Arcanum: Quest bugs?

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Arcanum: Quest bugs?

Post by Max-Violence »

Are there any bugs in the game involving quests? I think I just found one...

In Blackroot, I got the Innkeeper's strongbox from What's-His-Face via negotiation (payed 80 bucks). However, when I talk to the Innkeeper with the box in my inventory, I get no dialogue (sp?) option to give it to him and get my reward (free lodging). W. T. F.?

I checked Terra-Arcanum and thier quest walkthrough mentions nothing of this problem (doesn't even say what the quest reward is like it does for all the other quests in the game).

EDIT: Well, I must've been hallucinating (sp?) before... I talked to the Innkeeper and everything's good.

Just so this post isn't a complete waste, anyone know where the following are?
  1. Expert and/or Master Bow person
  2. A good bow and/or gun
  3. Master Lockpicker
  4. Good armor for a half-ogre (I had a charmed large leather armor but it broke :()
  5. Gaylin offerd me a "handsome reward" if I ever got the "ancient amulet of N'Tala." Well, I got it, but I can't for the life of me remember where Gaylin is. I searced T-A to no avail. Where's is she/he (don't remember that one either, lollies!)
  6. Expert and/or Master Prowler
Thank you, and goodnight.
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Re: Arcanum: Quest bugs?

Post by Dan »

Max-Violence wrote:Expert and/or Master Bow person
In Black Root, there's an old soldier near the docks, talk to him and listen to his story, he can train you to be an expert in a few things (including bows)
Kietzel Pierce (Might be a little wrong with the spelling), can train you to be a master with bow, you can find him in blackroot in a bar. He tells you to find a young man he is looking for, and then leaves blackroot and travels to Caladon.
The young man (Dudley something), is a guard in cumbria, talk to him and then go to Caladon. Kietzel will then tell you to retirve a bow from some place, and then he will train you.
A good bow and/or gun
If you want a tech bow, I think you can buy some pretty good bow scematchis. For guns, you should probably build them on your own (Blade launcher and stuff). Anyway, there's someone in Ashbury who has a looking glass rifle you can pick pocket.
Good armor for a half-ogre (I had a charmed large leather armor but it broke :()
I guess stores, or random ph3t lewt.
Gaylin offerd me a "handsome reward" if I ever got the "ancient amulet of N'Tala." Well, I got it, but I can't for the life of me remember where Gaylin is. I searced T-A to no avail. Where's is she/he (don't remember that one either, lollies!)
She is in Shrouded hills.
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Post by Max-Violence »

Many thanks, kind sir.

Um, where's Cumbria? I thought it was the southern "continent" of sorts (the one with Black Root and Caladon on it), I didn't know there was a city named Cumbria...

BTW, storyline-wise, I'm about to get to Quintarra. Haven't physically been there yet (doing some exploration first). I got the "real" skin of the Stillwater Giant and I'm going to go stop by Stillwater and Tarant to see if I can sell/give it to someone (i.e. the Parnell (sp?) fellow in Tarant or the wierd scientist in Stillwater. I kinda killed the elf in Stillwater to get the Amulet of N'Tala after he told me where Quintarra is...).

Anyway, does where I am in the game storyline-wise affect who'll train me to be expert/master in X skill?
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Post by Dan »

Max-Violence wrote:Many thanks, kind sir.

Um, where's Cumbria? I thought it was the southern "continent" of sorts (the one with Black Root and Caladon on it), I didn't know there was a city named Cumbria...
My mistake... I meant Drenholm, the capital of Cumbria.
BTW, storyline-wise, I'm about to get to Quintarra. Haven't physically been there yet (doing some exploration first). I got the "real" skin of the Stillwater Giant and I'm going to go stop by Stillwater and Tarant to see if I can sell/give it to someone (i.e. the Parnell (sp?) fellow in Tarant or the wierd scientist in Stillwater. I kinda killed the elf in Stillwater to get the Amulet of N'Tala after he told me where Quintarra is...).
You can sell it to Parnell's... I think he even gives you a nice offer.
Anyway, does where I am in the game storyline-wise affect who'll train me to be expert/master in X skill?
I don't think so... You just need to reach the right people.
Of course, you will probably reach Caladon only later in the game and get the bow mastery.
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Post by CloudNineGT »

The best bow in the game is located on the island with all the crazy monkeys and that one old elf (forgive me its been a while since i played)

The master lockpick guy is locked in a prison in the one city where theres the murders (again forgive me)
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