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Some times I feel like punching a wall...

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:08 pm
by Genghis01
I'm currently involved in an argument about the kinds of technology that would be available to the United States in the Fallout Universe in 2077: ... 6ae9eded69
Anyway since this is a fairly hardcore sight I wondered whether you could provide me with some in-game screen shot showing how old fashioned the technology was. He seems to think it was modern technology with a 1950's style that is obviously wrong.
I just need proof please because I don't know how to upload screenshots.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:54 pm
by requiem_for_a_starfury
Hmm I'd consider plasma rifles and power armour etc futuristic technology myself. I'd say they've got what we've got and more but using valve based rather than micro-chip based tech.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:33 pm
by Human Shield
It is just plain different from our "modern" technology. It looks different, it is designed differently. It is a mismash of different elements. Trying to fit it in with our timeline is just wrong.

The Cold War worked out differently in Fallout, long range missiles weren't developed (the nuke drops were from planes).

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:17 pm
by Calal
I believe we had a sort-like conversation a while ago on the Yurop forum. Sadly the point didn' t seem to get past some of them.

Fallout technology is indeed what people in the 50' s would think what it would be like in the future, but still based on current technology available at that time. The PiPboy is the clearest example of them all and easy to come by (the pictures from it that is). The PiPboy was suppossed to be a recent invention in the FO universe, still it is lampbased. Clearly an example of how it works.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:05 pm
by atoga
Fallout is a '50s wet dream of what the future would look like, with bombs dropped on it. By definition, it is a '50s retro-future, which means it's an idealistic version of what most people in the '50s thought the future would look like (the atomic family, Mr. Handy, robot maids, miniguns, and all that - but no cyberware, microchips, bizarre super machine guns, etc.) Saying it's what we think 2077 will be like right now, with a '50s stylization, is just plain wrong.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:19 pm
by Genghis01
Exactly we seem to almost all of us agree on that but the problem comes when they are the only people BIS are listening too.
I think that more of the hardcore fans should post on the BIS forum since it seems it's the only one that JE seems to posting on.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:22 pm
by atoga
BIS forum sucks, and the people there are crass and unopinionated. Also, the hideous amount of unhardcore spam on that forum frightens me.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:25 am
by OnTheBounce
Genghis01 wrote:Exactly we seem to almost all of us agree on that but the problem comes when they are the only people BIS are listening too.
I think that more of the hardcore fans should post on the BIS forum since it seems it's the only one that JE seems to posting on.
All is not lost! The goblins have many enem...

Er...sorry, wrong script. :oops:

JES does read other forums, so what's being said here, at NMA, etc., isn't going to waste. However, from what little time I spend on the IPLY forums he doesn't seem to take too much interest in what the more hardcore fans think and does seem to listen more to the mealy-mouthed fanboys. That's a concern.

However, posting on the IPLY forums doesn't do much good. There have been crackdowns directed against the more vocal members of the community, and in general I don't think "we" would make much of a splash. This is not to mention that posting on the IPLY forums is hazardous to one's intellect. That place can liquify your intellect pretty damned quickly. (Then again, what do you expect? The average age of posters there seems to be quite low.)


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:35 am
by spyder07
Does JES really want suggestions on a game from 12 year olds who have played the game once? Think of the backlash he'll get if this game isn't good. He's libable to be burned at the stake.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 1:20 am
by atoga
spyder07 wrote:Does JES really want suggestions on a game from 12 year olds who have played the game once? Think of the backlash he'll get if this game isn't good. He's libable to be burned at the stake.
They did that sort of thing in Fallout 2, so who knows?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:07 am
by Doyle
If anyone has a screenshot of the tape-reel computers, shouldn't be too hard to find as they're everywhere in the game, that would be a perfect example. Same thing with the holotapes.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:06 pm
by Genghis01
Damn it there's no getting through to these people to be honest I’m not sure whether I can be bothered to reply to that twits on the BIS forums.
Hmm, I think the best thing we could do would be to send a E-mail to JE about his opinion on the situation and post it In The News.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:27 pm
by spyder07
You'd have to forward the email to one of the admins as no one can make a new topic in that forum.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:53 pm
by Genghis01
Well yes but first I'm going to have to get a hold of/contact JE Sawyers E-mail.