PERSONALITY, but who to get? Marcus? Sounds juicy, but I bet he'll blast Sulik to smithereens. I'm currently using the .233pistol (the one that WAS a rifle but got cut down to a pistol... man! is it powerful!!), Scoped Hunting Rifle/Sniper Rifle, or H&K CAWS, depends on my sadistic inclination at the given situation. To anyone who has used Marcus, how is he in combat?
8. This sucks!!! I got the Sniper Rifle with good min-max damage, longer range than the Scoped Hunting Rifle, but it SUX!!! Like in the Sierra Army Depot, against those turrets... I am standing just far away from the turret not to take major damage from it, the SHRifle gives me 90% or so for a CPU hit, 80% or so for a SENSOR hit, 95% for a body hit. The Sniper Rilfe, at the SAME SPOT, gives me about 70% for the CPU hit, 50% for the SENSOR hit. I dismissed this as "I'm good with the SHRifle so I get good %-age, but the Sniper Rifle is new so I'm just getting acquainted with it." Seriously tho, any explaination for this? Thank you!

That's about all I can think of right now. Hope someone could help! Thanks in advance!

Re: Car-related questions and stuff

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 3:14 am
by Red
Ice wrote:Just mention the upgrade that is available, but not how or where to get it please. Thank you!
2 of them excluding the "egg" you could get after the end of the game. I don't recall their "names" though...
2. Is the trunk capacity limited by WEIGHT or by the NUMBER OF ITEMS?
A mix of both really. As a note, all ammo weighs NOTHING in the trunk (except 9mm ball for some reason but that's sairly rare ammo).
3. Is it possible to damage the car and lose it like in FOT?
4. Is the levelling up of NPCs dependent on something? Or is it totally random? I'm tired of saving and reloading and reloading just to try to get certain NPCs to level up too.
Well I'm not certain about this but each NPC has a value "level_up_every". I'm guessing that the NPCs won't level up until it reaches that number of levels after he last leveled - and once it does for every level it gains over this value his chances of leveling increase...
5. I've got tons of guns and armor and ammo in the game and nowhere to sell them. [...] do I just have to keep going around to the different cities, selling as I go? BTW, my guys are usually loaded up and the car is also full, that's why I'm asking.
As I emntioned the ammo you can stash infinitelly, so well, keep the ammo and sell the rest that you can't stock up on in cities. You're pretty much stuck roaming from to town to sell stuff, although there are towns which might have more expensive items you'll want to trade for later on in the game.
6. I got the GECK (YAY!!!), but I return to Arroyo too late. I assume this is part of the plot
That is correct.
7.[...]not picked my perk yet. [...]Another option is MAGNETIC PERSONALITY[...]To anyone who has used Marcus, how is he in combat?
Dunno what you should get but regarding tagging skills, just a pointer that most non-combat skills needn't be raised over 90%, so tagging Doctor is more or less pointless unless you feel like healing yourself better. Forget Magnetic personality, find ways to raise your stats instead while recruiting extra party members. For Marcus, some like him however he has no "Make abslolutely sure not to hit me" option so he'll often end up killing other NPCS (and you). Some people can handle that all right by putting him far away and/or loading often, personally I don't like that.
8.[....]I am standing just far away from the turret not to take major damage from it, the SHRifle gives me 90% or so for a CPU hit, 80% or so for a SENSOR hit, 95% for a body hit. The Sniper Rilfe, at the SAME SPOT, gives me about 70% for the CPU hit, 50% for the SENSOR hit. I dismissed this as "I'm good with the SHRifle so I get good %-age, but the Sniper Rifle is new so I'm just getting acquainted with it." Seriously tho, any explaination for this?
No idea, never noticed this peronsally as I don't often use these type of weapons... Maybe you're TOO close for the sniper rifle?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 3:38 am
by Bloodgeon11
Looks like Red did a pretty good job of answering your questions, but let me warn you, every time you ask for no spoilers, you are taking your life and love of not knowing the future into your hands...since you seem to need the upgrades, would you allow us to tell you where the other upgrades are, just generally (naming the city)?

Re: Car-related questions and stuff

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:09 am
by Evil Guru
Ice wrote: 4. Is the levelling up of NPCs dependent on something? Or is it totally random? I'm tired of saving and reloading and reloading just to try to get certain NPCs to level up too.
Well, every time your character levels-up, there is a chance/potential for one of your NPCs to advance to their next character stage (sort of like leveling up). This is based on the NPCs ability to learn, I'm guessing derived from INT.

Although I might be wrong, its been my experience that only ONE NPC will level up when you do, so you might run the risk of one NPC you don't like getting in the way of the advancement of one you do like. Again, I don't have concrete evidence on this part.

Also, NPC stages are fixed, i.e. Cassidy has 4 stages, Vic (best overall) has 6 stages.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:24 am
by Doyle
No, that's not the case. NPCs can level up at the same time.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 7:41 am
by Evil Guru
Ah, someone has seen that happen. I guess mine have always been at diifferent aptitudes or stagered somehow, I've never had two NPCs level at the same time. Thanks.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 1:29 pm
by Red
Most I've had level up at a time were 3, I think Per (writer of what I think is the best walkthough out there) noticed 4 at some point out he's not sure anymore...

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 2:36 pm
by Ice
Many thanks for the great replies. I DO know that the trunk can be expanded by T-Ray in the ChopShop in Reno, but based on your answers, the rest come AFTER the game is done. *sigh!* Oh well... seems like I'm gonna be a caravan of my own, roaming cities to get/sell stuff. Good thing the bazaar gun guy in NCR had a PancorJackhammer for sale, got rid of some of my guns quick! I currently have 33K cash. Is this normal? I hate to think I'm that good at my first try of F2.

Ammo weighs nothing in the trunk? Cool! Since (some) ammo weighed nothing in the inventory until they got to the hundreds, I thought packing them in the trunk would cost me.
I'm guessing that the NPCs won't level up until it reaches that number of levels after he last leveled - and once it does for every level it gains over this value his chances of leveling increase...
(to Evil Guru as well)
This is weird. In Modoc, IIRC, I found the gold watch of Cornelius or whatsisname. I saved the game, gave the watch to the black guy, the bestfriend, and Sulik leveled up. Later, I messed up, so I reloaded, then Sulik AND Vic leveled up. Much later on, right before I level up again, I save the game, level up, and Cassidy levels up with me. Again, I mess up, reload, this time, Cassidy does not level up with me. I save the game JUST BEFORE I level up, like before killing a creature or doing a dialogue, and I do whatever it is to level up EXACTLY the same way each time, with different results. Hmmmm.... Not really asking for some significant, solid figures here, but just a good explaination from anyone who's figured out how NPC progress works.

Errata on earlier post: I am on level 17, not yet picked a perk, and have 90 skill points. Get that? NINETY fine skill points unspent!!! I decided to go for a Gain Charisma perk, wear the sunglasses and get Marcus. So far, he has not fired his chain gun yet, but it's scaring me since most battles I'm in has the enemy rushing up to my nose so that I can neatly place my gun in their eye for a critical hit... if and when Marcus fires... *shudder!*
No idea, never noticed this peronsally as I don't often use these type of weapons... Maybe you're TOO close for the sniper rifle?
That's a thought I hadn't considered... :roll:

You are right about me mentioning no spoilers, someone might come in and spoil it anyway just for the fun of it. I realized that, and I thank all those who have replied so far for respecting my request. About the naming city thing, sure, go ahead. If you don't mind, I'd just prefer something like "You get an upgrade at [city name], [city name1], etc.", nothing about who to talk to or what to do and such. I know you get the idea.

Again, thank you for respecting my "no spoiler" request. Fallout is great this way, as I'm sure you'll all agree! 8)

I'm getting really jumpy about Marcus, it's like I cringe every time he fires. I know he may be smart enough to see if he will hit me or not before firing, but he's a big guns guy, most of which are BURST fire. I'm thinking of passing him for, say, SKYNET Robot. I can give Skynet "safer" weapons (for my party, that is), and the carry weight of Skynet is quite close to Marcus' so Skynet can still be my ammo guy. Any thoughts?

