Do you get attached to squad-mates in games?

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Do you get attached to squad-mates in games?

Post by Hammer »

I notice that in games that have friendly Soldiers to help me out I tend to reload the game if they die, or if the option is not available I shoot the creature that killed them an insane amount of times.

In Halo I tried so hard not to let my fellow Troopers die, I'd charge ahead or stand infront of them while the were getting hit with blasts so I could take the damage for them. At some points where we were just over-whelmed by the Covenant and there was nothing I could do I'd get just a wee bit depressed. Anybody else get like that?
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Post by Slave_Master »

Whenever I played Op Flashpoint I just wiped out my team members and finished (at least attempted to) the mission myself. I never get attached to squadmates because they're just meat yo
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Post by Hammer »

OFP is a game where I never really got attached to them because the didn't really have personalities, while I still loved the game they were just soldiers and doing their job.

In games like Halo they tended to talk to each other, say funny things, etc.
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Post by LlamaGod »

Halo makes a good drink coaster.

As for getting attached, it does depend on the game. I tend to save my best guys in squad strategy, or the cool ones, and in Fallout and stuff, I make sure everyone lives (Even Ian).
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Post by Megatron »

WE NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND! Well I don't anyway, even if they have the personality of something with not much personality.
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Post by Spazmo »

Most game squadmates are utterly worthless, so I don't usually bother. Most of them are actually meant to die for DRAMA.
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Post by Hammer »

Halo makes a good drink coaster.
Yeah keep fighting the power brother.
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Post by Forty-six & Two »

Well in some games I try to keep them alive alot, but in others I dont care. Depends on the game and the characters in question of course. In Fallout Tactics I usually just try to finish the map and if someone dies its just to bad, of coruse I dont try to get em killed but most squaddies are expendable. In RPGs like Torment I usually do everything to keep the AIs chars alive though.
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Post by Yossarian »

I tend to take care of NPCs/ squadmates. Who else would carry my stuff?

Just kidding...When I've formed a squad in FOT it stays that way till the bitter end...
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Post by Hammer »

I think as AI progresses squaddies in games will become less dependent on the player to watch over them and will probably be able to handle themselves in battle. I think Half-Life 2 & Halo 2 will take big steps in AI, especially from what I've been reading/seeing/hearing.
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Post by Smiley »

My view on game buddies is this, if they die, I don't load, *if* they die then it's because I've been inept at keeping them alive and I'll be careful not to loose any other people and learn from it.
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Post by Strap »

Only in War style games do I think of this.

I usually only play multiplayer games, but even in those, if there is a person that I'm helping I try to save them because they suck, and it will improve thier experience of the game and how they percieve other players (in a helpful way).

But in single player games I try as hard as I can to save all the people on my side. Think of Dues-ex, that game has lots of people on your side and it is a lot of fun and a challenge to save all of them (given they don't have scripted deaths)

But the only ones that are truely worth saving are the ones that have good personalities ;)
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Post by OnTheBounce »

I do get attached to my "squadies". While I do try very hard to keep them alive, I have been known to orchestrate heroic, but very tragic deaths for some of them.

When it comes to who I like it's not a matter of stats, either. One of my favorite characters in FoT was Trevor, the big, strong, dumb grenadier. I always imagined him as a very eager trooper who would always do what he was told and all-the-while would have his village idiot's grin plastered on his face. Very handy, since he was my main looter and would have to carry the bulk of the equipment. ("Uh...guys, Trevor's encumbered so you'll all have to carry something...")

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Post by Hammer »

I did not get attached to squaddies in Fallout Tactics mainly because I could control them.
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Post by Jeff »

Well, I did get attached to my troops in JA2,
I too load if someone from my crew dies in a game, even if it's that poor bastard Dogmeat.
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Post by Max-Violence »

I rarely, if ever, continue on with playing when a squadmate died. Only exception is in Raven Shield -- there's no in-mission save, so if someone dies, that's that. Unless they die at the beginning of the mission, of course. Then I'll restart and hope for the best.
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Post by Viktor »

While I always try to keep all my squad/NPCs alive in RPGs and RTS's, my having direct control over them doesn't give me much of a feeling of them having a separate "personality".

But I did everything I could to keep Barney the security guard alive as long as possible in HL and even tried to look out for the rest of the Marines in Opposing Force even though they were jarheads! I would have been more upset at losing team mates in DF-BHD if the sorry fuckers could actually shoot straight! I don't expect every single round from an AI character to be on target in a game even though these guys were supposed to be Delta, but this lot would need half a magazine to shoot themselves in the foot!

I, too, have a soft spot for "Dumb as a stump" Trevor from FO:T. While the rest of the squad sniped from cover or sneaked towards an objective, I'd always stick Trevor on point with an M2 or have him on a roof lobbing grenades at enemies another squad member would lure into his frag zone. I'm using Target as my Grenadier/Support Gunner this time through the core missions and I'm already missing the "U-Haul trailer" carrying capacity of Trevor. Target's PE didn't look too bad when I picked him, but enemies almost have to trip over him before he opens fire!

I have a love/hate relationship with Farsight... Everytime I'm just about to sell her "can't carry shit and walks around like she owns the Wastes" lazy arse to the nearest Slaver, she'll pull off a critical hit at 40 hexes or be on the spot with a medkit when I've walked into an ambush/booby trap and got all chewed up.

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Re: Do you get attached to squad-mates in games?

Post by Silver »

Hammer wrote:I notice that in games that have friendly Soldiers to help me out I tend to reload the game if they die, or if the option is not available I shoot the creature that killed them an insane amount of times.

In Halo I tried so hard not to let my fellow Troopers die, I'd charge ahead or stand infront of them while the were getting hit with blasts so I could take the damage for them. At some points where we were just over-whelmed by the Covenant and there was nothing I could do I'd get just a wee bit depressed. Anybody else get like that?
Maybe we are a dying breed Hammer. The 'individulism' *cough* egoism *cough* in people present days prevents them in having such emotions... And thus not giving a fukk then their own self coexistence... with themselfes. Makes me vomit.
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Post by Grey Fil »

Keep them alive at all cost, they`re my buddies and I will defend them to the last. If i´m not happy with the performance or character I exchange them as soon as possible. On the other hand, in some games it is not possible to save everybody but I always try to keep alive as many as possible. I am aconstant reloader.
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Post by Doyle »

Definitely agree with Vik regarding the Barnies in Half-Life. I even felt the same way with the scientists. If I reached a part in the game where I couldn't bring them, I would try and leave them in groups so they would have a better chance of surviving. Too bad the installation was blown up in OpFor...
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