Religious Opinions (Again)

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Religious Opinions (Again)

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

This is in response to another message I found on the board...Figured it needed it's own topic (again)...I've not seen a good religion post in...Well...A really long time...So here are my opinions of a few religions. Note, I'm not anti-religion...I'm not an Atheist...I've got a strong opinion on Atheists, though.

I think religion is a generally a good thing when it's not taken too far (see the Muslim Extreemists or Christians). Have faith in what you want....Tell me what you think. I'm not forcing my beliefs on you..I'm just giving an opinion. I've studied religion for years..Just trying to find my place in the world...From Judiasm to Buddhism...I've been around the religious block.

So here's my rant:

Ancient Egypt - People are not gods..People are manipulative swine that can convince other people that they are gods, though. I've got a lot of respect for Egyptian rulers...It's hard to convince a small group of people that you are a god, or a ruler chosen by a god, let alone millions of people...I know because I started a cult about 7 years ago, and I had people doing whatever the hell I told them to. I made a lot of money.

Judaism - These guys are my favorite out of the religions from the past 2500 years. They believe in a god...The same one as the Christians believe in...They just think Jesus was some regular guy wandering around starting a cult. I like this...I don't believe that Jesus was the immaculate son of God...I bet he was a real person...Probably of the same ilk as those Egyptian rulers...Very manipulative. Other than Jesus, Jews have little different than their Christ believing counterparts...

Catholics - Beat your kids, have them suck you off. I think that's the Catholic motto. I used to have a lot of respect for Catholocism...They've got saints, they've got voodoo...They've even got the Galgomechs (see SouthPark). They usually make their people attone for their sins..."Bless me father for I have sinned," and all that rot. Catholics drink because nowhere in the Bible did it say it's a sin (gluttony is a sin, but drinking in moderation isn't...Plus, you're just drinking Christ...Get over it.) Catholics are the party animals of the Christ believing circle. If anything, the Catholics and Satanists are really closely related. I don't know what turned me around on the Catholics, other than they allow their people to have sex with kids....Then again, I think that's reason enough.

Christians - Total fucking assholes. Hypocrites to the max. Sure, they believe in the bible...They thump it at others any chance they get. Then they go fuck each other dry before they're married, drink, and have a bunch of stupid Christian kids that will repeat the process. The only difference between Christianity and other religions is the fact that Christians will tell you constantly that you're a sinner and you're going to hell...But they do the same things they're bitching at you about...But because they believe in Jesus Christ, they automatically get forgiven. If you're not a Christian, you automatically worship Satan. Even if you don't believe in Satan, these bible thumping jerk-offs tell you that you worship him and have a place with him in Hell. Fuck you. Get over yourselves and go drink with the Catholics.

Baptists - I'm from the South here in America. Baptists are as common as cow turds. They don't dance, they don't date outside their religion, and they claim they don't drink. I've never met a sober Baptist. Almost everyone at this little shit-hole bar near where I used to live are Baptists. Basically, Baptists are Christians with no rhythm. Listen to country music, and you'll see this is completely plausable. (Don't count Johnny Cash...)

Mormons - Hey, lets marry my third wife's youngest daughter, have some more imbred kids, and marry them, too! Yay! What more can be said about Mormons...They're basically Catholics (without the saints, firm beliefs, and whiskey consumption)..They have mass, they drink wine, eat little crackers..And they fuck kids. BUT, they also marry these kids...Does that make it right? No. Fuck you, and Utah.

Satanists - Satanists don't brainwash people...Christians brainwash people. Satanists are brainwashed Christians that think they're rebelling against the God the Christians told them to believe in. They're no better than Christians because they ARE Christians. I've read The Satanic Bible...About 13 years ago...I thought it was a pretty good idea at the time (I was about 9). Then I read it again and noticed that it was all about God. Granted, there is no Satan without God...If you've not read this book, go check it out...It's basically the Bible, just with God and Satan in reversed positions...There are no sins because sinning is human nature...If Satanists dropped the idea of God vs Satan, they'd be HUMANISTS! And Humanists are basically Wiccans.

