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Project: Reading Rainbow
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:07 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
This is a project for my Children's Literature Methods class. It's a flash cartoon of Shel Silverstein's
Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros?.
It's by no means done..I'm up to page 3. And as yet, I have no compression on the audio, so this file is pretty large (2.4MB). Then again, I'm going to be turning this into a DivX AVI file to play from my laptop to a TV for my presentation, so I probably won't do any compression at all.
I just thought you guys might get a kick out of my soundtrack.
Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros?
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 8:44 pm
by Neon Dingo
I like the "Kiss to Build a Dream On" whistling music!
Did you just use a cheap microphone?
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:22 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
Yeah...All I can afford is the cheap stuff. Especially the software...Can't get any cheaper than...ehrm...not supposed to talk about that stuff here.
Anyone know how to stop the thing from constantly looping? Not the music...I mean the actual file. I don't want it to keep starting over when it gets to the end.
This is my first time to use flash in about 5 years, so I'm lost with this new software. I'm actually making this in Swish 2.0.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:31 pm
by Kashluk
Uncheck the 'Loop'-option? There should be some kind of a replay-value hidden somewhere out there...
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:41 pm
by Megatron
did you do it all by yourself (even the WHO WANTS A CHEAP RHINOSRUS BY SHEL FRANKENSTEIN"
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:44 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
Nah, the book is a real book. We're supposed to be teaching a lesson, starting with reading a book, then doing activities. My prof really likes people to use technology, and I really enjoy not standing in front of a bunch of 20-somthing year olds and reading children's books to them. So I scanned the book, and I'm animating it (sort of) in Swish 2.0...
Trying for the Reading Rainbow look...Even if it sucks, I'm still going to kick everyone else's asses because I'm mad cool.
I think the best part is the sound effects I'm doing...The crash from the door is a box with some batteries in it being dropped on my keyboard. Eating the report card is me chewing on a spit-ball....I've got a hammer noise and a saw, and a few other things I've thrown together real quick.
But I gotta admit, I dig the whistley Kiss To Build a Dream On...I was going to use a quick piano riff I came up with, but I like the whistle better.
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:23 pm
by atoga
I loved Shel Silverstein when I was a kid. He's an okay poet, but I just loved his drawings. I haven't read the title you're mentioning, though, but your flash of it looks good. Fine job Drinker.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:02 am
by CloudNineGT
Looks very nice, and though I know very little about swish, in flash you create a frame that has a stop command in it, often with a replay button. Just look for something like that, or like Kashluk said, some sort of no loop button.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 5:44 am
by ExtremeDrinker
I found the "Stop" action finally.
Anyhow, the link above is now the complete reading. The audio isn't compressed, and the images are not compressed.
The book is a 14MB Flash file, and a 3.05GB AVI (Uncompressed)
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:08 am
by CloudNineGT
Cute. A bit lengthy, but that’s the authors problem, not yours. Is the whistling supposed to go on forever?
Anyway, A+
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:31 am
by ExtremeDrinker
Yeah....I wanted the whistling to run all the way through the video...Don't know how to turn it off during the real music at the end, though.
Annoying, isn't it? Heh.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:51 am
by iohkus
that shit was too long dude, i was just waiting for the ryno to blow up with blood and shit and like "who wants a dead rhynicores?"
but like nice whistling and reading and aminintmatioing i like how it keeps whistling after the shits done IT'S LIKE YOU ARE SUPER WHISTLER MAN WAHt.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:46 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
I fixed a few more bugs, and cut the whistling at the end. I'm fairly satisfied with how it turned out. I also made it into a projector file so it doesn't get distorted by the browser.
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:58 pm
by Megatron
you should have read it all out in the pirate voice
it was good though matey, reminded me of DAYS GONE BY
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 5:08 am
by ExtremeDrinker
I showed it to a third grader I'm tutoring. He didn't believe it was my voice, and he didn't believe I made that video. Then he called me stupid and started speaking Spanish at me.
I kicked his ass.
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 2:01 pm
by Pope Viper
Good job, I like your voice-over work, only thing I saw/heard when viewing it was when you started rolling credits, Louis seems to be a bit blasting, as compared to the rest of the audio.
Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 8:05 pm
by ExtremeDrinker
Yeah..My hard drive pooped out last night, so I'm going to be starting fresh...This time with vector images rather than big-assed JPG files...It'll be prettier and smaller...And I noticed the Louis thing when I played it from my laptop.