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What would please Saint, Rosh and all purist

Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 11:34 pm
by Carib
IF Fallout 3 was to be made, what stuff can you all collectively agree on that would make it something that would please you.

What plot?

What graphics?

Would it work with limited multiplayer (Like Diablo I and 2)?

I just want an idea on how the big fish think. So if you'd be so kind. And No, this isn't to support everquest with RADS.

Re: What would please Saint, Rosh and all purist

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 4:27 am
by Killzig
Rama Stryfe wrote:IF Fallout 3 was to be made, what stuff can you all collectively agree on that would make it something that would please you.
I don't know about collectively agree on but here are some things I'd like to see in Fallout 3 and cRPGs in general.
What plot?
Something non linear, flexible, concerning more with tensions arising among the people and the world. Not your typical villain busting out like the enclave. The cool thing about Fallout 1 was that even though the master was "evil" you could still see that his intentions were actually pretty honorable. Unity, peace, advancement of civilization -- there was a lot of grey there. While with the enclave it was just too stereotypical villain.

What graphics?
Same perspective as FO in full 3d. I love the camera view in fallout, i'd love to see a well done 3d engine use that view, cut away roofs and the whole transparent walls thing just like in fo. Then while in 3d it allows you the flexibility to shift the camera in when necessary. Make the game a litte more involed sniping, mini games for lock picking/stealing, repairing... etc.
Would it work with limited multiplayer (Like Diablo I and 2)?
No. The problem with multiplayer games is that it makes the story way too shallow. It would take too much to do it right and I think whoever develops FO3 is better off focusing on making it the best single player game they can. How many of you play arcanum MP? Not many I bet, leave the mp to those hack n slash and FPS games.
I just want an idea on how the big fish think. So if you'd be so kind. And No, this isn't to support everquest with RADS.
Hardly any big fish around here, maybe louder--but we're all fans of fallout.

Re: What would please Saint, Rosh and all purist

Posted: Sun May 04, 2003 6:34 am
by Max-Violence
Killzig wrote:How many of you play arcanum MP?
Heh, I didn't even know Arcanum has MP. Granted, it's been a while since I've played it, but...

Personally, I think non-linear gameplay and a good bit of replayability go a long way to make a good game great.

Re: What would please Saint, Rosh and all purist

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 6:42 am
by Vergilius
Rama Stryfe wrote:IF Fallout 3 was to be made, what stuff can you all collectively agree on
Turn Based !

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 8:47 pm
by Kashluk
I agree about the combat thingy with you atoga. But the best part in Fallout is, that fighting isn't everything! :) Diplomats & mad scientists thrive as well.

And just because of their super human life span ghouls make interesting NPCs. One ghoul might've seen a big slice of history that takes 3 human generations.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 10:49 pm
by Killzig
I split this topic because it became totally off track with babblings about ghouls. Since it's an interesting topic I didn't lock it and now I'm posting just to bump it up again.


Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 11:45 pm
by Smiley
Hairfree deathclaws!

hmm... Elimination of the pule-rifle and gun ideas... Way too weird.
And elimination of the gauss-rifle/gun, though cool they were in their own way...

I guess it'd have to be a major weapon reconstruction.

Absolutely turnbased! And reuse of the SPECIAL-system!

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:11 pm
by Tank

Well, as for the Guass, I think we should keep that one, but only as a rare, non-buyable weapon... Kinda like the Turbo-Plasma Rifle, you know? Tyhey did after all have the general ideas for it in the 1950's, didn't we establish that a long time ago?

Re: What would please Saint, Rosh and all purist

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:40 pm
by swordinstone
Killzig wrote:Something non linear, flexible, concerning more with tensions arising among the people and the world. Not your typical villain busting out like the enclave. The cool thing about Fallout 1 was that even though the master was "evil" you could still see that his intentions were actually pretty honorable. Unity, peace, advancement of civilization -- there was a lot of grey there. While with the enclave it was just too stereotypical villain.

