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A Bit More Art

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:02 am
by SuperH
Meh, this is hardly fan art, but I've seen some other non-fallouty things in here before, and a few of you expressed interest in my drawings so anyone else can stfu.


A bit of a departure from my regular alien creature thing, although the same style as far as I can tell. Actually merges a couple things together -
Photo manip, because I started off with a photo of myself, and my sketching. I added the circuitry or whatever that is for mood, because that's the kinda stuff I like, and I'm in a fucking bad mood so that's why there's black running from temple to temple.

And of course the blood. Symbolizes something, I guess. :P

I'd say that out of everything I've done, this creeps me out the most heh.