Fallout Fan Features

Comment on events and happenings in the Fallout community.
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Fallout Fan Features

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[Community -> Update]</strong>

Oh my, another bit of fun for the fallout family! Sometimes we get stuff sent to us - like comics, or an essay on why string vests have no place in a Fallout game - and we have no place to put 'em. Well ENOUGH of that! Meet the <a href="/features/fanfeatures.php">Fallout Fan Feature</a> section - where you can submit any old thing (Fallout related) for the rest of the community to enjoy.
<br>We've already got a bunch of old stuff from DAC of ages past (well, back when we were at Gamespy, anyway) - like Greg "Wolf" Slemons <a href="/features/perkgags/perkgags.php">Perk Gags</a> and Pyro's <a href="/features/pyrocomics/pyrocomics.php">ye olde comics</a> from back when he was an innocent lad... but to celebrate the opening of this new section, we've got a couple of new features as well:<blockquote><em><a href="/features/wastedcomic/wasted1.php">The Wasted Lands</a> - a comic by Thomas Björkqvist, and
<br><a href="/features/falloutstars/falloutstars.php">The Stars of Fallout: Where Are They Now?</A> - an odd retrospective article by Ghetto Goose</em></blockquote>So sit back, fill up your bubble-pipe and enjoy a bunch of fairly unusual <a href="/features/fanfeatures.php">Fan Features</a>. Thanks Thomas and GG!
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