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FO2 Script and quest

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:41 am
by SerdarG

How to add new request entry in PIP boy. I saw quest.msg and found
"Tell Karl..." for modoc quest. this glabal_valiable 108 and 109. Then
set them 1. But it's not appear in PIP boy. How to do this.



Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 3:44 am
by Red
Setting them to 1 won't actually update your current games.

You'll need to start a new game so that the variables are properly initialized (and then get the vault suit to get the pipboy...)

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 4:37 am
by SerdarG
Are u sure? due to for exam

glabal_var=631 gives Modoc Jo first quest

if finished quest. set to 1 gives quest anytime. quest active again. I dont change glabal scripts count in game. on set in script. i changed other scripts. and scripts run correctly. for example after fnished gecko pow. plant optimize. i add to script "delete optimization data from VC. computer" its run very good.

my problem is how to align glabal_var(108) to quest text. i did not find it. quest texts file in "quest.msg". i think this file not correct. Because NCR quest not in file.

i set global_var(108) to 1 correctly. and chect it. it is 1.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 5:14 am
by Red
Oh, so you made a script to set it to 1, yeah that works fine. It wasn't obvious in your first post, sorry.

The problem is that there is another file you need to tweak (or at least read to use properly: quest.txt (in data). This contains the values needed to make quests appear and get crossed out.

Global 109 isn't used in it, and setting 108 to 1 should make the quest dissapear entirely... Set it to 7 (or greater) to "solve" it.

(You do know you can solve this quest normally don't you?)

As for NCR quests, they are in the file, line 124.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 11:54 pm
by SerdarG
yes now found.

data/quest.txt links to quest.msg

631,1 jo first quest begin, 2 quest fnished
631,2... what happened karl, 3fnished
631,4go to den say KARL, 5 fnished

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:58 am
by Red
I was very well aware of all that :p