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Changing a creature's name

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:09 am
by SpellTrap
I want to change an existing creature's name on the map, but when I select it, go to the editting menu, and click the NAME box, nothing happens. I mean, what if I want to call a guy in advanced power armor something other than "enclave patrol"?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 10:00 am
by SDMVersion3
Follow cojacks tutorial on editting prototypes.

Hang on, I have it on my comp...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 10:02 am
by SDMVersion3
Making Prototypes.
By: ColJack
I'm not going to go into the details of making frm's here, just prototype editing.
This was how I was told to do it by Red! and it works fine for me, so I'm writing this
tutorial because Red! doesn't want to.
In the following description, fallout2\ shall mean the fallout 2 game directory.
For the following to work, you must remove or re-name the patch000.dat file since it
overrides anything in the data directory.
1. Place the frm's you want to turn into a prototype into the relevant folder, ie.
fallout2\data\art\critters or fallout2\data\art\scenery and so on.
2. Extract the .lst file for the artwork folder you are adding to ( using a suitable dat
unpacker such as datmanlite ) and edit it to contain the name of the frm you are adding (
or group for critters.. ) so you would end up with critters.lst in the fallout2\data\art\critters
folder, and so on.
3. Make the following directories in the C:\ folder ( alter to the drive letter that fallout 2 is
installed on.. ):
" " " \scenery
" " " \items
" " " \misc
" " " \tiles
" " " \walls
leave them empty.. you do not need to do anything else with them..
4. Make the following directories in the fallout2\data folder ( if they don't already exist.. )
they do not need to contain anything.. this is where the new or edited prototypes will be
5. Edit the mapper2.cfg file so that the line that says: "librarian=0" reads "librarian=1".
6. Save the mapper2.cfg Duh!!
7. Start the editor.
8. Now you can edit existing prototypes, just select the one you want to edit from it's
selector bar, and click on edit.. a screen will pop up with the proto's properties on it..
When you click done, it saves the proto automatically.. If you get a "can't save proto's
from here" message, then you did something from points 1-7 wrong..
9. To make a new prototype, go to the end of the correct selector bar ( ie critters selector
for a new critter, tiles selector for tiles.. ) and click on the blank slot at the end of the list.
10. Click edit and a window will pop open with the default prototype settings in it..
In the top right corner will be a picture with scroll arrows beneath it.. use the scroll
arrows to find the artwork for your new proto.
ATTENTION!! There is a known problem with versions of fallout that do not have the
children, the critters artwork selector will not scroll past a man in blue- grey robes,
because the next artwork in the list should be one of the children.
To remedy this, get the kids patch ( available from NMA and DAC ) and unzip the frm's
to the fallout2\data\art\critters folder.
The Kids patch does not alter anything in the game, it just puts the kids artwork back in.
11. If it's a new tile, that is all you need to do.. click on done and it should be made.. a
new numbered .pro file should have been created in the fallout2\data\proto\tiles folder,
and a tiles.lst file in the same folder.
12. For new scenery, you can set things like whether it is a door, stairs etc, as well as
flags for thing like transparency, whether it is flat on the ground ( like rugs and blood
stains ), whether you bend down to use it, or whether you can use it in the first place..
13. For critters, you set things like damage resistance and AI packets ( the default
behaviour.. )
14. I have been told that the game likes to delete the files in the fallout2\data\proto folder,
so make any new proto's you make read only..
(I have not experienced this, I have started Fallout 2 many times and it never deleted
them.. maybe because I do not use the patch000.dat )

You could always rename it with a script, but this works too.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:51 pm
by SpellTrap
I've already done all that, but it still won't let me edit the name. :ashamed:

Just to be clear here, I'm not trying to edit the default prototypes in the critter selector bar; I just want to edit an instance of a critter that's already out on the map. Or is this not possible, in which case I'd have to temporarily edit a prototype? I mean, there's no Drill Sergeant prototype, but there's a critter at Navarro called Drill Sergeant.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:06 am
by Temaperacl
To edit the name that appears when you hover/examine, you have to edit the approriate line in the proper .MSG file in /text/*/dialog/ (for example, ccdrill.msg). To alter the name field (As displayed in the Edit window in the Editor), alter the appropriate line in \text\english\game\scrname.msg corresponding to the script file for that critter. (for example {818} for the Drill Seargant []).

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:10 pm
by SpellTrap
Temaperacl wrote:To edit the name that appears when you hover/examine, you have to edit the approriate line in the proper .MSG file in /text/*/dialog/ (for example, ccdrill.msg). To alter the name field (As displayed in the Edit window in the Editor), alter the appropriate line in \text\english\game\scrname.msg corresponding to the script file for that critter. (for example {818} for the Drill Seargant []).
Makes sense. It didn't take affect until after I specified the script, saved the map, and reloaded, though.

Here's another prototype question: how do I place dead bodies? Like the ones in Klamath canyon.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:32 pm
by Temaperacl
SpellTrap wrote: Here's another prototype question: how do I place dead bodies? Like the ones in Klamath canyon.
The 'k' key will kill a creature and SHIFT+k will kill and let you pick how it died.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:39 pm
by SpellTrap
Temaperacl wrote:
SpellTrap wrote: Here's another prototype question: how do I place dead bodies? Like the ones in Klamath canyon.
The 'k' key will kill a creature and SHIFT+k will kill and let you pick how it died.
Coolness! THanks!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:18 am
by SDMVersion3
If you don't like how he died, K will bring him back to life and refund his family the cost of his funeral.

Oh, and...
You could always rename it with a script, but this works too.
For dead bodies to stick around, theres a flag in twon scripts I think. I'm not a scripting guy, but I think there is one. I dunno... ~_~

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 3:23 am
by SpellTrap
SDMVersion3 wrote:For dead bodies to stick around, theres a flag in twon scripts I think. I'm not a scripting guy, but I think there is one. I dunno... ~_~
I think it's in CITYS.TXT

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:33 pm
by SDMVersion3

I just checked it and it's not listed. Doesn't mean it's n ot there, as a var, but it's not in the header, so I dunno.

I'm not that skilled foxing with scripts, so you're on your own.