Wiccans - There are lots of gods and demons...Good magic, bad magic. I think Wiccans are a pretty good lot. They don't force their beliefs on anyone, and they don't hold protest ralleys at rock concerts. The bad thing about Wicca is all the stupid goth kids that claim to be witches. Fucking morons. So you read a book about it once? And you think you can cast spells on people? Fuck off...Take that broom and shove it up your ass, you little goth gutter shit. If not for these teenagers that give Wicca a bad name in the first place, Wicca would be great. I studied Wicca in depth with a Wicca priestess and a coven...Took about 5 years out of my life...I know the types of spirits...I know some spells...But then I realized that this could just be mind over matter at work here. I will admit that I've never had a spell I've cast go wrong...They've all worked...Seriously. But I can contribute this to good luck..I'm no longer a believer in Wicca...And it's mainly because of the little kids wearing all black that claim it.

Atheists - They're confused Christians that tell people they don't believe in the Christian God, but when they go home at night, they sit in fear. I think it's funny that 90% of the people I've met that claim to be Atheists also claim to believe in Satan, or gods from other religions, or even in Wicca...Atheists are idiots...They don't know what they think until someone else tells them. Atheism is the lack of religious belief, and the lack of church or a centralized group...BUT...Atheists often congregate together to celebrate believing in nothing...Stupid bastards. I went to an Atheist Convention in Austin TX (home of the free-thought movement). When I got there I actually stopped to think..."Wait....If these people are Atheists...Against ORGANIZED religion....Why are they organizing meetings? Doesn't this make them an Organized Anti-religion?" Atheists are hypocrites, but they don't realize it.

Buddhism - Buddhism is the epitome of the Christian "Golden Rule". Buddhists are good happy people...Doing right for others, and others doing right for them. I've seriously thought about becoming a Buddhist monk...Then I realized that although I'm a fat bald guy that smiles all the time, Buddha wasn't white, and he didn't have a goatee. I wish the best of luck to Buddhists.

Muslims - Muslims are Jews with a Muhamad complex....Which essentially means Muslims are Christians but with a different Messiah. I'm tired of the extreemists, though. Can't you just believe what you want and not kill everyone else? I mean come on...Muslims, Christians, and Jews all start with the SAME FUCKING RELIGION! YOU ALL HAVE THE SAME FUCKING GOD! Just because one person in history changed your view in a slight way doesn't mean you need to destroy everything else. Get over yourselves.

So after all this, I came to the conclusion...There most likely is a god of some sort...Be it aliens that created us, or some single molecule that combined in the first semblance of life. There's got to be a reason why people all over the world from all times in history have believed in a higher power.

This conclusion makes me an Agnostic. Agnostics are hated by many people. We believe in something, but we're not sure what. I believe in God. It's not the Christian God, per-se. It's just God..the thing that made us. Could God be the Big Bang? Sure. If that's what you want to believe.

I don't believe there is a Hell. That's the one thing I'm sure of. If there was a Hell, surely that would mean there is one perfect religion, and everyone not believing in it would be going to Hell. Those odds are just rediculous. Lets just agree that Hell can't exist. Do you want the Heaven's Gate Cult to have been right? Everyone that didn't kill themselves that night is going to Hell? I don't think so. It's stupid. Hell doesn't work.

Heaven....I dunno...That's tricky...It could exist...Or we could just be evolving after death to a new area of existince. If you're an Atheist, though, you just die and become worm food. Deal with it, because that's what you're choosing to believe. If you're an Atheist and believe anything else, then you're cheating yourself out of being perfectly happy as an Agnostic. Join the dark side and have fun debating what the supreme being really is.
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Re: Religious Opinions (Again)

Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

I'm an atheist, I don't congregate with others, I don't cower in fear of the night, I don't care what others believe as long as they keep it to themselves. The meeting you went to sounds more like an American thing rather than an Athiest thing, I've never come across anything like that over here.

As for Baptists, Mormons, Catholics etc etc they are all classed as Christians where I come from, nothing much to choose between them other than a few arcane rituals.

Agnostics are as hyprocritical as Christians, you're just covering your bases in case the other guys are right.

The reason that the belief in a higher power has kept going all these centuries is because it's an easy way for a few to control the many. Plus alot of weak minded people religious or Agnostic need the emotional crutch of the belief in a higher power, be it be gods or aliens. What's that quote, religion is the opiate of the masses.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

I'm a Nihilist. I don't really see the point in debating religious stuff anymore because it's just so obviously fake that it's not even worth consideration.

Religion is the opiate of the masses. Morality is a tool to lead humanity by the nose.

All religions should be wiped off the planet.