I think a "storyline" that is non linear, is perfect for multiplayer... all you have to really worry about is game difficulty. Personally, a world to wander around in and do whatever you want, would be pretty dull without other ppl to play it with.

lol... nice, my name changed due to this being my 69th post :)

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 9:50 pm
by atoga
a restored SPECIAL system, kind of revised like in Lionheart (only better).
also, way more uses, and detail and depth, for various noncombat stuff. Plus more noncombat items.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 7:50 am
by Maximous

The plot has to be small. I think of all the D&D games out there, and they all have the same plot. I want FO"X" to stay around until at least FOXX (Fallout 20) at which point I'll be dead. And I know the Post-Apocalyptic genre is a due-able universe. So don't burn all of the BIG ideas on three or four games. I can see saving a part of the Wastes...not the whole world which FO1 and FO2 implied...because they assumed there were no other vaults (which we know there are :-). So it would be ok to save Chicago or LA from a ghoul/raider clan. I read Deathlands (about 59 in collection) and each book covers only a single adventure. I can't write worth a damn, it is obvious though a single event can carry a whole story. Therefore, Fallout Could be a D&D game (Balders Gate) with a different skin...just change the names (I know I just insulted a ton of people).

A slight difference might be to make a small tweek to the combat system where it would mimiac Jagged Alliance 2's line-of-sight, different shooting positions (which really made a big difference in accuracy). I know this deviates from the traditional dice roll, it's just a bit more reallistic in JA2.

Plots that have moral twits are always the best. The moral delima of having to Choose between right and wrong ie....
1. To be a leader of a small tribe or forced to run a vault
2. loality to a friend/family or to a vault/raider-clan

Confrontation between evil and good:
3. ghoul clan twisted on getting an atomic bomb

Our past deeds bitting us in the arse (what goes around comes around)
4. Relatives of people NOT let in the Vault, who are now deformed, try and take over the wastes (FO1'ish)

Of course Homer's Odyssey is good...can't get laid until you complet quest of some god-crazed figure.

Drugs an Sex do NOT have be in the plot. I never liked the Addicted part of FO2, addicts are not pretty people, and addicts do NOT do rational things. Also, addicts are not necessarly roll models, nor are postitutes...and add nothing to an EPIC-TALE

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 9:43 pm
by Rad_Man
Well IMO the most important thing about F3 is that the designers genuinely aim for a good RPG (like the original Fallout) not a wanna be RPG that built to sell but doesn't because it’s just like five other crappy games.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 11:43 pm
by Carib
It should also be a large world, filled with a dark edginess, have all the dark finesse of a Quentin terrinno Movie, the tightness of the God Father and the darkness of Apocalypse Now.

Karma has to bite harder.
More no-combat perks as well as combat perks...

Joining system and the ability to choose your destiny as a mutant, ghoul, death claw or Robot... Though I think the thought of being a robot reminds folks of Tactics...

Visiting old locations and boarders and introduction to new ones. Better random encounters... and some cool easter eggs...

Sex, violence and murder where appropriate, and if such, give it a 1950's soft porn feel. Like rteading Cat's Paw Magazine... For example, new Reno and other sink holes out or lax with NCR law....

Lots of items and junk around...

The list can go on...

A host of crazy inhabitants and memorable faces as well as ghouls and super mutants...

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 2:48 am
by atoga
Rama Stryfe wrote:It should also be a large world, filled with a dark edginess, have all the dark finesse of a Quentin terrinno Movie, the tightness of the God Father and the darkness of Apocalypse Now.
I disagree. It should be kept lighthearted, not too fast paced, and not horribly biting. If you don't want that '50s feel there's a thousand other games you can play. And it's Quentin Tarantino.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 4:12 am
by Strap
too bad it cant have a multiplayer that was nothing like other multiplayers. such as (bad reference coming up!) the sims online, only in that there are Tons of people in a huge area, and you can "be you" (corny yes, but kinda neat) like, there could be towns all over and you could go from one place to another, not just for no reason, you could be bound by admins (masters/leaders) that would only permit you to do certain things until you got better/promoted type stuff.
it would never work, but if you think about it it would be pretty cool..

but otherwise, forget MP for fallout, it will never work...

