Sirgalahadwizard wrote:So "Effects" apply to whoever you're shooting, and "Modifiers" apply to the shooter? (the context is taken as a weapon)
As far as I can tell the Effects section has no effect on certain types of entities. You can't give a bonus to Small Guns with an ammo variant, for instance.
What I meant by the "Effect" affected another entity is that if an entity is in possesion of/has the entity in its Active Item slot, then it gets the bonus/penalty to whatever you entered in the "Effects" field.
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:So, in the effects field, I could make the target have a penalty to armor stats (ie, negatives to DT or DR); and in the modifiers field, I could make the shooter get a bonus to their weapons skill?
No, you can't. I've tried this and it doesn't work.
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:...That way the ammo says it's AP, and I dont have to make it use DU.
That's easily changed. You can simply have the DU type display as AP. Just change the appropriate text in the ammo.txt file located at core/locale/game. Most of the types in my mod have been changed to "AP" or "JHP" so I can get differing types of Dmg./Pen. while still not veering away from the standard FO ammo sub-types.
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:Of course, there's all sorts of fancy stuff i'd like to do with it. Right now I made my shotguns simply shoot a powerful single shot (~18-38 damage) instead of the cone attack because it was sleazy.
My solution was simple: I used the standard FO/FO2 damage ratings without the Cone setting, and made the ammo (only one type, just like in the RPGs) JHP, which I felt more accurately reflected the role a shotgun should play.
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:I made most of my modifications to ammunition...- 25% attack bonus...
I don't think that the attack bonuses would be working. I suggest setting up a range and testing it out on dummies or something. (Basically, just set something up so you can check your to-hit chances against a target, then switch the ammo type to compare. If you've already done this, please let me know exactly how you did it. Remember the following little phrase.
Knowledge: don't hide it, divide it!)
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:... make it inflict poison damage?).
No dice here. The way that weapons poison things is to set the "Special Damage" of the weapon to a certain type. (In this instance, "Poison".) Unfortunately this means that if you want a weapon to poison something it will do so w/all types of ammo.
The short of it: the weapon controls the Special Damage Type (Poison, Knock-Down, etc.), while the Ammo controls the Damage Type (Normal, Electrical, etc.).
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:As for the cone attack, I noticed that sometimes you could do 100+ damage to someone even though the weapon itself only did 15-25 or something (and it wasnt even a critical hit). I'm guessing that there's a certain number of "attacks" that get divvied out amongst all the targets in the field (otherwise if there was only one guy, he'd only get hit once). Unfortunatly, the attacks must get distributed evenly, with a certain percentage chance to hit for each one regardless of range.
As far as I can tell it's a matter of range. Someone standing really close will get hit for a lot of damage, while targets farther away get for the standard amount.
Then again, you could be right. Unfortunately no one knows enough about FoT anymore to give us a definitive answer.
Sirgalahadwizard wrote:The cone attack was a big design blunder for the programmers...
If it hadn't been intended for shotguns this might not have been such a bad thing. If you wanted to put some sort of nasty "Black Ray Gun of Instant Death" in your game you could make it truly nasty w/this setting. Er...just keep the range short and not 30 like some of the shotguns in FoT...