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Need help with trigger text

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:31 am
by seraglio
Hey all. I have been studying the Pip Boy special encounter in the editor because I am wanting to do something similar for a special encounter I want to make and I can't make heads or tails of it.

What I am doing is creating a special encounter where you run into 12 'Hired Guns" (from the old amiga games. Rorian, Desverger etc if anyone remembers that).

These 12 entities should be recruitable. I want to start a speech with them, have them spew some text about thier abilities and how much they cost. Then you should be able to pay them x amount of money to join your cause, preferably only if you are a certain rank or level though.

This doesn't seem tough too me, but I have been trying to clone the Pipboy encounter and make triggered text thatchanges player index to 1, but its not working. Any guidance would be mucho appreciated!

I have this file:

Making an NPC Join Your Team:
1. In the speech editor, click the "Add" button. The name of the speech goes
under the "Remove" button. In the Random 1 field choose the node to assign to
this speech. And under that enter an event name like "NPCspoke1".
2. For the trigger condition use "Speech Occured". Here you choose the speech
event from above - "NPCspoke1".
3. For the trigger action use "Change Player". Pick the tag name you used for
the entity from the list for the Unit. Then you want to change him to Player 1.

Sorry but its a little too vague. I'm not sure when I exit or if I save anything, or what 'node' to assign my new speech to, or what nodes are even. Anyone wanna take a crack at helping me through this in more detail?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:58 am
by Jimmyjay86
You might want to read this over to get a better feel for the building blocks of speech nodes and files.

Then this part gets into all the triggers and conditions for scripting.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 8:09 am
by seraglio
Still working on this, thanks for the links. However I am stuck with variables.

I am doing as it says here:
As for buying mercenaries, that's a bit more difficult. I would suggest you do like suggested by someone else and have a merc require the completion of a quest, first. Otherwise, try this:

Have your player find a merc commander and buy a holodisk that is tagged with a merc's name. Then go find that merc in his barracks and talk to him. He says his intro. He then detects that you have his holodisk (assignment?) and joins your team (player index). The better mercs would have more expensive holodisks, etc.

I'm lost where it says DETECTS. That is not a specific function I can find under Triggers for either Actions or Conditions. I have the HoloDisks tagged, I see them as Units under some drop down menus, but which condition in effect says 'If player has tagged holodisk then proceed to action X'

I see a lot about variables, but I cant tell where you set these up or whats the syntax. The variable and Set variables statements dont have any 'if then, else' sort of logic, I was expecting dropdowns where I could choose stuff. If I write my own where is the guide that shows syntax and options?

Basically I am still lost =(

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 4:37 pm
by Jimmyjay86
I'll look into it and post later.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 8:55 pm
by Jimmyjay86
Make sure that each merc has a specific tag name (Jim, Bob, Mary, etc). For the trigger condition pick "Quantity-Unit" and then choose the merc's tag name under "Unit", "has:Equal to 1", "type: Items tagged 'Holo-Jim' ", "at: Anywhere", check "inLocation"

The action will be "Change Player" - "Change Unit:Jim", "to Player: 1".

That should get it to work. The logic of the triggers and its interface leaves a little to be desired but it works. Be sure to use the editor readme as a reference to all the trigger conditions and actions - it is very handy.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 9:46 pm
by seraglio
Wow thanks a ton, gonna try that soon as I get back from gym and let you know how it worked. thanks!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:53 pm
by seraglio
Hey JJ finally got that all to work. Thanks a ton.

So the 'in location' part of this the location is thier inventory? Would not have guessed that.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 12:46 am
by OnTheBounce
seraglio wrote:So the 'in location' part of this the location is thier inventory? Would not have guessed that.
No, the "In Location" has nothing to do w/a character's Inventory.

The "In Location" box has to do w/what zone the condition can occur in. You can leave it ticked/checked and the AI will check for the condition(s) to occur in a specific zone, or you can untick/uncheck and the AI will check to see that the condition(s) are occuring outside a certain zone.

The default zone is "Anywhere", which is inclusive of all zones. However, if you leave the Location set to "Anywhere" and untick/uncheck the "In Location" box you may as well have set a "Never" condition for the trigger.



Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:08 am
by Max-Violence
OnTheBounce wrote:The "In Location" box has to do w/what zone the condition can occur in. You can leave it ticked/checked and the AI will check for the condition(s) to occur in a specific zone, or you can untick/uncheck and the AI will check to see that the condition(s) are occuring outside a certain zone.
So that's like saying, "If X conditions are met while Y player is outside of Z zone, then do this, this, and that," right? Sweet. That'll help me out big-time for Revenge 3. When I'm done tilework, 'course...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:19 am
by OnTheBounce
Max-Violence wrote:So that's like saying, "If X conditions are met while Y player is outside of Z zone, then do this, this, and that," right? Sweet. That'll help me out big-time for Revenge 3. When I'm done tilework, 'course...
Yes, that's exactly what it's saying.

I had planned to use this at one time in the bonus mission for IOOI, where the player could recover a tank to help him/her get into an installation, but I didn't want to actually give the player a tank to have and to hold...and more importantly to tool around the Wasteland practically impervious to anything his/her enemies could throw his/her way...

The solution was to start a timer once the Tank left a certain area. When the timer started a World Text message informed the player that the tank's engine was making ominous sounds. Once the timer expired a "Kill Entity" trigger snuffed the tank. ("Okay men, open up your backpacks, 'cause it's time to drag all of this shit to the extraction point...seein' how we don't have a ride no more...")



Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:05 am
by Max-Violence
I'm going to be using that trigger for something to happen if a guard comes by and the prisoner (i.e. the PC) isn't in his jail cell :badgrin:

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:44 pm
by OnTheBounce
Max-Violence wrote:I'm going to be using that trigger for something to happen if a guard comes by and the prisoner (i.e. the PC) isn't in his jail cell :badgrin:
That'd work, all right. ("Guard is in Zone X; PC is not in Zone Y".)

BTW, what is this fascination you seem to have with incarceration? It...uh...seems to be a recurring theme in your work. Is there something you'd like to share with us? ;)


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:43 pm
by Max-Violence
Well, as you may or may not know, I work at a Wal-Mart...

Speaking of which, I have to go there right now. Buh-bye!