Once again, thanks for the great replies!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:57 pm
by Kashluk
Skynet is a worthy choice, though I never liked it/him myself. He's a bit slow, but great deal with small guns. If you want to know more about how retrieving the brain (or what brain is the best [yeah, we haven't still figured that out either...]) check the older threads. The SEARCH-command is useful here.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 6:51 pm
by Evil Guru
Ice wrote:Hmmmm.... Not really asking for some significant, solid figures here, but just a good explaination from anyone who's figured out how NPC progress works
The info I gave I got from the March 11th 2002 update to the Fallout Bible, so unless those guys are screwin' with us, I'd say its pretty accurate. A lot of cool info in the FOBs, you can download them just about anywhere (including this kickass site), but I wouldn't until you finish the game first. They're not walkthroughs or anything, but they could ruin a lot of suprises for the first time player.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 10:41 pm
by Red
Ice wrote:ChopShop in Reno, but based on your answers, the rest come AFTER the game is done.
No. Well, maybe I did. Either way I meant there were two MORE upgrades other then the one from Klamath BEFORE the end of the game. In other words there's still one you haven't found.
[33k] Is this normal? I hate to think I'm that good at my first try of F2.
Yes, this is normal. Thankfully there are a few ways to spend more then that amount given you find them though. The most obvious is getting some mean armour/weaponry, but there's another upgrade which is damn interesting. Sadly though all this money (and items you're carrying around) makes the game a bit lame.
I do whatever it is to level up EXACTLY the same way each time, with different results. Hmmmm.... Not really asking for some significant, solid figures here, but just a good explaination from anyone who's figured out how NPC progress works.
Yes, that's fine. What I said is that any of them CAN level up once they reach their "level up quotas". Every time you level up there's a certain chance that the NPCs level up, but only once they've reached their "quotas" (well, that's my theory, the quote part might be wrong). From that quota theory I extrapolated that the "further the quota passed, the more likely it is the NPC will also pass a level" but that's just an assuption and has even more chances of being wrong :D. In any case, them passing level is mostly random.
Errata on earlier post: I am on level 17, not yet picked a perk, and have 90 skill points. Get that? NINETY fine skill points unspent!!! I decided to go for a Gain Charisma perk, wear the sunglasses and get Marcus.
IMHO, much better investment since now you'll have charisma to subdue the other NPCs (like you just did for Marcus for that matter) where with Magnetic personality you JUST have and extra follower...
something like "You get an upgrade at [city name], [city name1], etc.", nothing about who to talk to or what to do and such. I know you get the idea.
Oh, ok, well, the last upgrade is in NCR...

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 11:27 pm
by Bloodgeon11
Well, the only other place i can think of that hasn't been named is NCR...I'll leave the rest to you... :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:09 pm
by Ice
I just got to San Francisco today, and I got BOTH power armor and just spent, oh, about 2K to cover the deficit... let's see... that's TWO Fallout-1 type power armors, plus two first aid books, plus two first aid kits, plus four hardened power armor manuals (don't know what these do, but bought them just to find out... still can't figure out how to use them... maybe I gotta get my armor hardened first...). All this for all the stuff I've been lugging around the darn map. Not bad, IMO. :D :D :D

Finally, I opted to drop Marcus for Skynet. I can't take the strain! I pumped my Science to 113% (See? Those 90 skill points came in handy!), used mentats, and got the cyberbrain. With my CH base at 6, mentats raised that to 7, wore my sunglasses and got my whole team back (Sulik, Vic, Cassidy plus Skynet). Spent my perk on Educated since I don't know what else to get. Other perks sound nice but +4 skill points per level (I got educated already once before) seems to be better. Anybody recommend good perks for sniper/critical hit type of player? I mean, besides the obvious Sniper, More Crits and Bonus Crit Damage perks.

Evil Guru,
Yes, I got the FOBible, but like you said, it's got TONS of spoilers so I've been sifting through them. Might have missed your part. Sorry about that. I'll go check...

I still got about 30K, make that 10K after I get my two power armors hardened. Seems like a lot, but I know that's not gonna be enough for cool stuff. The PAs I got were 23K IIRC, but I saw a Vindicator Minigun which had a 32K price tag. Oooohhhh!!! Gotta go raid that military base!! :twisted:

About the NPC level up thing, if I understand you correctly, then an NPC can level up once a "quota" is reached, but reaching a "quota" does not AUTOMATICALLY mean the NPC levels up, like it's gotta do a dice roll first or something, eh? So that would explain why they sometimes level up or not - the "quota" has been reached but failed in the "Do I level up?"-dice roll.

