<strong>[Game -> Mod News (DO NOT USE - use MOD > UPDATE instead)]</strong>
I'll make this quick.
<br><li><a href="http://fallout.kelocnet.cz/indexe.php" target=_blank>Fallout Yurop</A> has updated their website. Thanks to <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com" target=_blank>NMA</a>.
<br><li><a href="http://forums.interplay.com/search.php? ... uthor=Puuk" target=_blank>Puuk's theme of the day</a> -- allowing players to traverse the moral greyscale freely. Yay, I say YAY!
<br><li><A href="http://forums.interplay.com/search.php? ... .E.+Sawyer" target=_blank>JE gets angry!</a> And just for JE I've put up a new poll.
<br>Oh boy! FanArt! This lovely piece comes to use from our nice Polish friend Obsydian.
<br><blockquote><a href="/gallery/gallery.cgi?func=show&file=200926&Category=100019&Page=2"><img src="/gallery/categories/Fan_Art/Wallpapers/thumbs/shamo_tapeta_th.jpg"></blockquote></a>Very nice indeed, remember kids, if you want to send some FanArt, e-mail it to <A href="mailto:FANART@DUCKANDCOVER.cx">FANART@DUCKANDCOVER.CX</a>.