Fallout Enforcer sucks says Telefragged

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Fallout Enforcer sucks says Telefragged

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[ -> Review]</strong>

...And if anyone knows sucking, it's <A href="http://www.telefragged.com/">Telefragged</a>. But anyway, they wrote a <A href="http://www.telefragged.com/reviews/fbos ... >review</a> of the game, so I figured I'd post about it. Here's a good clip:
<br><blockquote>You'll also pick up plenty of weapons and armor, as well as bullets - yep, this game has the annoyance of requiring you to pick up and buy multiple types of ammo depending on what gun you're using. For what's supposed to be a simplified hack and slash game, this is just a nuisance. But it's more than just that, though; the action, when we get right down to it, is just not satisfying to experience. The combat feels a bit disjointed, and without a block button, it's all button mashing and only a little finesse. For this reason, the game winds up being a bore rather than a joy to play. Even though it shares so much in common with BG:DA, it lacks the most important thing: fun. </blockquote>
<br>What's funny is later on in this thing, the author says the swearing fits the atmosphere. Like I said, <A href="http://www.telefragged.com">Telefragged</a> knows sucking.
<br>Spotted at <A href="Http://www.nma-fallout.com">NMA</a>.
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Post by Red »

I think this game kicks ass! Just like FOBOS!


Ones to wonder though who made the most profit out of the investment of devloping those respective games.

To be noted about the GameShit article it's quite obvious the guy was trying to "find" all possible good points as not to give it a "bad" review...
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Post by CloudNineGT »

Haha. I like this part...
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