Who here owns an xbox?

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Who here owns an xbox?

Post by Darrenmckee »

What games have you got.I have,
Project gothem racing
Mortal combat deadly alliance
Splinter cell
Tony hawks 4
Jet set radio future
Sega GT 2002

My best game is halo.I love that game.Its a must have for all xbox owners
I can beat anyone at halo.Ive beaten the game on all difficulties and destroy anyone who challanges me.
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Post by Alphawulf »

You heathen! Thou shalt not speak of the tainted console's influence! Our beloved Fallout franchise has succumb to the taint but these boards shall not!
Last edited by Alphawulf on Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ernesto »

Dude, don't make me go all Clockwork Orange on your ass!

Consoles suck. PC rules.
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Post by Darrenmckee »

consoles dont suck whats wrong with them?
IRA all the way fuck the queen and the UDA we are the Bhoys from south of the border so fuck the queen and the orange order.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Mr. Green wrote:Consoles suck. PC rules.
As much as I want to drop-kick you in the jugular for saying that, I must admit, you're right.

I seriously haven't touched my PS2 in about 3 or 4 months. It fucking sucks. I've actually made the transition from a lifetime console gamer to a PC gamer because console games suck so bad right now.

There's a serious drought of quality software available for all consoles. It fucking sucks ass. I want to kill so many people right now.

What does the Xbox even have besides Halo 2 in the foreseable future? Feel free to fill me in on that one.

The only reason I haven't pawned in my PS2 for cash is because PSX games are ultra-high in quality and I'm waiting for R-Type Final.

I was considering getting an Xbox for a while, but when Halo was announced for the PC with Half-Life 2 following a few months later I quickly dropped the idea.

Edit: Honestly, the Gamecube is the least impressive of the three. The GBA is a lot better. Metroid Prime is SUPER overrated. It's a fucking easter egg hunt. If the game didn't involve 50% map navigating it might actually be fun. Wind Waker is average, at best. Auto-jumping pissed me off to no end.

I'm seriously pissing my pants for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, though. It looks too fucking cool.

I absolutely love my GBA. Advance Wars is one of the deepest strategy games I've played to date, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is still keeping me entertained, and Metroid Fusion is pretty fun, too.

Am I the only one that doesn't like the GBA:SP enough to trade in their old GBA? I can't stand the buttons and it's too small for my large hands.
Last edited by Neon Dingo on Mon Aug 25, 2003 3:42 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Alphawulf »

I have a Gamecube. I got most of the Nintendo franchise games i.e. Zelda, Super Mario, Mario-Kart (when it comes out), etc. But when it comes to consoles the Gamecube is the only one that's not basically a sub-par computer.

My next gaming purchase (outside of the computer) will be the N Gage. I don't like Gameboy's no backlight for a year, then you'll have to buy a new gameboy system for $100 if you want a backlight, strategy.

Neon Dingo you should buy smaller hands and get the SP with the backlight if you like the GBA that much.
Neon Dingo wrote:I'm seriously pissing my pants for Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, though. It looks too fucking cool.
And as for that, someone your age needs to go to a special clinic for that.
Last edited by Alphawulf on Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:17 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Darrenmckee »

There are some high quilty games coming out on the xbox in the near future.
Splinter cell 2
Mechassault 2
Half life 2
Halo 2
Project gotham racing 2
And xbox bought rare about a year ago.They will soon have some great games out.

Edit: And dino crisis 3 will be out before christmas and if your into golf games tiger woods pga tour 2004 will be out also.

Please edit your posts rather than making a double post.


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Post by EvoG »

Yeah it seems here that you're a gamer(who loves/likes Fallout) or a just Fallout fan.

Being a gamer myself, where games are games and the idea that consoles have vastly different games that place them in an entirely different category is ludicrous, I own all three consoles including the gameboys and of course my PC's and laptop( which I use for gaming as well ). This way, when a 'game' comes out, I don't have to worry if its for 'my' system and just buy/rent it. Figure out what its for when I get home. :)

Anyway, this topic is just like creationism vs. evolution...or politics...or worse, PC vs. Mac ( Mac's blow )....you just don't bring it up at the dinner table. :D

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Post by Alphawulf »

Just because it concerns consoles doesn't mean it's a bad topic. Controversy's interesting.

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Post by Hammer »

I own an Xbox and enjoy it, people who say it doesnt have any games to look forward too are just jumping on board the bandwagon. For me Xbox has the games I wanted to play on it, for others PS2 might.

I never liked Metal Gear but they both came to Xbox, in reality what console you choose ultimatly comes down to what YOU enjoy not what some nerdy game reviewer says.
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I own a PS2 and a Gamecube with 5 games all together, I only bought the top rated for each, and I enjoyed them until I finished them and put them back on my shelf. I haven't played my PS2 in a year, and I haven't played my GC in about a month. I used to be a huge console gamer, but then I tried a PC game with multiplayer and I jumped ship, online multiplayer was something I had never tried and was amazed at it at the time and was addicted. Now I dont care much for multiplayer games because half the people are twits online.

Microsoft did buy Rare, but Rare is not what it once was, when Donkey Kong64 came out thats when I noticed their decline, and their last good game was Perfect Dark. They once saved Nintendo but now their just Microsofts bitch making Collecting Platformers.
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Post by Hammer »

I find myself using consoles for sports games more than PC, I've always bought Madden games for the console and don't intend on stopping.
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Post by satanisgreat »

Before I pawned my XBox (not because it sucked, I just hadn't worked in six months and needed the money) I either had and liked or played and liked: Tony Hawk 2x and 3, Morrowind, Max Payne, Project Gotham Racing, Gunvalkrie, Dead or Alive 3, Ghost Recon, Fusion Frenzy, Jedi Outcast...

Right now I'm playing KOTOR with over one of my friends houses, and it's definitely worth buying.
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Post by Jeff »

I don't have any consoles any more since I don't play much but Project Gotham Racing is pretty hardcore, used to play it at my friends sometimes

Should buy GBA though, it seems to have plenty of good games available.
Too bad I have a ton of other, more important shit to buy.
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Post by axelgreese »

There are certain types of games that I think do well on the consoles and certain types of games that do better on PC. For example, don't try and play a first person shooter on a console (mouse and keyboard combo will always be better than any gamepad) nor rts' (mouse > analogue stick or d-pad). On the other hand, consoles do side scrolling games very well, the controls arn't too complecated and usually when playing a side scroller on a keyboard you get really bad hand cramps, "party" games are also very good on consoles, futhermore I've always felt that sports games did very well on consoles.

Unfortunaltly, I don't play sports or "party" games and they havn't released any good side scrollers on a console in a long time (excepting the GBA, which I've tempted to buy and probably would have if money wasn't so tight), so I basically have no reason to buy a console.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

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Post by Snake »

I got an xbox, I'm not much of a console person
I got it cuz my current PC is slow and it can play DVD's which acan be handy to play a game or DVD when downloading something on 56k
Its chipped so its region free, I have all the emus I want and I have all my fave S/VCD/MP3/OGG on it which is great
I love the berreta too!

My games in no particular order are
Max Payne
Dead To Rights
Blade II
House Of The Dead III
Evil Dead A Fistful Of Boomstick
Terminator Dawn Of Fate
Enter The Matrox
"Call me Snake"
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