it's sort of centred around a disease that gets released by some hippies who unknowingly release infected lab monkeys carrying a sort of SARS meets Ebola meets Mad Cow Disease (except for humans) and it sets in about ohh... 20 seconds after exposure?
I thought it was good, the atmosphere was set up REALLY well, directed by Trainspotting's Danny Boyle, I enjoyed the beginning half a lot more than the last half, I like the whole wandering sequence, I thought it was shot well... I liked the panic feel but it was over done at points... it had some serious flaws, like when the fat man in the silly british car decided to endanger everyones life by driving through a dark tunnel...
still fairly good compared to the shit released at the same time in north america
the movie did have its moments though
sure as hell beat the last piece of shit movie i got suckered into watching at the theatres (the transporter)
imdb entry: