elevators, how do you get them to work.??

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Vault Scion
Vault Scion
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elevators, how do you get them to work.??

Post by ColJack »

i want to include an elevator from one elevation on my map to another, i have made it the same as the elevator in the toxic caves, and have put the zselev01 spatial scritp inside the lift like it has in the toxic caves.. but my lifts don't work.
i've looked in the script files for the toxic caves map and it is not defined there, and i have looked in the header files it includes, and the definition is not there either.
there is no option to set the destinstipn map / elevation in the lift's script, or in the zselev01 script..
so where do you set it?
since a lift can have multiple destinations, then how do you set it up???

I have spotted in the scenery list, an item called elevator stub.
i cannot select it to edit it since it comes with no art, not even hidden art like the blockers...

it looks to me like you put one of these in the lift, and set it to whatever floor it is on, and what type of lift controls you want ( 2,3,or 4 buttons, floors 1,2,3 : floors 1,2,4 and so on... ) but i'll be damned if i can get it to work..
i'm cross posting this to as many related forums as i can on the off chance someone has figured it out..

i've figured the stairs and stuff out no problem.. you just gotta remember that the game calls level 1 on the editor, elevation 0.. and so on..
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Hero of the Glowing Lands
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Post by Red »

Sadly I'm about the only one replying to you (on all forums...) If I were you instead of dual posting on DaC, I'd do a post on NMA sice I never noticed you posting there... There are a few quite knowledgable guys who hang out there.
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Vault Scion
Vault Scion
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Post by ColJack »

i only dual posted here in case they use a bookmark to get here.. i use one to get to the fan fallout forum, and didn't reslise there was this one untill i stumbled on it..

as for posting to NMA.. i didn't realise they had a fallout editing forum.. so i will also start watching that one too.. but at the time of writing, the site is down for some reason.... ???
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