Car upgrade at NCR huh??? I've been to NCR... must've missed it. GAH!! Hmmmm... thanks much anyway! I'm off to look for it!! :idea:

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:46 pm
by Red
Ice wrote:plus four hardened power armor manuals (don't know what these do, but bought them just to find out... still can't figure out how to use them... maybe I gotta get my armor hardened first...).
You can't use them sadly. I don't think this is a spoiler, more of a let-down (useless item left to populate teh wastes...)
Finally, I opted to drop Marcus for Skynet. I can't take the strain! I pumped my Science to 113% (See? Those 90 skill points came in handy!), used mentats, and got the cyberbrain. With my CH base at 6, mentats raised that to 7, wore my sunglasses and got my whole team back (Sulik, Vic, Cassidy plus Skynet).
I'd choose skynet over Marcus personally, for the same reasons you did. HOwever there are other NPCs... My first criteria for choosing NPCs is wether then can wear armour. There are 2 other NPCs which CAN wear armour, although by now if you didn't bring them along their levels might be a tad low for them to be very useful by the time you reach the end.
Spent my perk on Educated since I don't know what else to get. Other perks sound nice but +4 skill points per level (I got educated already once before) seems to be better. Anybody recommend good perks for sniper/critical hit type of player? I mean, besides the obvious Sniper, More Crits and Bonus Crit Damage perks.
Educated is the only skill perk I think is really useful, so IMHO it's a good choice, since the earylyer you get it the more points you get and you can assign them as you wish (although this works for other perks it's a one time thing only...)

I could recommend gain luck unless you're already at 10 (or close and know the way to raise those stats otherwise). since the sniper perk relies on this value to be effective.

Yes, I got the FOBible, but like you said, it's got TONS of spoilers so I've been sifting through them. Might have missed your part. Sorry about that. I'll go check...
Well you can read through it without being too spoiled but you'll get many hints regardless, so I suggest finishing it first...
Seems like a lot, but I know that's not gonna be enough for cool stuff. The PAs I got were 23K IIRC, but I saw a Vindicator Minigun which had a 32K price tag. Oooohhhh!!! Gotta go raid that military base!! :twisted:
If you need help finding this cool stuff mention it, it's a bit hard to find...
About the NPC level up thing, if I understand you correctly, then an NPC can level up once a "quota" is reached, but reaching a "quota" does not AUTOMATICALLY mean the NPC levels up, like it's gotta do a dice roll first or something, eh? So that would explain why they sometimes level up or not - the "quota" has been reached but failed in the "Do I level up?"-dice roll.
Yeah. I'm not a good pedagogue but I seem to be getting the message out anyhow :P

Car upgrade at NCR huh??? I've been to NCR... must've missed it. GAH!! Hmmmm... thanks much anyway! I'm off to look for it!! :idea:
Yeah the upgrade's a bit hard to find mostl because of map quirks.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 5:27 pm
by Blarg
4. Is the levelling up of NPCs dependent on something? Or is it totally random? I'm tired of saving and reloading and reloading just to try to get certain NPCs to level up too.
I have read that there is a cumulative chance for NPC's to level up when you do. If they don't level up, the percentage chance increases for them to do so the next time you level up.
5. I've got tons of guns and armor and ammo in the game and nowhere to sell them.
Like Red said, keep then and trade for high-end stuff later.

I would recommend tagging Energy Weapons, but I'm partial to the turbo plasma rifle... :)

The SHR/SR thing is a developer oversight, I think. The SHR is more accurate at longer ranges and for long-range called shots. The SR doesn't suck at close range, hurts more, and has a longer max range. I suspect that you get more criticals with the sniper rifle than with other guns, but I don't have any proof. I like to have one of each in the trunk for versatility.

I haven't tried it, but I have read that Marcus does well with a plasme rifle, neatly solving his burst problem.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 4:35 am
by Ice
First off, thanks again for the great replies!! Here's how my game went:

Remember the perk I had trouble spending? Well, I spent it on Educated, as mentioned, THEN leveled up and spent THAT one on Energy Weapons!! Then spent ALL skill points to raise the Doc skill to 100% (why tag Doc if I ain't gonna be good at it?) and Energy Weps to 106% (as high as it could go with the remaining skill points). Finding an UPGRADED laser rifle in San Fran, plus having a plasma rifle in the trunk really helped in making up my mind on getting the Energy weapons perk. Mighty cool, IMHO. Feel free to post your thoughts. :roll:

I heard the Hobologist in NCR raises CHA from -2 to +2... I tried this several times in several different ways, but the only change I noticed is a range of -2 to +2 to my LUCK!! Not that I'm complaining, but I thought she raises CHA? Is this dependent on what "type" of character you are playing?

