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Awaken Multiplayer co-op

Posted: Tue May 06, 2003 9:56 pm
by swordinstone
Anyone know the guys making this mod? I downloaded it and started playing it a little. I really want to play more of it, but I'm holding out incase they decide to add the multiplayer co-op feature. My main question here is, what is the likelyhood of co-op being added? on a scale of 1-10...

Personally, I would soil myself if I ever got my hands on a co-op version of any game set in the fallout universe (with the exception of enforcer or whatever its called)... I cant think of any game I would rather play right now.

Re: Awaken Multiplayer co-op

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 9:42 pm
by MacBeth
swordinstone wrote:My main question here is, what is the likelyhood of co-op being added? on a scale of 1-10...

it's just damn to much work! yhym maybe not much but it's soo boring and when playing coop you need a certain number of players which the map requires, otherwise the wont be some runing around the map, because what the NPC does is decided by randominess so theres no way to make a team of PC's in a town whole of NPC's. of course theres a way to assign every NPC to players control but then thats where the certain number of players is needed (no "team" can be left without a player... (probably :P))

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 9:55 pm
by swordinstone
yeah, it does sound like a pain in the arse... maybe if a scalable NPC lvl system could be implemented, like in Diablo2... where the monsters get stronger/weaker based on the number of clients on the server. I'm not saying this would be easy, but prob the best way to do it.

Anyway, thanks for the response :)


Posted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:31 am
by PaladinHeart
Multiplayer FOT sucks anyway. The people in particular. Best to stick with single player.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 6:24 pm
by Jack_Deth
Tactics multiplayer was cool when the game as a demo.