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Questions about "made men" and Algernon
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:17 am
by Radoteur
I've read that people can get made man for more than one family, but I can't figure out how that could possibly happen. If I get made man for any family, all the other families shoot at me. I even tried killing the boss of my family, and went to talk to Bishop. I killed a few of his men, but I snuck up and he said something like, "DAI! RIGHT SKUM!!!11"
Is there any good reason for being made man for more than one family? I think the goods from killing the opposing families is better than being made man for 'em, especially the Salvadores. Those glasses were really nice to have.
Also, Is there any way to give flowers to Algernon? I assumed it was some reference to the book. (Not sure if it was titled Flowers for Algernon or Charly)
I tried practically everything. I planted broc flower, and normal flower, I tried to use both on him. I can't seem to think of a way to give the guy those flowers. I could try using mentats.
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 1:26 am
by Spazmo
For the families, Red has posted how to do this a number of times. Do a search for it.
As for Algernon, I don't think there's anything with flowers. I'm pretty sure the character is where the reference ends, although the pointing and "BOOM" thing might also be from the book. I don't know; I haven't read it.
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 4:21 am
by atoga
it's flowers for algernon, not charly. giving flowers to algernon has been tried, and it doesn't work. and the "boom" thing is not from the book.
Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2003 3:07 pm
by Red
But you didn't try the Daisies!
But don't fret, the daisies do nothing on him... For the "BOOM" part, all you need as <4 INT to get it.
As mentioned I posted many times how to get made man for more than one, the main point being not to be seen until you see the boss. Course some ahve doors which once opened get you noticed so you'll need NPCs to open them for you. Once you've reached him, make sure to talk to him 'for he can see you.
Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 7:02 am
by Bishop
You can't become mademan of more than one family at one time. Just kill your boss after you became their mademan and you're free again to do other family jobs.
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:45 am
by Red
Riiiiiiiight.... You can't... So um, don't even bother :P
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:13 am
by Radoteur
I've got made man for the Mordinos and the Salvatores. I've got the quests for Wrights done already, so I've got to sneak in and talk to Orville.
I don't think I'll be dealing with the Bishops, I haven't even gone to the NCR, yet. I kinda want Captain of the Guard, too.
After I've been made made man and I get the experience and stuff, are there any real benefits to keeping the gang that I'm made man of alive? Just seems like it would be better to rid the scum from the earth.
I guess I could just give it a try, but can I get into the Bishop locker and expose Bishop to Vault City after he's dead, and get Captain of the Guard? I think I'll just experiment with sleeping around, drugs, larceny, murder, and more.
Has anyone tried giving Algernon some mentats?
Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 12:55 pm
by Red
That was sarcasm since you didn't seem to notice and I was too lazy to link the rollseyes face...
You can still stay mande man and take out a house if you assassinate enough people... Actually if you just want one house the win (say, the wright), just assassinate all the other leaders...
You can still become captain of the guards if you kill Westin - as long as you get the holodik first.
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 1:04 am
by Radoteur
Well, It doesn't seem like a good idea to be made man for more than one family, because what actually happens is the family you most recently joined up with is your family. Everyone else seems to shoot on sight. Of course, that might be because I assassinated the leader.
It's too late for me to kill Westin. I've killed Bishop, already.
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 3:31 am
by Red
Yeah but you get all the specials, as worthless as those are...
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:24 am
by Bloodgeon11
btw, speaking of algernon, does anyone watch "Betterman" here? Thought he might be a reference, since reno seems pretty debauched!
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:32 am
by Spazmo
Algernon is a reference to Flowers for Algernon. That one is filed under 'N' for No shit, Sherlock.
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 11:48 pm
by Strap
Spazmo wrote:Algernon is a reference to Flowers for Algernon. That one is filed under 'N' for No shit, Sherlock.
well put
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:03 pm
by Bloodgeon11
Christ, ask a simple question....
Besides, who says that Flowers for Algernon is the only reference he pertains to? OH, and what the hell is Flowers for Algernon?!
