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The Perfect Mod Idea

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 7:06 am
by toughguy112
The perfect mod whould be set 13 years after fallout 2 and the survivors of the Enclave have regrouped at Navaro, and the town the vault dwellers and the tribals founded is constantly under attack by a super mutant army that is secretly making new super mutants from tech at the Glow.
The player whould have to stop the Enclave from what ever evil their up to and kill the super muntant leader and source. :idea: [/img]

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 5:46 pm
by Ozrat

That would fit so well into the Fallout canon universe! Why didn't we think of that one before!

I mean, it's not like the Super Mutant army or the Enclave were virtually demolished! Or the fact that they don't associate with each other! Or that they have nothing better to do than attack a tribal village for no apparent reason instead of raiding a town/city that has some worthwhile resources in it! Or the fact that Super Mutants are made from the FEV vats rather than super computers found at The Glow!

I just loved the [/img] tag at the end of your message too. How'd that ever get there?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 5:55 pm
by Kashluk
Feel free to contribute.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 6:48 pm
by ColJack
that's more or less the story that the mod we started is.. i've since left the mod for personal reasons, but it's still going on.. visit my site which is still home to the screenshots for now, but will be changing soon, details on the site...

but we set it 30 years after fallout 2, so that your character can be the decendent of the chosen one.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 7:05 pm
by ColJack
Ozrat wrote:
I mean, it's not like the Super Mutant army or the Enclave were virtually demolished!
The base at Navarro wasn't destroyed by the nuke at the oil rig.. and needn't have been the only outpost on the mainland..

Since Super Mutants survived into Fallout 2, and given the storyline in Broken Hills, then it stands to reason that the Super Mutants might want to contine as a race and be looking for a way to boost their numbers..
Ozrat wrote: Or the fact that they don't associate with each other!
He doesent say that they are in cahoots, just that they are both still around.
Ozrat wrote:
they have nothing better to do than attack a tribal village for no apparent reason instead of raiding a town/city that has some worthwhile resources in it!
Since the survivors included the Vault 13 inhabitants as well as the Arroyo villagers then why would it be a tribal village.. it could be something allong the lines of Vault city? which would make quite a tempting place to raid.. ( not to mention a good source of nearly pure-blood humans for the dipping process.. )
Ozrat wrote:
Or the fact that Super Mutants are made from the FEV vats rather than super computers found at The Glow!
and where was the FEV virus made in the first place..??? The Glow... so it stands to reason that there might be stores of the virus still there, not to mention data in the computers and the needed equipment to make more or better versions of it..

Just because his idea doesn't fit perfectly into YOUR personal interpretations of what happened after the credits rolled does not make it an invalid continuation of the story..

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:29 am
by Nightkin244
there is a fair chance that a tidal wave could damage Navarro. Besides, The People of Navarro probably wouldn't associate w/ Salvatore after his death, which would be less than 13 years. I think If Navarro techs etc didn't die they would disband and pillage the base for any stuff to sell to buy food and such.

Not of Enclave was "evil" some were just normal people drafted for the war listening to their supervisors and doing what they said. I think most would be like "the presidents dead i'm outta here."

On the original topic the Chosen one could have 2 GECKS(logically he would) and the SM's wanted the 1 they didn't use. and didn't work trading for it and were gonna take it by means of force.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 7:45 am
by Kashluk
Enclave = Nazis. We were just following orders.

Look at them now :)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:40 pm
by ColJack
enclave = america's armed forces you div.... and is the same for all official armies... 1 top guy gives the orders.. the rest do what they are told..

it just so happens that apparently, the British armed forces seem to be under the control of President Bush too... i guess Tony Blair must be one of his generals on the side... bloody idiot..

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:46 pm
by Kashluk
Both the nazis and enclave ended up like shit, how about this new world power? :D Bleh, jokes aside.