Besides the +2 luck I got on the Hobo in NCR, there are other ways to raise luck without "gain luck" perk? Any why use a "gain luck" perk that gives a +1 to luck and +1% to critical hit rather than a "more crit" perk that gives +5% to critical hit?

I've been to NCR, and the only thing I could find was the "retired" car shop of the Rangers. This is funny, coz I could either be an eager beaver and have to kill the slavers to be a hesitant recruit and join up for no quests. I did the second method. Now if doing that means I can't get them to upgrade my car, then I just missed my second upgrade, that is, if they ARE the one to upgrade my car. Am I correct or not?

Questions on being a Made Man:
1. I became a made man for mordino, then went to Shark casino, and got attacked by Bishop's men. I became a made man for Wright, THEN for Mordino, then did not get attacked when going into Shark casino. Why is this?
2. Is being a made man for one family or the other really that important? I mean, do you get specific bonuses if you become a made man for Mordino or Wright or Bishop?
3. Are the Salvatorre's always the massacred one? Looking at their numbers, they are just asking to be killed... they've got much much less men than Bishop or Mordino, but maybe not more than Wright, but the Wrights are easier to talk to.

1. Is the Bozar really just a burst gun? I mean, it is a "refinement to the sniper's art", so why burst? The Bozar being a burst gun turned me off, that's why I got Energy Weapons Perk...
2. If an NPC says he can use a "rifle", does this mean he can use both a SNIPER RIFLE and a LASER RIFLE?
3. The Scope Hunting Rifle has longer range but lower damage than a Sniper Rifle, but has trouble when the target is near. The SR has shorter range and bigger damage but no problem when the target is near. Am I correct here? Either way, the SR sux! Glad I'm now stuck with a Laser Rifle, but just want this issue cleared up for future FO2 games.
4. Having a Laser Rifle but looking at me carrying what looks like a flamer gun really hurts my ego! Honest! I think I look cooler bringing a damn chain gun... or playing FT:BOS again *shudder!!!* But I've never really used a burst gun before. In FT:BOS, I got only so far as COLLECTING miniguns from dead mutants but never really got to use them as none had the big guns skill yet. In FO1, I don't remember using a chain gun, I think that was a turbo plasma rifle I used to finish the game, but then again, I didn't have FT:BOS images to be envious about. Anyway, can anyone tell me the pros and cons of burst guns like the Bozar or Minigun (the Avenger/Vindicator looks cool) as compared to energy guns or small guns rifles that do targeted shots? Thanks!

---Just 3000 more XP to level 21... another Perk on the way!!!---

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:24 am
by Kashluk
Ice wrote:First off, thanks again for the great replies!! Here's how my game went:

Remember the perk I had trouble spending? Well, I spent it on Educated, as mentioned, THEN leveled up and spent THAT one on Energy Weapons!! Then spent ALL skill points to raise the Doc skill to 100% (why tag Doc if I ain't gonna be good at it?) and Energy Weps to 106% (as high as it could go with the remaining skill points). Finding an UPGRADED laser rifle in San Fran, plus having a plasma rifle in the trunk really helped in making up my mind on getting the Energy weapons perk. Mighty cool, IMHO. Feel free to post your thoughts. :roll:
Yeah, well I never liked energy weapons... But just wait until you get your hands on the Pulse Rifle, the mightiest sci-fi weapon in the game. It's going to melt down whole military bases.
I heard the Hobologist in NCR raises CHA from -2 to +2... I tried this several times in several different ways, but the only change I noticed is a range of -2 to +2 to my LUCK!! Not that I'm complaining, but I thought she raises CHA? Is this dependent on what "type" of character you are playing?
Nah, you've just received wrong info. It's LCK she rises/lowers, not CHA.
I've been to NCR, and the only thing I could find was the "retired" car shop of the Rangers. This is funny, coz I could either be an eager beaver and have to kill the slavers to be a hesitant recruit and join up for no quests. I did the second method. Now if doing that means I can't get them to upgrade my car, then I just missed my second upgrade, that is, if they ARE the one to upgrade my car. Am I correct or not?
No, they aren't the guys who upgrade your car. Though, good thinking to join the Rangers -> kicks your positive karma upwards and gains you some respect from now on (you got the wacky medal now, right?). You find the upgrader FROM THE BAZAAR. That's all the clues I'm going to give you... ;)

