Story time

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Story time

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

A chap named <b>DigitalMetal</b> (aka James Herring) has sent in a short story set in the Fallout Tactics universe, a tale he likes to call "Vengeance". Here's a brief snip:<blockquote><em>From the watchtower, Paladin Rhonus could see a dust storm beginning to form in the distance. As a member of the Brotherhood of Steel for the last twenty-five years, he could tell when something did not feel right. Placing his battered helm back on his head, he switched the helm's optics to 20 times magnification. At the front of the dust storm were vehicles of every size and configuration. He felt his stomach grow cold as the lead vehicle took shape.</em></blockquote>Read more of the fun <a href="/community/fiction/digitalven.php">here</a>. Cheers DigitalMetal!
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