I've seen Atheists that are just as blind as hardcore Christians. They're opinions are often malformed, based on the type of music they listen to (i.e. Slipknot) and really not logical at all.

All in all I hate stupid people. Anyone wanna go out and pop a few rounds into their bloated corpses?
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Post by the guardian »

Ancient Egypt - People are not gods

Jews have little different than their Christ believing counterparts..
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Post by iohkus »

religion sucks.

nihilism is just fucking stupid, if you read into it it's the belief of nothing, no life, no love, no family, no fun.

but u can go around saying you're a nihilist if it makes u feel cool

big lebowski was dope.

i thought i was a nihilist, then i realized that i was straight and one day would want to fuck a woman. see, you can't do that if you're a real nihilist, you would have jumped in a pit of fire before getting laid.
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Get the spongy sugar pillows, flame is a-coming in your near future!


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Post by SuperH »

Religion is boring. And retarded. Yeah, think about it for a bit no? There's no indication that there's any higher power out there other than what people tell you. It's all bs. I'm 98% sure that when we die we're just dead, and the other 2% is reincarnation, cause that would be sweet.
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Post by iohkus »

well in a way we are reincarnated, our bodies decompse and become dust eventually, just another small part of the earth, we just don't exist in a sentient/mental way? but we'll always be around as an atom or maggot crap or fertilizer
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Post by Slave_Master »

I believe that while it is entirely plausible that some all-powerful being created the universe/human race/etc I don't have to worship it, so that makes me atheist?
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Post by iohkus »

no that makes you normal

wtf should we believe in god even if he does exist? is he such a selfish prick that he'll damn us all to hell if we don't believe in him? if that were the case then he is a fucking prick and created earth just for kicks

you lose nothing in not believing, if god isn't a prick then he'll love everyone equally? omg fuck this
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Post by Slave_Master »

I really don't like wasting my time cogitating the validity of some Middle Eastern nomad's quite possibly drug-induced ramblings that someone happened to write down.
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Post by The Gaijin »

Ah yes, the old "HUR HUR HUR BELIEVING THINGS IS FOR FAGS" rule. I can understand people get pissed off when Christians and radicals throw their beliefs in your face, but think of it this way: how do you think they like having your lack of belief being thrown in their face? How'd you like it if you believed the sky was blue, and everyone called you an ignorant shithead because the sky obviously doesn't exist and you're just a moron who needs to believe in some sort of bullshit sky to cope with reality. And no, there isn't any conclusive proof a god or THE God exists: the idea is faith. You believe things scientists tell you about atoms even though you've probably never seen one, they believe things about a God they've never seen. At this point I should mention I'm not religious in any way, shape or form, but I believe very strongly in the idea that as long as it doesn't hurt anybody you can believe whatever the fuck you want and not have a single person tell you otherwise. Yes, I've had assholes telling me I'll writhe in hellfire for being an agnostic; those people can go fuck themselves. But blanket statements like "Christians are shitheads" are just blatant cries for someone to get pissed off and start an argument.

In short: who cares? Discussing religion is a flame waiting to happen.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I don't throw my views on other people...I'm just ranting here. There has never been a time in my life that I've tried to convert people....Christians have a MISSION to convert people. It's fucking insane. As for blanket statements...Christians are full of them, too...I've been told I'm going to hell because I don't believe in God...I'm going to hell because I have sex...I'm going to hell because I masturbate...Those are blanket statements...Do you know anyone who doesn't masturbate? If they say they don't, they're damn dirty liars with an unhealthy view of their bodies. (Other than young children...But after puberty...It's self-love time).

The reason I got worked up about this today is not only because of the post in another group, but also, some Christian dicks came to my door at 7AM...."Have you found Jesus?" I didn't even bother..I told them to leave, that I had better things to do than listen to them...They told me I was going to go to Hell if I didn't have Jesus in my life..I told them to fuck off before I got my gun. They started cussing me out...So I got the gun....They got the point...They left...And I was pissed off.

Also...SlaveMaster...That'd make you an Agnostic, not an Atheist..Atheists don't believe in any type of religion/gods/spirits/demons/etc. If you think there's something out there, but you don't worship with a given religion, you'd be an Agnostic.

