The light at the end of the tunnel... or a train?

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The light at the end of the tunnel... or a train?

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ -> N/A]</strong>

Our bubbly friend Odin over at <a href="" target="_blank">NMA</a> has been keeping a better watch on the <a href="" target="_blank">Wasteland Half-Life</a> site than we have, so it's no surprise the he spotted this <a href=" ... =6040#6040" target="_blank">rather interesting thread</a> over at their forums:<blockquote><em>Over the course of the past several months, The Wastes has had a good slew of tough times and light times. Heres a good list of the times from a team member perspective:

Kruddman - While he had a great artistic ability the political side of him took hold and eventually prevented him from furthering work with us. We in the end had to let him go.

Gage - I was brought in because MrBlonde was having some difficulty on his commitment to the project. My help as you read in this letter had no effect on the outcome of this mod.

Mord - One of the sound artists we hired like way back in the summer. He got into a car accident, havent heard from him since.

Phiesope - Another sound artist, hard drive crash, no more sounds.

HUGO - Player animator, but in my opinion very eccentric. IMHO didnt get all that much out of him, but by the time he joined the project I dont think it was all his fault.

Kissle - More recent obviously, but he felt the mod was going nowhere and left. I feel he was pretty much right on the money.

My proposal is this. Open source the project. I wont be providing source for the media files since that isnt my jurisdiction but i will provide the source code to the mod in all its glory(or lack thereof), and let the community finish up what we couldn't drive ourselves too.

I feel like a jerk right now. but I feel its the only way for you guys to ever see The Wastes.</em></blockquote>Ouch. While I'd like to dance a jig and merrily sing "yay, open source!"... I can't help but think that maybe... just maybe... the Wasteland Half-Life project is now too fucked to be rescued.

Please prove us wrong, Wasteland Half-Life team! I remember the excitement from your last major release (the crowds on IRC were on par with what we got for the Fallout Tactics demo release).... don't become yet another addition to the 'dead-mod' tally. We've been waiting too long.
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Post by T-900 »

Fallout should never have been incorporated into a FPS deathmatch... this mod was the closest to quake 2 around, with really pointless weapons...

And it was the only mod (And i have played 200+ (i am a lonely child 8O )Halflife mods) which disabled use of the cursor keys for movement... EVIL! :evil:

Though i won't deny those Dual Desert Eagles were fun...

The fallout god made it this way, he caused them harddrive crashes insanities and car crashes with his holy Nuclear Flame!!!

*gibbers and twitches before crawling back into his hole*
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Post by VasikkA »

Fallout should never have been incorporated into a FPS deathmatch...
It's not a Fallout FPS, although Fallout is probably their main source of inspiration.Image

It's sad to see this mod being in such state. Bad luck or not, I kinda expected them to be able to finish it so this comes as a surprise. A few months ago they were doing quite well, for a post-apocalyptic mod, and the screenshots looked great. Most mods don't even get properly started and only a small percentage get finished. This is because of the main problem in such projects; people trying to work together at distance. I really hope the Wasteland HL-mod will somehow continue. A great effort so far nevertheless.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

There's a patch for the cursor keys or numpad.

WHL has always been the most realistic Half Life mod. One shot from any gun can kill you. A hit to the face will blind you, and health will continue going down after reaching a certain percentage. It's also cool how you can't pickup health on the fly like 99% of all FPS's. Everyone else is satisfied with the same old World War 2 or anti terrorist setting. Most people who heard of Wasteland Half Life (or The Wastes) forget it started long before Counter Strike or any other of today's most popular mods. They had a totally original idea and was way ahead of its time. Too bad they were left in the dust and most of the development team were lazy assholes.
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Post by Snake »

Yep The Wastes is not Fallout Half-Life, this mod is
The no health and lack of ammo really makes it a game of skill
It sucks that one persons witheld work is really preventing the mod from being completed anytime soon
But then again I don't know the full story and all that jazz
Who knows maybe some good will come out of this
For a start they should be advertising for members all over[/url]
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Post by Spazmo »

Actually, no health and a lack of ammo isn't Fallout. That's Mad Max. Stimpaks and drugs (in their various forms) as well as weapons and ammo were widely availible to people in Fallout.

And speaking of Mad Max, I just saw Road Warrior, and it's interesting to note taht he never actually uses his shotgun to shoot somebody.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Mad Max RW »

Did you see the final chase? He shot a bunch of people with it.
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Post by axelgreese »

Yeah that's what I thought.

But it still is pretty different from Beyond Thunder Dome's "I have tons of guns to hand over so you look suprised and stuff while I pile them on the table" coolness.
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

paynetothemax wrote:But it still is pretty different from Beyond Thunder Dome's "I have tons of guns to hand over so you look suprised and stuff while I pile them on the table" coolness.
I love that scene, best bit of the whole movie. But it sort of makes sense, in a world where ammo is scarce and unreliable to carry a range of weapons that use a variety of different ammo types.
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Post by Spazmo »

MMRW, I remember him maybe shooting one or two people, but he loses the bulk of his shells when he gets hit by another car. And then he sends the cannibal kid out the get the shell, and then that biker lieutenant is hanging onto the hood and the Humungous crashes into him.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by DrWacco »

WHL/TW isn't dead quite yet but RC1 looks set to be the last outing...
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Post by Mad Max RW »

Spazmo wrote:
And speaking of Mad Max, I just saw Road Warrior, and it's interesting to note taht he never actually uses his shotgun to shoot somebody.
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Post by Spazmo »

Yes, I admit that that was wrong. I'm just saying that very few homocides were committed using that shotgun.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by Mad Max RW »

He prefers using a vehicle as his weapon :P
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Post by axelgreese »

Yeah it's funny when he just runs people over. And the scene in the original with hack saw was great.
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Post by Ninja Penguin »

To clarify (and display my very, very sad wealth of knowledge about MM movies), Max shoots five people: Bubba from Toe Cutter's gang in MM, and four stock gang members during the truck chase.

He was going to shoot someone else, but dropped his shells and Wez prevented Feral Kid from getting the last one. Wez was then car raped by the Humungus in the raidermobile.

I have no idea if he shoots anyone in Beyond Thunderdome, since I try to block the parts after he gets exiled from Barter Town out of my head.
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Post by Spazmo »

Four?! No way. Not four. I'd have trouble believing two.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by axelgreese »

In thunder dome he shoots a guy in the hair... or something ...
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Post by Ninja Penguin »

Rewatched the scene. He shoots one driver, one guy through the roof, and another thorugh the passenger side window.

I was off my one. I am a horrible monster.
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Post by Mad Max RW »

He also attempted to shoot The Humungous, but it was a dud shell :P
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