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 9:43 pm
by Carib
Well, as for the Quentin Tarantino movie, I am not saying their should be excessive prfanity, but let it be for certain places. Like when you go to Vault City, you can get a taste of the sterile enviorment and uptight policies of that area. When going to New Reno, you'll meet a whole set of disgruntled folks cussin'.... But let it fit.

I don't expect tp stroll the streets of VC and find THomas Moore giving Lynette his extended middle finger.

Areas should reflect what they are.

Since it would be a sequel, attitudes may soften or harden. In the Case of Den, it may get better. With places like New Reno, depending on how the designers see fit, let the speech fit. Raiders are scum and villiany... nuff said.

I don't want all the cussin' I want a feel that was like the refreshingness of the First fallout. A memorable cast of weird people and some crazy folks along the way.

As I said, Karam should hit harder....

re: FO3

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 5:06 am
by Cosmus
I'd want something between FO1&2. FO2 was getting too close to normal, but FO1 was just a western with the occasional really high tech thing. But if it had to be set in one or the other, I'd say Fallout 1.

As far as towns go, the towns should have a purpose (not just quests). Why was the Den there? Slaves. Modoc? Crops. New Reno? Drugs. Then you get ones like VC, which have no real reason. How do they make profit? What do they trade the caravans that go through? Same with Gecko. They're kinda crops and power, but Broken Hills and VC (the only nearby cities) had their own power source. And then there's San Fran, which has less purpose. That needs to be fixed.

I think there should be more shantytowns. Like the hoovervilles in The Grapes of Wrath. They were constantly picked on by people with authority, and forced to relocate (every once in a while it goesaway after being destroyed, then reappears nearby with a slightly altered town map. It wouldn't be that hard).

For graphics, leave them the same. It wouldn't have the Fallout feel to it in FP or 3D.

But choosing a race would have to alter the storyline. After all, a deathclaw wouldn't grow up in a human village; nor would a robot. So you'd have to have different starting towns, opening quests, backgrounds, reactions from NPCs, et cetera. So maybe a different plot/region for each race (4 or 5 games in one) that maybe tie in at one point.

MP would most likely suck. Youd get picked on by high level people, be untrustworthy to low lvls, et cetera. Maybe if you were playing with friends, on of each race, that goes like a normal SP game, until one point where you must find each other and work together. That might be fun.

I would like to reduce vehicles. One at most, but you must use science and repair to build it frm scraps of other cars, costing you lots of time and money. The higher your skill, the faster/more fuel efficient the car.

Re: re: FO3

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:33 am
by Dan
Cosmus wrote:I'd want something between FO1&2. FO2 was getting too close to normal, but FO1 was just a western with the occasional really high tech thing. But if it had to be set in one or the other, I'd say Fallout 1.
Actually, Fallout 1's setting was based on 50's pulp sci fi comics.
As far as towns go, the towns should have a purpose (not just quests).
Can't towns just be places where people live? If there was a big town somewhere before the war, I would except people to live in it's remains.
why was the Den there? Slaves. Modoc? Crops. New Reno? Drugs.
That's what they make money from, not the reason of their exsitence. New Reno "was there" because Reno was big town before the war. (Even though New Reno was horribly implemented).
Then you get ones like VC, which have no real reason. How do they make profit? What do they trade the caravans that go through?
Medical supplies.
But choosing a race would have to alter the storyline. After all, a deathclaw wouldn't grow up in a human village; nor would a robot. So you'd have to have different starting towns, opening quests, backgrounds, reactions from NPCs, et cetera. So maybe a different plot/region for each race (4 or 5 games in one) that maybe tie in at one point.
Choosing a race would severly harm the setting.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:30 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
There should be an actual use for Jimmy Hats...Sure you feel cool carrying them around, but it'd be nice to actually put them to use...

How about more character models? Seems like every other character in FO and FO2 had the same model..The junkies looked like trappers, and the trappers looked like bar owners...

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:40 pm
by atoga
ExtremeDrinker wrote:Jimmy Hats
They could be used to protect you from various STDs, like "wasteland herpes" from Wasteland. They can also be used as currency :)

Also, I think there should be plenty of cigarettes and cigars, to capture that '50s "smoking is good for you" feel.