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Color bug?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 2:39 pm
by Ice

I have modded FOT before using the FOT editors, but now, I am having a problem.

I usually use the editor to make my own custom recruits so that I end up with my own custom squad. This time around, I decided to even add 1-2 stat points to some of the characters. I edited Stitch with additional 2 stat points. He has a base color of white and armor color of red. However, when in game, he is all silver. Why is this so?

Is it because of my additional stats? Or am I doing something else wrong? Has anyone tried this?

Also, how do I add perks to characters? Must my characters be Lvl 3 to have a perk or can I give them a perk at Lvl 1?

My reasons for asking these is because I am making a "story" wherein the player starts with better characters than the usual ones you can create. This means characters that are slightly "boosted."

Thanks for any help!

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 3:18 pm
by subnormal
I don't know if it has to do anything with colours but... I never ever add an extra perk or stat or otherwise modify the character entity files except in the 'make' and 'level' button windows....

Because I've found that modifying things often gets really weird and fucked up effects later on when your characters level up and the game seems to realise that the characters aren't kosher...

The colours in the 'make' window also seem to ovverride the colours u set elsewhere in my experience... but I don't have too much experience with this anyway...

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2003 5:38 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
If you change the entity with the editor you'll have to update the existing one in the map. Open up Brahmin Wood and delete Stitch and then re-insert him, making sure that you remember to change his player index to 1.

You can add any perk you want in the entity editor, just change the 0 to a 1 next to the particular perk you want in the Entity attributes fields. Not sure how much this will affect entities in a campaign where they can keep leveling up.

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 3:27 am
by Ice
I have to re-insert Stitch? I messed with the Brahmin Wood map and set Stitch's colors right there since I was scared of messing up the game. Anyway, it seems that the entity in the mission overrides only the hand slots, color and adds some stuff in your inventory in case you edited Stitch's .ent file.
You can add any perk you want in the entity editor, just change the 0 to a 1 next to the particular perk you want in the Entity attributes fields. Not sure how much this will affect entities in a campaign where they can keep leveling up.
Somehow, the "more criticals" perk doesn't seem to work, at least I don't see the effect when I press the "C" button to view the character's stats. Anyway, I solved that by modifying my to-hit crit chance by the required 5%. When I add a perk, do I have to change 0 to 1 for the perks under the -modifiers- section, or just the -attributes- section?

If putting perks on level 0 characters means it'll mess up the game (can anyone confirm this?), then I guess I'll just have to level my people up. Damn, what to do with all those skill points? If I do that, they'll be too strong for the game. Any suggestions? Basically, I just want to have a perk for each character when he starts...

I've found that modifying things often gets really weird and fucked up effects later on when your characters level up and the game seems to realise that the characters aren't kosher...
What effects do you mean?

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:10 am
by subnormal
I did some things like you're doing.. I modified some values... then later when the characters leveled up, funny things happened like the AC got reset to something really low, if I modified that...

Or if I added a perk, then later on when the character leveled up I didn't get to choose a perk at all... I'm not sure exactly what because I did it last year... Memory's not all that good...

But if you modify your characters, then try leveling them up a few times to see if there are any odd effects... I remember that the effects didnt happen until quite a few level ups later...

And... If it has any side effects, try modifying the values in the Attributes pull down section if you changed them in the Modifiers section... or vice versa...

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 8:58 am
by Ice
I decided to just level up the characters to give them the perks needed. I also found out that I can "cheat" the characters without editing the -attributes- or -modifiers- tab, just on the "edit" button then "cheat -whatever-" portion.

Thanks for all the help!