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Fallout and Kernel32.dll

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 3:51 am
by Necessary_3vil
Ok I've been working with some friends who have been having a problem with trying to acess level 4 or lower in The Glow, after you punch the button for any lower level the game crashes with an invalid page fault and referneces kernel32.dll. First of has anybody heard of this one? Second I noticed that there is a kernel32.dll file for download here at Duck and Cover, but there's no desciption of this file, what version of windows is it for? I'd rather not go replacing system files all willy nilly without any specific information as to what it is. Finally don't bother telling me that I don't need to go to that level of The Glow to finish the game, I know that. Also don't both telling me about patching the game, driver updates etc, I know thats not the source of this problem. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:50 am
by Radoteur
I heard that kernel32.dll is a major thing in Windows.
Basically, I heard that knowing something is wrong with kernel32.dll will get you nowhere, fast. Of course, I hear voices in my head, so don't take me too seriously.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:05 am
by Tank
You're right. It's basically the wholy grale for windows. If you have this problem (which many of us have experienced) you'll have to restart froma level outside the glow, ie The Hub, Junktown, etc. Once you've enetered the Glow, the failure has already been made, just not acted upon yet. Or something like that, you get the gist of it!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:36 pm
by Necessary_3vil
OK, I think I'm getting the picture here. Just as a test I edited a character and just ran straight to the glow and nothing went wrong. Thanks for the input.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 8:32 am
by Tank
No problem!