And Agnostics are not hypocritical....What's there to be hypocritical about? There's no rules to being an Agnostic...You believe in a higher power..You don't follow a bible, so there are no sins...You do what you want, you don't worship if you don't want to...You're the average Joe.
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Post by The Gaijin »

Understandable--but when you start throwing blanket statements around you're as bad as those door-trolling sons of bitches. I don't know, I get sick of people forcing their beliefs on me, sure, but I get JUST as sick of "badasses" walking around trying to piss people off by saying "GOD DOESN'T EXIST" and "THE DEVIL ROCKS" and while I understand that's nowhere near what you're trying to say, it comes from the same vein: an extreme in response to an extreme.

And if anyone comes to my door before noon I make it a point to show up as naked as possible without being sued and throw things at them until they leave. Fuckers.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

There SHOULD be a "nekkid before noon when answering the door to bible-bangers" rule ( should be mandatory). I think it's a good idea...I've gone to the door covered in katsup with a bowie knife....I've answered the door stark raving nekkid with my girlfriend stark raving nekkid and invited them in for tea. One time I pissed on some dude's shoes.

This morning, however, I'm just getting over pneumonia....again....So I'm not in the best of health, and I didn't want to fuck around. I've missed four days of work and two days of classes...
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Re: Religious Opinions (Again)

Post by Calal »

requiem_for_a_starfury wrote:I'm an atheist, I don't congregate with others, I don't cower in fear of the night, I don't care what others believe as long as they keep it to themselves. The meeting you went to sounds more like an American thing rather than an Athiest thing, I've never come across anything like that over here.

The reason that the belief in a higher power has kept going all these centuries is because it's an easy way for a few to control the many. Plus alot of weak minded people religious or Agnostic need the emotional crutch of the belief in a higher power, be it be gods or aliens. What's that quote, religion is the opiate of the masses.
I feel the same way about it. I never heard of those congregations around here neither, but maybe that' s because I don' t go looking for them.

Most of my friends consider themselves to be atheists too. Some time ago we came to the conclusion that despite we believe that religion is utter bs it still is one of the cornerstones on which we founded our civilisation as humankind, a fact that can' t be ignored. Early man didn' t understand it' s surroundings, leading to fear which in turn leads to appeasing those very same things they fear and thus bringing hope. And unless people don' t start to realise that they themselves are the only ones that they can depend on, and that all hope and actions should come from within themselves, the majority of the human race will always depend on religion.

On Budhism: it ain' t a religion but a way of life, a philosopy. Budha is not being 'worshipped' as a god but as an illuminated human.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

On Budhism: it ain' t a religion but a way of life, a philosopy. Budha is not being 'worshipped' as a god but as an illuminated human.
I understand that...I didn't mean to imply it was. That was just a rant I threw together in a few minutes, and I didn't clarify some things. I guess I threw it in there because Buddhism has many many followers, and though there is no god to worship, it's got a straightforward goal...Which is what religion should be in the first place.

The basic tenets of Buddhism: nothing is fixed or permanent; actions have consequences; change is possible. It teaches practical methods (such as meditation) which enable people to realise and utilise its teachings in order to transform their experience, to be fully responsible for their lives and to develop the qualities of Wisdom and Compassion.

There are over 360 million buddhists followers from all parts of the world. They follow many different forms of Buddhism, but all traditions are characterised by non-violence, lack of dogma, tolerance of differences, and, usually, by the practice of meditation.

Now I can tolerate me some differences, but I can't tolerate 7AM wakeup calls from some snot-nosed jerks pushing bibles on me.
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Post by The Gaijin »

Eh, I understand: sick, pissed off, rant rant rant. It just irks me when people complain about having beliefs pressed on them only to behave in the exact same fashion--since I fall right in the middle (being an agnostic means never having to make up your mind) both sides equally sound like assholes and morons. But yes, fuck Jehovah's Witnesses. If being one of God's Chosen means having to go door to door throwing Watchtowers in someone's face then I PREFER HELLFIRE.
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Post by Slave_Master »

Haha, I love the Jehovah's Witnesses. Back when I used to be Christian, even though I lived basically in the middle of nowhere, they bothered me about every other weekend. Since I knew a shitload about the Bible, and the Witnesses have a few beliefs that are contrary to the Infallible Word of God, I yanked out a Bible and slamdunked them around a bit, then asked them to leave.

Now I just tell them to piss off.
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Post by requiem_for_a_starfury »

There's a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses who live in one of the downstairs flats in my block. It's the first time in years I've not had a pair come knocking on the door each month.
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