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sequence Index

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:03 am
by seraglio
Hey all. Just noticed something messing with BOSEE that I don't know if everyone knows. I saw one gun, browningPistol.ent, that had a property with the tag sequenceIndex with a value of 2, between sprite and NextEngineThink. Havent looked at a bunch of guns, but I have never seen this before. I know if a valuse is set to 0 or none it just dissapears from BOSEE, so that may be, no other gun has this.

So does anyone have a description of sequence index. Seems like I read a thread about it being related to who attacks first, esp in real time mode. Is it a property of a weapon or of the player. It probably does nothing if associated with the player, since weapon entities cant modify atributes. Guess I'll try increasing and decreasing the number and running around in real time and see who gets to attack first.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 4:38 am
by PaladinHeart
Perhaps it affects how quicly the character holding it will fire? Although I doubt it would, since the game probably wasn't programmed with altering firing animation speeds (or was it?). I know the higher a character's agility, the faster they move.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:57 am
by OnTheBounce
Seraglio, this is weird.

I checked and it seems you're right about this being the only weapon that has that attribute. Since it's not available w/the standard editor and other weapons don't have it perhaps its a vestige of an early format they were using.

If indeed they would have given Pistols a low sequence number vs. long guns but not as low as unarmed it sounds like they were trying to add some balance to the weapons catalogue, which is something that was later abandoned w/the same AP cost for Rifle/SMG/Pistol/Shotgun fire. (There's a reference in one of the demo character's descriptions that the shotgun is slower than most weapons.)

I don't think we'll get a straight answer on this one unless one of the devs speaks up.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:15 am
by MorGan
I have seen Ghouls fire several shots with pistols in a row... I dont know if its a bug but it looked so natural. The ghoul was in Quinsy mission and on one of his turns he just fired six shots in a row there wasnt even seconds between the shots and the ghould didnt lower his hands before he had shot six times.

I've also seen them shootin 2-4 shots like that afterwards so it wosent just a onetime bugging.


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:47 pm
by PaladinHeart
This is very interesting. It would be much more realistic to have a gun keep firing off bullets than have it burst, lower gun, then raise to burst again.

Although, more useful than it being more realistic, is the fact that it would let us make more weapon types.

This was likely abandoned due to conflict with character speed (did you know human females in metal armor with a rifle type weapon are the fastest shooters?).

I'll definitely have to test this sometime.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 5:09 pm
by seraglio
Thanks for all the replies folks. I would definitely like to have some other factors than what is present in the normal editors to differentiate weapons. But its probably 'one they missed', after taking them out of the rest of the guns.

Lets all do some testing with the good old brownng high power and see if it still works in game.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:18 am
by MorGan
About females in metal armor shooting with rifles. I've seen (ones or twise) a female charecter in metal armor with rifle shootin double shots. although the animation has allways been too slow.
I cant rightly say if im hallusinating or if it is a bug. I hope it isn't


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 12:48 pm
by PaladinHeart
Metal Male characters are also quite fast. It is why you generally see metal males and/or females in most multiplayer games.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 3:50 pm
by seraglio
When you say they are quite fast, do they actually take more shots, with more ammo used etc? I've never noticed this phenomena, but then again I just play single player turn based.


Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2003 4:25 pm
by PaladinHeart
I mean that they pull their gun up and shoot faster. That is why everyone uses them in multiplayer.

I doubt if you could notice anything like this in turn-based play.


Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 3:50 am
by PaladinHeart
I just tried the sequencer at 2, 3, and 10. None of the values seemed to be any faster or slower. I don't think it does anything as-is.

Might have had some purpose to beging with, but it seems the designers took it out.

The only thing I can notice, is that the character will, about 80% of the time, make faster shots than the initial shot fired (won't have to pull their gun up all the way). However, this did not seem to be an effect of the sequencer index. Unless it just does not happen if it is not there?

Although I didn't test it for turn based. It might make your character sequence faster?

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2003 10:11 am
by MorGan
I cannot say if they used more ammo (actually shot all those times). They have been usually NPCs and i dont usually look how much ammo they use.

It might very well be a bug of some sourt.