Scripting and dialogue

Discuss the creation and scripting of new fan-made games and mods for the Fallout series of games.
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Scripting and dialogue

Post by Phias »

My question for the geenyous modders here is simple:

How do I edit the dialogue for different characters?

I want new conversations for certain characters. Maybe even give normally "Chatty"(no extended speech, only floater text) bipeds extended dialogue. How do I do this?

Or, if that's IMPOSSIBLE, what's the next best thing?


Last question:

I want NPCs to react to what I've done(bad deeds, good deeds).

E.G: I am a bastard ChildKiller. I want "good" NPCs(not party members, ya know: peasants, gamblers, etc) to say such things as: "YOU MURDEROUS ROGUE!! I SHALL SMITE YOU ONE DAY!!" or something similar, you know.

How do I...Tie my karma into NPC reaction?
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Post by Red »

You can do all that, you need a decompiler and compiler and plenty of time to do research/understand how it works :)

I strongly recommen Noid's decompiler which you can find here: ... 3036#93036
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Post by Phias »

Thanks for the link.
I've got a lot of work ahead of me...
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