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<html><body><P><A HREF=http://www.3dzone-bg.com/interviews/vie ... id=&id=235 target=_blank>3D-Zone</A> had a chance to sit down with Andrey Salnikov of GSC Game World and discuss their Chernobyl based survival/horror FPS/RPG <A HREF=http://www.stalker-game.com/ target=_blank>S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost</A>. They talk about pretty much everything, from working with GSC, inspirations for the game, the X-Ray engine, and more specifics. Here’s a bit that caught my eye:</P><blockquote><em><B>3dzone-bg: From all the interviews that I’ve read I learned that you went on a trip to Chernobyl and I even saw a picture of you standing outside the nuclear power plant. Tell us something more about the trip – What did you saw in there? How does it feel like? Is it like it’s taken from one of the X-Files episodes or…?</B>
The X-Files was out way after 1986 and with a lot less dangerous consequences. We went there twice and came back with pictures, but moreover we brought back the feeling of the dreadful atmosphere that ushers the area, sort of feeling you get when you see huge cities with just a handful people that either came back despite all of the warnings because they can’t live anywhere else or those assigned there by the Ministry for Emergencies. It’s amazing how dangerous knowledge can be if used with negligence. Forest inside a city or rotting villages certainly look very depressing. The trips to Chernobyl allowed us to realize what a true atmosphere of a post-nuclear apocalyptic world can be, and this is the feel we are up to creating in the game.</em></blockquote><P>The next interview comes from <A HREF=http://www.gameland.ru/post/21984/default.htm target=_blank>Gameland.ru</A>. It’s all in Russian, but fan site <A HREF=http://www.oblivion-lost.com/ target=_blank>Oblivion-Lost</A> was kind enough to post a translation of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. section:</P><blockquote><em><B>- Discussions of Stalker's chances in one ring with Doom III and Half-Life 2 often come up in game forums. Some don't take your creation seriously, some are certain in its success. Even though those discussions are deeply symbolic, I can not omit the question. So, using this opportunity, from all the Russian (and countries of past CIS ) game (and gaming) community: "Own both of them? Huh?"</B>
- It terms of technology, we will definitely own. In terms of game play, we are making a different game. Doom III and Half Life 2 are games built on script technologies, where events are based on the player's actions, and the passing is linear - from point A to point B. We are making a game where events occur without the player's intervention - the Zone lives, the player has almost unlimited freedom. This is a new, very much revolutional, direction in the genre, to which many will eventually come. At this time, only some go in this direction. I have only heard about Fable on XBox, which is made by Peter Molyneux’s protégé. The script system has existed for many years and has become a bit stale. Both systems have their advantages: scripts give game designers full control over the game, our system creates unlimited variety and freedom of action in the game world, which attracts gamers so much in online games. Both systems will find their fans. Time will tell which system will gather most players' sympathies.</em></blockquote><P>You can find the rest on the <A HREF=http://board.oblivion-lost.com/viewtopic.php?t=555 target=_blank>Oblivion-Lost forum</A>.</P></body></html>
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