Interplay might get kicked to the curb

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Interplay might get kicked to the curb

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

<strong>[Company -> Update]</strong>

There's a <A href=" ... tml">funny news item</a> over at <A href="">GameSpot</a> about <A href="">Interplay</a> not paying rent for their corporate offices and they're now facing possible eviction from said offices. Here's part of the fun:
<br><blockquote>Given the amount of money involved, it's not surprising that legal papers have already been served. "On April 9, 2004, the Company's lessor served it with a Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Surrender Possession," continued the 8-K filing. "If the Company is unable to pay its rent, it may lose its office space, which would interrupt operations and cause substantial harm to business." With Interplay's ambitious schedule of upcoming releases--which include Kingpin and Descent sequels and a console game based on Fallout--a forced move of its 113 employees would be inconvenient, to say the least. </blockquote>
<br>Can you develop games out of shopping carts? Stay tuned and find out!
<br>Thanks, <b>DIPThong</b>!
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Post by Serbaside »

I don't keep up with this kind of news much so...
What is this?
a console game based on fallout
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Post by airsoft guy »

Serbaside wrote:I don't keep up with this kind of news much so...
What is this?
a console game based on fallout
They are probably talking about that shit-stain game FOBOS, but it's been out for a while so maybe they're working on a second installment, which would make quite a few people go berserk.
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Re: Interplay might get kicked to the curb

Post by Dan_Wood »

Saint_Proverbius wrote: Can you develop games out of shopping carts? Stay tuned and find out!
Yes. Proof being the entire collection of Dreamweaver and Red Orb produced low-budget 'puzzle' games.
Dan Wood

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Post by DJ Slamák »

You mean we might finally see Typing with Dogmeat?
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