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Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:41 pm
by Grey
I'm on the part with the Vault Dweller's statue. There's a green exit greed area to the south-west. It's a wall being guarded by 4 guards who tell me it's government property and i can't get in there. How can I get inside peacfully ?
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:48 pm
by jerman999
Steal the passkey from the guy in the tux in the Hall of Congress.
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:49 pm
by Mad Max RW
You can steal a pass off Gunther in the Congress building. Or you can get a job from that guy Merk or something as a bodyguard. I remember someone else hires you to kill the owner of the estate.
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:52 pm
by jerman999
Bishop hires you to kill Vice President Carlson. You still need to steal the key. I didn't know you could be Merk's bodyguard, though.