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Gunslingers in Arcanum
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:47 am
by Rad_Man
I just started a new character in Arcanum and decided to go with the opposite of what I played before (A melee/magic elf) and play a dwarf gunslinger/technologist. As soon as I started the game I noticed how much harder it was. I managed to get to the first village but I am not sure if a will be able to take out the bandits at the bridge. How feasible is it to play a "guns only" character. I thought about starting off with some ranks in melee but I decided it’s was against the flavor of my character. Any ideas\stories about firearms characters would be helpful. Should I not put points in technology at the first and wait to a get a good firearms skill? I found that one point in herbology at the begining very helpful.
Re: Gunslingers in Arcanum
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 4:12 am
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Rad_Man wrote:I just started a new character in Arcanum and decided to go with the opposite of what I played before (A melee/magic elf) and play a dwarf gunslinger/technologist. As soon as I started the game I noticed how much harder it was. I managed to get to the first village but I am not sure if a will be able to take out the bandits at the bridge. How feasible is it to play a "guns only" character. I thought about starting off with some ranks in melee but I decided it’s was against the flavor of my character. Any ideas\stories about firearms characters would be helpful. Should I not put points in technology at the first and wait to a get a good firearms skill? I found that one point in herbology at the begining very helpful.
My last character was mainly firearms and dodge. I did find it helpful to invest in a little throwing, the grenades came in useful, especially in taking out the bandits at the bridge and the Stone Golems in the Dwarven Mines. Even without any points in throwing, chucking a stun grenade between the bandits usually bought me a little time to take out one of them while the others where stunned. Get the bullets schematic as early as possible and you'll cut down your expenses, as thanks to the combat system you do tend to use a lot of bullets.
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:41 am
by Stainless
I suggest getting the Sniper Rifle as quickly as possible too. It is by far the best weapon, in my opinion.
I advise killing the gunslinger master AFTER he gives you the mast status to get his.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:39 am
by Rad_Man
Thanks for the advice. That part I am most worried about right now is the bandits so I'll use some of the grenades you find at the beggining. I'll try to get the bullet schematic as soon as possible because I am find hard to keep getting all those bullets. I'll probably go for a mix of stats/skills/tech (I'll have to increase my stats to increase skills and tech anyway). I would choose one of the crazy auto-level things but I like making decisions.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:52 am
by Insane-Lark
You don't have to kill him to get it. I stole it & it didn't seem to bother him at all, he'll still train you.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 4:09 am
by Spazmo
Lark, that would be because your steal roll was successful and he didn't notice you stealing it.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:08 am
by Walks with the Snails
Uh, well, you don't have to kill the bandits, you know. The whole point of the game is there isn't only one way to do something. If you're hell-bent on it, try building up gunsmithing, they gave me no troubles at all with a fine revolver.
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2003 8:21 am
by Insane-Lark
Of course the *steal* was successful. Most ppl tended to get a bit miffed if they cought you trying to lift their stuff. I suppose you could save first & then attempt any major thefts, reloading if you discover you just aren't that good at it. I tended to cross my fingers & then live with the results. I had to kill a potential NPC (Magus) because I wanted to see if he had anything else on him that might give me a bit more info on a quest. Ah well.
If you successfully steal his weapon, he'll still train you to become a firearms master, providing you complete his tasks & rescue.
Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 5:00 pm
by Cipher
Bandit is a good way to start as a gun slinger. You get a really good starting pistol and extra firearms skill.
So far I have not had very many problems playing a gun slinger. A few good spells to get that wont be affected by low magic use is illuminate (so you don't suffer a low light penalty) and the disarm spell.
I got this info from a Arcanum forum site at ... 0@.ee6b4c8
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 3:21 pm
by DwarvenWarrior
For the ruffins at the bridge buy a potion of haste at the the gypsy (get moey by doing quests and sell most of your things.) Then drink the potion before going into combat if you plat in turnbased mode this will make a world of differance.
Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 4:06 am
by Petey_the_Skid
A gunslinger absolutely has to be a technologist and make his own guns..otherwise all you get is crap. Get the bullets schematics, and learn the first two healing schematics(Regular Healing and Stamina Healing) This way you'll be able to heal up, make your own bullets and shoot a whole lot of things. The first two elctricity schematics might be useful as well, they give you access to electric lanterns and charged rings(2 charged rings= +2 dex). Anyways, just my thoughts:)