help, question

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help, question


ok im new here but ive been playing fallout since it came out ,i have never beat fallout 1 i always run out of time or get taken to the master to early and ive beaten fallout 2 tons of times but i have recently got a new computer, it runs XP and i re installed my fallout 2 and when i would go to klamath it would crash everytime so in the read me i changed it from 95/98 to XP and it worked i could go to klamath but when i went to the vault with the raiders or NCR it would crash , so how can i fix this??
i cant download patches because they never open for me and this also happens on my FOT game so its kinda common with all my games that dont run xp so .........yeah
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Hero of the Desert
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Post by Strap »

you may have cd errors. try reinstalling, or if that doesn't work, find a top-notch cd drive and copy your fallout2 cd, it may exempt the errors.
(or if you have $5 and really want to play, send in your cd to blkisle and they'll give you a new one)

i don't think that the patches do anything for that kind of crashing.
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