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 11:04 pm
by Spazmo
It's a book. And I don't think even MCA is cheesy enough to put two references at once.
Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 4:08 pm
by Bloodgeon11
However, we've overestimated them before....
Oh, and who wrote Flowers for Algernon, please?
Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 6:00 pm
by Strap
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
its about a retarded guy named algernon. im pretty sure he falls in love with a girl, but in the end it doesnt work out.
sorry for this long post, but just to stop anyone else from asking more questions
The novel’s action begins in Charlie’s thirty-second year in
Donner’s Bakery, New York, where he works. Charlie narrates
his experience through ‘progress reports,’ which he has to submit
to the research team from Beckman College. Charlie is a retarded
adult, and he has agreed to submit himself to experimental surgery
in order to improve his intelligence. The reports reveal Charlie’s
experiences in the bakery to which the owner, his uncle’s friend,
has brought him from the Warren State Home for retarded people.
Charlie becomes a part of the bakery, and considers the people
there as his friends. Yet, he is dissatisfied and wants to be ‘smart.’
So, he joins a special school for retarded people at Beckman
College. After this, his teacher, Alice Kinnian, recommends him
to a research team at Beckman psychology department. The team
is in search of a retarded volunteer, for the experimental surgery
to increase intelligence.
Charlie then undergoes weeks of testing and competing with a
white mouse, Algernon at completing mazes. He is depressed
when the mouse beats him every time. The operation takes place
and Charlie is disappointed at not ‘getting smart’ immediately.
However, he is assured that he will progress gradually, but
steadily. Over a period of time, Charlie finds himself being able to
read more, win some mazes and master complex processes at the
bakery. The other workers resent him. He is disillusioned with
many of them. He has to spend a lot of time reading and being
tested at the Beckman lab. By now, he knows that Algernon has
also had surgery similar to his, which accounts for his
intelligence. Charlie surges ahead in gathering knowledge and
mastering languages. He begins to see his supportive teacher
Alice, as an attractive young woman. They become close and he
tries to make love to her. On several occasions, he finds he has a
violent physical reaction when he is making love to her and
therefore has to stop. He can’t understand why this happens.
Around the same time, Charlie’s repressed memories of his home,
surface. Disturbing scenes, like, his mother pushing him to study
or others when he is being pushed aside in favor of his younger
sister, flash through his memory. Charlie is upset, but he finds his
newfound intellectual ability thrilling and works hard.
He finds that he and Algernon are to be taken to Chicago for a
convention, at which Nemur will present the findings of the team.
Once there, Algernon and Charlie are the prime ‘exhibits,’
objects, and humiliating remarks are made in his hearing. He also
discovers that the researchers have not given sufficient time to
verify their experimental findings before performing the
experiment on him. Charlie releases Algernon, and runs away
with him to New York. He hides here for some time and rents a
house. He understands that his time is short and decides to check
the same experiments, in order to trace the reasons for its failure.
Charlie gets permission from the sponsors, to work independently
on this subject at Beckman. His relationship with Nemur becomes
tense and hostile. He can’t overcome his problems with Alice and
gets involved with Fay, an unconventional artist living next door.
With her, he can defeat his inhibitions. But as his work gets more
demanding, their relationship becomes strained and finally breaks.
In the meantime, Algernon’s condition gets worse, and he dies.
Charlie knows this indicates his own approaching end, and
therefore he seeks out his parents. His father is alone in the
Browse. Charlie meets him but can’t bear to reveal who he is, for
fear of disappointment. His meeting with his mother and sister is
anticlimactic, as the mother is old and senile, and his sister is
having a bad time coping with the responsibility alone. He is
satisfied that he can tell them of his achievements. He makes his
peace with them and leaves. He confronts Nemur at a party and
charges him of being insensitive. Charlie is also charged of
selfishness and arrogance, which he admits is the truth. He
accepts that the retarded Charlie is an important and enduring part
of him. He and Alice get together but only find fulfillment for a
short time. As Charlie’s mind gets worse, he forces her to leave
him. He works at the bakery, and when his condition becomes
very bad, he moves to the Warren Home.