Questions on being a Made Man:
1. I became a made man for mordino, then went to Shark casino, and got attacked by Bishop's men. I became a made man for Wright, THEN for Mordino, then did not get attacked when going into Shark casino. Why is this?
No idea how this is possible.. Though I once got made man of all families with cheated evil character :-/ Just stick with one family, Wrights.
2. Is being a made man for one family or the other really that important? I mean, do you get specific bonuses if you become a made man for Mordino or Wright or Bishop?
Like I said: Wrights are good guys, Salvatores are Enclave-wannabes, Bishops are corrupted buggers and Mordinos are drug addicts. I think that should clear up your choice :D
3. Are the Salvatorre's always the massacred one? Looking at their numbers, they are just asking to be killed... they've got much much less men than Bishop or Mordino, but maybe not more than Wright, but the Wrights are easier to talk to.
But Salvatore's got those fancy energy weapons (ooh-lala) so they *cut people in half*! Just stick with the Wrights and kick Salvatore ass, though.
1. Is the Bozar really just a burst gun? I mean, it is a "refinement to the sniper's art", so why burst? The Bozar being a burst gun turned me off, that's why I got Energy Weapons Perk...
Yes, it's a burst gun. Shitty design, there are tons of topics about this one, but yes it's only a burst weapon and it chews through your ammo very quickly. Always should have +4000 rounds available.
2. If an NPC says he can use a "rifle", does this mean he can use both a SNIPER RIFLE and a LASER RIFLE?
Rifle = small gun, Laser X = energy weapon.
3. The Scope Hunting Rifle has longer range but lower damage than a Sniper Rifle, but has trouble when the target is near. The SR has shorter range and bigger damage but no problem when the target is near. Am I correct here? Either way, the SR sux! Glad I'm now stuck with a Laser Rifle, but just want this issue cleared up for future FO2 games.
Yes. If you've ever tried it (IRL, that is), it's hell of a difficult to use scope at close ranges :-/

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:08 am
by Ice

Thanks for the replies. Yes, I got that wacky/kiddie medal of the rangers, but its in the trunk. Should I be lugging it around to gain its benefits?

Personally, I like the Wrights... coz in a city of bad things, they are the "not-so-bad", but I'm trying to be a made man of 3 families just for the hell of it. Okay, okay, so I'm doing it for bragging rights as well. My pal and next door neighbor is playing FO2 too, and I wanna show him who's better. He's a damn loudmouth, you see, ruined my "car experience" by hinting where I could get the part that would make the car run, the one in Gecko. I wish I was like Torr when he did his hinting!!! Anyway, I plan to wipe out the Bishops and Mordinos later when I finish the game.

Thanks too for the hint on the car upgrade, a good hint without much spoil.... ooohhh!!! I'm betting it's that Merk guy. Oh, and my thanks to the gun guy in the bazaar too for the great Pancor :D

Oh, and yes, I HAVE tried a scoped rifle on the local gun range. Hitting moving targets is such a rush! My counter to your statement is: scope is for LONG ranges. When the enemy is knocking on your door step, there is no need to use a scope, you can even aim using the rifle's built in sights (if it has one)!! So why the loss in accuracy at close range? I would understand this if the gun was accurate both at LONG and SHORT ranges but at MEDIUM range it will suck since the target is too close for scope yet too far for accurate, non-scoped hits... but it's not done this way. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 4:32 pm
by Kashluk
Well, there AREN'T any long ranges in FO :) There are only medium and short ranges. So, the rule you wrote about short ranges using "non-aiming" hits doesn't apply -> instead the way it should work in long ranges actually works in medium ranges, and the way of medium works in short. Get it? No? Good.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 7:50 pm
by Blarg
The developers didn't think about using a scope at longer ranges and iron sights up close, or it may have been too complicated to code.