Wastelands(the shooter) updated demo

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Wastelands(the shooter) updated demo

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[Game -> Update]</strong>

<A href="http://www.reflectorstudio.com/">Reflector Studio</a> has released a <a href="http://www.reflectorstudio.com/redir.cg ... get=6">bug fixed demo</a> for <a href="http://www.reflectorstudio.com/showgame ... telands</a>, which you may remember <b>Kreegle</b> posted about a few weeks ago. No idea what the bugs were that were fixed, but the thing only weighs in at <b>7MB</b> for those curious on downloading the shooter/puzzle shareware title.
<br>For those who don't remember, here's this info:
<br><blockquote>Ever wandered why so many experienced gamers prefer old 2D originals to their feeble 3D sequels? You've got to play Wastelands for the answer. Ok, fine, I will tell you - action, action and some more "bring it on, I just hope I have enough ammo" action. Whereas the other games start you out with a dagger or a pistol, you go through the initiation with a real blowtorch. Cool - let's make a hot dog out of one of those brainless stainless steel monsters. And the game will give you plenty of ways to send the robots to their cyberhell - with grenades, flamethrower, gaussgun, laser and other weapons. After playing for a week, you surely will have to use all of your imagination to come up with a new way to surprise yourself and your friends. But where is the will, there is the way.
<br> Your opponents - they deserve a special mentioning, too. These metal bastards aren't as easy as they seem at first. There are 21 levels in total (including over 150 action screens), each with a unique twist. As you will soon find, it takes a lot of out of the box thinking to just stay alive, let alone outsmarting numerous robots, turrets, miners and kamikaze-bots. That's where the bonuses come in handy - infocubes, shields, repair kits and so on. But the best way to achieve a victory is to interact with the other units on a playing field - the game provides you with this option, too. One final word - the music, which is an important part of all action games, is amazing. All four original tracks (three in the trial version) will pump up your adrenaline and awake the primal instincts in you.</blockquote>
<br>So, there you have it. Action.
<br>Spotted this at <A href="http://demo-files.com/">Demo Files</a>.
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Post by DarkUnderlord »

Yeah, I played the first demo. I think I got up to the 5th level before overwhelming boredom overwhelmed me with its boredomness.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Team Chucky style :

You wanted a kick-ass action game and you got it. Action, action, and more action - that's a motto for the new post-apocalyptic humans vs robots blockbuster shooter called Wastelands created by Reflector Studio. The scenario is common for this kind of games - nuclear war, destroyed cities filled with the remnants of once magnificent sky scrappers, rusting cars and the cyborgs that went nuts and started killing people. The first ones had an average intellect that of your coffee maker, but as time passed, they learned to be shrewd and started to gang up on innocent humans. Your mission is to save the humanity. That's where the game takes a sharp turn from the hundreds of similar look-alikes.
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Post by LlamaGod »

Not exactly TEAM CHUCK thinking, it's really a paper thin story to give you a reason for the brainless action, but the game was intended to be brainless action. It's like expecting a riveting storyline from Serious Sam.

TEAM CHUCK thinking would be taking Shakespear's Hamlet, making it so everyone is shooting at each other with laser guns while blaring dance techno plays, and then selling it off to opera/drama/whatever fans as 'The NEW Shakespear'.
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